
中國學 KCI 등재 중국학 Chinese Studies

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제46집 (2013년 12월) 18

2013.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
中国的韵书一般按照调、韵、声三个层次排列字序,字书按照部首编排 汉字,许慎≪说文解字≫把9353个字按540部首编排,明代梅膺祚≪字汇≫ 将部首减为214部,明确提出‘论其形不论其义’的原则。 韩国也按照中国的字序法编纂韵书和字书,可是,韩国自己创造表音文 字‘训民正音’后,开始应用‘训民正音’的字母次序排列汉字编韵书和字书,独 创了用表音符号排列汉字的字序法。 中国出版的普通话词典一般都先按照汉语拼音字母序排列,相同拼音字 母的字,先按笔画归类,相同笔画再按起笔笔顺集中,第一笔相同则比较第 二笔、第三笔……依此类推,排列出汉字的先后顺序。虽然这种检字法原理 比较简单,易学易检,但繁简字体的差异和各人书写习惯不同,以及每一笔 画汉字数量极为悬殊,给检索带来一定困难。尤其是外国人因不熟悉汉字结 构,掌握笔画、笔形、笔顺是不太习惯,给检索带来有点困难。因此,日本 和韩国的普通话词典一般都采用把同音字的内部字里带有字形结构上包有如 部件、声符、字素等共同因素的字集中安排的字序法。 一般韩国人对汉字的结构理解度不高,检索同时算笔画、部首次第感到 非常繁琐。因此一般学生比较习惯于不算笔画、部首等,直接从头到尾按序 查阅。另一方,一般文字生活中,检索超过常用字范围以上字的机会是比较 少的。因此,收录字选择≪现代汉语常用字表≫为A级,≪现代汉语通用字 表≫为B级,≪GB13000.1 字符集≫为C级,其他字为D级,每同音字下, 先按照这些等级排列,再按笔画排列,让一般读者快速查到索要检索的字。
2013.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The core of dictionary compilation model is the using of terms. Such are all subjects to be studied in the process of further research into ancient Chinese Japanese and Korean Character Dictionaries as origin research of compilation terms, comparison between extension and connotation, analysis of signifier and signified and frequency and so on. Because the terms in them involve rich experience with compiling a dictionary and information on using, communication and identification of characters. So they have become rare research material today. Research into compilation terms in ancient Chinese Japanese and Korean Characters Dictionaries from the perspective of the Chinese character cultural circle would provide a solid foundation for studying Chinese modern character history and character communication history.
2013.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Tandem学习法指的是两个不同母语的学习者通过自主地交流来学习对 方的语言和文化等。通过Tandem学习法,学习者不仅能够提高自身的语言 交流能力,而且还可以锻炼自主学习能力、跨文化交际能力以及协助能力 等。它是一种建立在自主学习、跨文化学习和伙伴关系基础上的学习方法。 因此,这种学习法跟自主学习和合作学习理论有密切关系。 本文通过研究自主学习与合作学习的相关理论,借助问卷,调查Tandem 学习者的自主学习能力和同伴评价结果中汉语、韩国语学习的情况,并对问 卷调查结果进行分析和讨论,从而提出改进Tandem学习法的评价模式和方 法。Tandem学习的评价不同于传统的教学评价,像合作学习的评价模式一 样,Tandem学习的评价模式以促进每一个学生的发展为目的,强化小组成 员的积极行为,并为小组合作学习成功提供手段。 本文探讨Tandem课程中同伴评价对学习者的自主学习能力以及汉语、 韩国语学习能力所起的作用。研究结果表明,在使用汉语-韩国语Tandem 课程中,同伴评价对学生的汉语、韩语学习能力影响最大。因此,注重探讨 同伴评价在汉语-韩国语Tandem课程中的可行性和有效性,也发现同伴评 价结果和教师结果的一致性。因此只要设计合理、操作严谨,汉语-韩国语 Tandem课程中的同伴评价可以作为一种有效地评价方式,融入到Tandem 学习法和其他合作学习中,促进学生的外语学习。
2013.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
