This paper through the collection of Korean students' actual corpora, analyzes the students' use of modern Chinese classifier, found that students using the classifiers have several characteristics as follows: (1) The use of classifiers are few in number, only a few dozen, far less than the total number of measure words in modern Chinese, the student of primary level and advanced level students in the selection of quantifiers, focused on the classifiers and concrete noun collocation, abstract nouns are not sensitive to; (2) Students universal widely use quantifier "pan", which is used of high frequency, relative frequency is very high; (3) In the example of leakage using classifiers, nearly half were missed using classifiers between the demonstratives pronoun "this" (or "that") and the noun; (4) When students use of classifiers, they do not know what classifier should be used according to the specific language environment, and do not know the correct position of the classifiers, especially the verbal classifiers. Overall the investigation results, the accuracy of senior level students using the classifier was generally better than that of primary level students, but the results also show that senior level students in the learning of new knowledge while forgetting of previously learning, so it prompt teachers, in the teaching, should summarize classifiers using rules, let the student not only studying new classifiers but also reviewing used classifiers. Because the author collected corpus analysis level is limited, finite, cannot say the results of these analyses covers Korean students using quantifiers everything, but I believe that it is a good try, to a certain extent, can reflect the Korean students of modern Chinese classifiers and errors, for future teaching to provide some reference.
For learning foreign language, literature could make an easier and efficient way by offering indirect experience. The study is an attempt to investigate on idioms used in "Hong Lou Meng," the most representative Chinese literature, focusing on not only various features as the results of classification but also the classification process itself, which makes the basis of studies on idioms. In this article, after classifying idiom into Cheng-Yu(成語)ㆍ Su-Yu(俗語) and Xie-Hou-Yu(歇后語), the idioms used in "Hong Lou Meng," were categorized at ≪ Hong Lou Meng Ci Dian≫ by themes and messages. The result of this study is as follows: First, "Hong Lou Meng" shows idioms 120 times and those are classified into three categories; 344 Cheng-Yu(成語), 173 Su-Yu (俗語) and twenty Xie-Hou-Yu(歇后語). Second, the themes of idioms are classified by following criteria; food, clothing, housing, animal, plant, figure, body, tool, number, disease, and etc. “Body” is the most frequently used theme, 45 times, followed by “Number”, 42 times. Third, the messages of idioms are classified into moral lesson, satire, analogy, metaphor and etc. The study shows the author’s ability to make euphemisms, using analogy which generally inherent in idioms. The study also shows various idioms; those which became symbolic over a long period of time, a few contain religious messages, and some derived from ancient events or authentic precedents. The article investigates on various features which were found during the classification process of idioms in “Hong Lou Meng." The investigation make learning Chinese idioms much easier and help understanding culture and tradition in ch’ing dynasty. Furthermore, there would be expected more outcomes and significant results, if a study goes into idioms used in "Hong Lou Meng."
元曉大師는 매우 특이하고도 영향력이 컸던 高僧이었다. 승려의 신분 으로 아이까지 갖고 생활에는 僧俗을 따로 구분하지 않았다. 義湘法師 와 함께 唐으로 유학을 가다가 “三界唯心”임을 깨닫고 중도에서 돌아와 自力으로 깨달음을 얻었고 아울러 經典의 註釋과 佛道에 대한 저술에 힘썼다. 이 논문은 학회발표장소가 中國의 西域(乌鲁木齐)임을 감안하여 大師 의 偉業과 그 특징을 소개하고자 하였다. 특히 三界唯心의 깨달음을 바 탕으로 하여 僧俗을 함께 포용하는 會通의 정신을 살펴보고자 하였다. 元曉大師는 佛國淨土에 ‘眞俗’, ‘邊中’, ‘有無’, ‘是非’ 등의 구분이 없 음을 드러내고자 하면서 여러 종파를 統攝으로 融合하고자 하였다. 大 師의 ≪十门和诤论≫에서 제기된 “和百家之異諍’論은