一般來說,老子被稱之爲道家思想之始祖,也通常與莊子並列爲老莊思 想的代表人物。老子思想之樞紐可說爲自然無爲,而這些自然無爲的含義被 認爲是離開混亂的世俗而歸於自然,甚至被擴大到通過調和陰陽道理,最終 追求長壽的黃老思想。那麽與其他諸子學一同,老子唯一著作≪道德經≫的 著述意圖也算屬於“理解”和“說服”的修辭學範疇。因爲老子通過≪道德經 ≫,打算將自己的價值觀宣傳給別人的關系。因此,本人從修辭學的觀點出 發試圖接近≪道德經≫,此過程中卻發現了至今在韓國及中國出版的譯本與 ≪道德經≫的真意向背而馳。本人根據王弼的版本重新開始翻譯了≪道德經 ≫,尤其著重於第38章的內容集中分析了。現在我們具體探討一下,到底老子通過≪道德經≫想要說明的內容所在。
2013.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
综上, 本文以明清时期的曲理学家沈宠绥的切法理论、徐大椿的曲唱理 论作为理论依据,将敦煌民间辭<菩萨蛮>“千般愿”词加以‘乐音化’, 用节奏 与旋律考查了其“起调、过片、毕曲”有机联系。 为便于论述, 本文将此曲的词调假定为2/4拍,并用西洋乐谱的两小节 形式, 对论述的要义进行前后揆度。其结果,由此推衍出如下结论。 1.起调:首先节奏循环较频,停顿是用轻快的外向型单步调节奏收尾, 从而使‘起调’部分突出强调了极富生气与活力的活泼性。旋律中同样呈现出 坚韧和蓬勃的气势。起调词“枕前发尽千般愿”中作者向上苍发出的强烈的爱 情誓愿, 同时这也生动地体现在了节奏与旋律之中。所以我们可以感受到作 者向上苍发出的所求, 以及发出所求时的气势都是积极大胆的。 2.过片:不到白昼同时出现西沉的‘参星’和东升的‘辰星’, 绝不中断这爱情 誓愿的“白日-参辰现”中, 旋律的首句(白日)节奏比起调“枕前发尽千般愿”的 首句(枕前发尽)节奏减缓的一个节拍, 但此句(白日)的旋律反而依旧轻快活 泼,这是由于‘过片’作为下篇新的开头, 它用‘字音’‘字声’的‘乐音化’强调了这 一点。过片次句与起调(千般-愿)的旋律一样,过片次句(参辰-现)着重强调 了起始的乐音同样具有强而有力的气势。不仅如此,由于同前篇的毕曲“黄 河–彻底枯”节奏相一致, 可以看出‘过片’是与前篇有机相联的曲调。但从旋 律的角度对两者‘辅音’与‘辅声乐音化’进行分析, 发现了两者旋律形态上的差 异, 前者具有‘毕曲’的形态特征,后者具有另行开头的‘起调’形态特征。 3.毕曲:最后考查了前篇毕曲(黄河–彻底枯)与下篇毕曲(三更–见日 头)的异同。节奏循环次数相同, 但单位音步的不同,使节奏产生差异。即前 篇毕曲旋律的首句(黄河)具有不失和煦的庄严, 次句(彻底枯)急促中携有楚 楚可怜的旋律,让思念的忧思变得幽怨深长, 用这样的‘言外之音’犹言毕曲 欲诉却尚未完了的情愫。但在下篇毕曲中跳过首句(三更)里所含有的几丝寒 意, 次句(见–日头)反而制造出在激情万丈里蓦然停住脚步的旋律。
2013.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Toegye is a moralist representing Joseon Dynasty. He has written around two thousand poems. He has written around two thousand poems. His poetry was largely influenced by Tao Yan Ming and Du Fu, and also took advantage of various masters including Li Bai, Bai Ju-I and Su Shi. In his later years, he liked the poetry of Zhu Xi very much. In this paper, it was tried to study the poetry of Teogye and Li Bai. Toegye and Li Bai have tendencies contrary to each other. Looking at the ≪Memoirs of Toegye≫ recorded by the literary students, the appearance of Toegye is a group of ideal images of a moralist including "serenity, purity, upright, solemn, organised and meditating". In this study, as a result of analysing the poetry of Toegye in the image of "spirits, Zhuang-Zhi and Taoist hermit", it was found that: he presented spirits and friends when he felt the wall of reality; admired the world of Taoist hermits when the country was agitated and put in the image of Zhuang-Zhi when he wanted to live in seclusion. By analysing such poetry writing pattern of Toegye, Toegye did not simply borrow or copy lines of Li Bai, but rather left some great works that are not second to Li Bai with some of this works. Additionally, it was possible to peek into another humanity of his that was not found in the moralist Teogye.
2013.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
沈從文的≪月下小景≫有八篇佛敎故事小說, 這是以≪法苑珠林≫裏的 故事開寫而成的再創作作品。除了少數例外, 這些再創作作品與原來的故事 之間有明顯的一對一相應關係。因此若對於這兩批作品進行比較考察, 可以 深一層了解沈從文作品的特徵及其意義。進行考察之前, 我們必須注意這兩 批作品有一種形式上的共通點, 卽框架結構。框架小說以開端部分, 主體部 分--中心故事, 結尾部分構成。已往的≪月下小景≫與≪法苑珠林≫比較硏 究, 主要考察主體部分內容上的影響關係, 而此文集中考察, 開端部分與結 尾部分的異同關係及其意義。我們可以發現, 開端部分與結尾部分裏有沈從 文的濃厚創意。以框架結構來看, 因爲有開端部分與結尾部分的邊框, ≪法 苑珠林≫的中心故事不再發生事情。與此相反≪月下小景≫的中心故事, 有 了開端部分與結尾部分的作用, 却發生現實故事。再說≪法苑珠林≫的故事與現實之間有分明的界限, 不能互相越界, 而≪月下小景≫的故事與現實經 常互相干涉。 擧其大約特徵如下。 首先擧開端部分的特徵。 一、與≪法苑珠林≫不同, ≪月下小景≫的故事有連結文章。沈從文要 用這連結文章來作成一個完整統一的作品。 二、≪月下小景≫的開端部分有一段文章, 槪觀中心故事的主題意識, 不難發現抽象概念。想來沈從文要通過這些文章, 積極表現自己的現實意 識。 三、開端部分具體描寫說話者的容貌與現場的環境, 有了這一部分, 框 架內部的中心故事與現實之間的境界部分潰决, 結果兩者之間互相流通。 下面擧結尾部分的特徵。 一、通過結尾部分, 故事沒完淸, 暗示再開始新的故事。 內部故事向現 實這一方渗透出來, 發動新故事的開始。 二、因結尾部分的作用, 框架結構裏外不定, 避脫單純結構。 三、結尾部分表示, 旅行的終極目的不能完成, 只是呈顯出人生實地。 四、結尾部分有濃厚的諷刺成分。沈從文的諷刺雙向或多層批判的態 度。旣諷刺自己也諷刺對象。
2013.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
1950年6月25日,韩国战争的爆发是一个不仅影响到朝鲜半岛和东亚的 国际政治形势,而且还影响到全世界冷战格局形成的大事件。这场战争的爆 发对刚建立不久的新中国来说是一个重大的突发事件,当时,新中国成立还 不到一年,初生的共和国面临的形势依然相当严峻,还存在着很多困难。经 过了多年战争之后,人民刚刚得到和平和稳定,国家刚开始进入经济的全面 恢复时期。如此的情况下,对美国作战,除了物质上的消耗以外,还得考虑 美国向中国大陆宣战的可能性: 韩国战争刚爆发不久美国军事就已经介入台 湾海峡,新中国不可避免地使自己站到了美国的对立面。中国共产党作出" 抗美援朝,保家卫国"的决策,中共开展了一场全国范围的群众运动,这就 是"抗美援朝运动"。≪人民日报≫作为中国共产党的党报,1950年6月至 1953年完全投入了"抗美援朝运动"的宣传,还扮演了领导的角色。韩国战争 和"抗美援朝运动"对50年代初期中国诗歌创作也产生了广泛的影响。"抗美 援朝运动"要求文学界积极参与,在1950年下半年至1953年之间,这一运动 成为了诗歌创作的最重要主题。在"这一伟大的主题"下,产生了大量的"抗 美援朝诗歌"。 本文将探讨韩国战争时期中国的"抗美援朝运动"的发展和"抗美援朝诗 歌"的产生之间的关系。再说这也就是考察韩国战争时期中国诗歌创作和政 治之间的特殊关系的一个过程。因此作为中共党报的≪人民日报≫和它的副 刊所发表的诗歌为这一研究课题可以提供比较有效的资料。
2013.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
在中國文學史上, 1949~1966年其間內的文學稱爲“十七年文學”。這時期的中共政府特別强調時代精神和文學藝術的政治服務。因這種國家主導的 政治觀點, 當時文藝從事者大部分主動地或被動地以讚揚、回想、鬪爭的題 材來創作作品。1960年製作的電影≪劉三姐≫也是這種背景之下出現的。 劉三姐故事是廣西壯族的文化遺産, 它具有1,000年以上的歷史, 其內容 包含着壯族少數民族的文化和人情。但是劉三姐故事流轉到現在的過程當 中, 故事內容和人物形象有了不少的變異。其原因可能在後代人的記憶力不 足, 創作慾求的反映, 故意變容等等。但是在蘇里的電影≪劉三姐≫, 變容 的最大原因可以說在時代環境和政治的要求。 新中國初期, 在政治環境上的主要話題是對封建階級的覺醒和反抗精 神。時代正在呼喚着不撓不屈的鬪爭人物和作品題材的時候, 劉三姐故事能 附合于這種要求。 電影≪劉三姐≫裏面的主人公劉三姐人物形象跟以前比起來, 她的英雄 特徵更强調, 鬪爭的程度也更突出。對封建勢力反抗、鬪爭的劉三姐可以說, 是與其淳朴無識的農村姑娘不如革命戰士。我們不能否定這就是‘新中國’初 期, 時代要求的新中國英雄典範劉三姐。蘇里的電影≪劉三姐≫是比其他同 一題材作品現實意義最多反映的藝術作品。
2013.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Mao's awareness about intellectual is very important. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, Mao’s awareness about Chinese intellectuals has influenced their fate. If so, what did Mao’s awareness about Chinese intellectuals come to get change? To do this, we need to study the issues of Mao’s awareness about Chinese intellectuals from 1920’s. In this paper, studied the issues of Mao’s awareness about Chinese intellectuals until Yanan days. Mao's early recognition of the revolutionary movement was very practical, balanced and had recognized. At that times, Mao’s awareness about Chinese intellectuals is as follows: “Intellectuals of Petit bourgeois are very fluctuating political group. Nevertheless, the revolution can not succeed without intellectuals. So we muse welcome the intellectuals to participate in the revolution.” But in 1942 the works of Yanan, their target of criticism was the wrong choice. Literary criticism is the enemy and must be satire. Intellectuals should be to identify the enemy and friend. Mao’s awareness about the intellectuals have changed from practical aspects to absolute principle.
2013.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Since Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe administration came into power, Japan’s relationship with China and Korea has been in severe trouble. At present, the main issue is that the public opinions and politicians should help build steps for compromise, which is the only choice to achieve the “win‐win” goal. Facing the future, the starting point for reconciliation in East Asia should be focused on how to get through the gap between concepts. From China’s perspective, as long as the nightmare of the “Greater East Asia Co‐Prosperity Sphere” is not removed, the shadow of the “China Threat Theory” lingers, and if China can not take on more responsibility in the international community, it is impossible to find a reasonable internal logic for regionalism, the East Asian Community, and the vision of a harmonious world. The analysis and resolution of the historical nightmare of the “Greater East Asia Co‐Prosperity Sphere” might help to warn those bigots in Japan who believe that “there is a reasonable nature in the past colonial rule and war”. Dealing with “China Threat Theory” and “China Responsibility Theory” correctly is an opportunity for China to defend itself as well as to demonstrate its new image to the whole world.
2013.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
According to the statistics of IEA (International Energy Agency), China has the strong dependency on the coal energy. However, the coal energy creates the highest level of CO2 emission among the energy resource. Since 2006, China became the most important CO2 emission country. In order to control the air polution and the CO2 emission, Chinese government is diversifying the energy resource for its economy. After Fukushima incident, Chinese government checked the safety of nuclear facility and suspended the new nuclear power plant construction. This governmental measures were similar to those of Germany. However, Chinese government resumed the new nuclear power plant construction while Germen government turn its nuclear policy into the shutdown. The important role of Chinese governmental nuclear companies is similar to the French situation of nuclear energy development by the Government-owned company. Like the French nuclear company which acquired its nuclear technology from Westinghouse, China introduced and learned the nuclear technology from USA (AP1000) and from France (EPR). Especially, French government and French nuclear company are willing to cooperate with China in the field of nuclear energy. French nuclear company, Areva expect that the over than 50% of potential nuclear energy development in the World will be created in China.
2013.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The Rise of Central China Plan(RCCP) is a policy adopted by the People's Republic of China to accelerate the development of its central regions in 2006. The development of the central region is of strategic importance in China's regional development layout. This paper tries to evaluate the performance of six provinces in the period of 2005—2012 under the RCCP. In result, the effects of the RCCP are clearly visible. All the economic indices including GDP in all six provinces have been rising considerably since the implementation in 2006, and continues to do so. Central China is poised to be the country’s next source of high economic growth. Compared with the growing costs of raw materials, labor and land in the coastal areas, Central China, which boasts a strategic location, cheap labor force, and a rising consumer market, is well on its way to become the economic growth engine of the country.
2013.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
There are various reasons for the phenomenon of "campaign-style governance" in the regulation on Chinese content industry. The first is "path dependence" of traditional regulation; The next is the lag of legal system construction; The third factor lies in the unique design of multiple regulatory system in china. It will be Performance for the fuzzy regulatory power configuration, which not only makes the imbalance of regulatory encouragement and restriction, but also results in the struggle phenomenon of regulatory power. Learning from the successful experience of the western independent regulatory agencies, Chinese government will accelerate the reform in the cultural system. The Chinese regulator of content industry will be based on the horizontal integration, and it is necessary to clarify configuration of the vertical power. It will be eventually pointed to the relatively independent regulator of Chinese content industry, so as to break the vicious circle of "campaign-style governance".
2013.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
China is transforming into a viable market where only those companies which can carry out transparent and competitive management can survive, due to its steeping and strengthening rise of wages and labor management. Pre entered SMEs to Chinese market which has enjoyed the advantage of cheap labor, are in trend of weakening of it competitiveness and appealing difficulty of management activities, where as recent entering SMEs with well preparation and good command of localization strategy are different from its purpose and behavior. In addition, Chinese market entering SMEs are facing fundamental changes within a diminishing deal from domestic financial transactions to the growing financial transactions between the parent company and subsidiaries in local. However, unlike the changes in the Chinese market's business conditions and entering SMEs behavior, domestic financial institutions trying to enter Chinese market are still facing an insufficient basic infrastructure to carry out the local businesses. For a mean time, although there are many obstacles of Chinese market, it is inevitable for domestic financial institutions to strengthen operations of Chinese business in near future in order to support the domestic companies operation in China. However, China a market with opportunities as well as threats, it is recommended to put priority on promoting expansion strategy, but also with a cautions approach.
2013.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
所谓MICE是Me et ing(会议)、Inc ent ive(Travel )奖励旅游、 Convention(国际会议)、Event/Exhibition(展览活动)单词首写字母缩写, 简称MICE。由于产业所带来的巨大利润的驱动,MICE产业在许多国家得 到了大力的扶持和发展。现在,MICE产业被认为是集航空、旅游、接待、 基础设施等多种服务部门的组合。奖励旅游,是由公司或集团旨在奖励工作 出色的员工而开展的一种活动形式,它包括举行会议和休闲活动,主要休闲 形式是观光旅游。大型会议,是行业人员举行的信息交流活动。展览会,是 针对目标市场和人群进行的产品和服务销售的展示。 釜山优越的地理环境, 便利的交通,廉洁高效的政府管理, 高度的自由和 开放, 完善齐备的酒店和会展场馆设施,良好的旅游形象等为MICE产业的发 展创造了得天独厚的条件, 釜山政府具有远见卓识, 积极推行主导型战略, 对MICE产业提供强有力的政策支持和资金扶持, 推行一系列灵活务实的营销策略, 针对市场需求,量身创办展会品牌和努力开拓会奖旅游市场, 更为釜 山MICE产业的发展提供了强大的政策支持和发展动力。 本论文首先介绍MICE产业的定义、概念和现状,然后分析韩国个大城 市和主要国家大城市的MICE产业发展战略。本文还探索MICE产业著名城 市和国家的有效政策、支援措施,介绍MICE机构网上促进活动等案例。最 后论述了为釜山MICE产业的发展如何采用适当的发展战略。
2013.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
After the founding of new China, with the change and development of china’s economy and society, China's child welfare systems are being perfected. The development process of China's child welfare system can be divided into several stages, every stages presented it’s unique characteristics. Although, child welfare system in china still in the early stages now. As regards institutional characteristic, the current China's child welfare system can be perceived as a narrower “complementary welfare”, cannot effectively solve the various problems. Therefore, China urgently needs enact unified law and establish corresponding administrative agencies, In addition, China will be necessary to advocate diversified child welfare concept. So, According to an analysis of the situation of China's child welfare system, this paper will pointing out the problems which existing in its system, And on this basis, proposed policy recommendations.
2013.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료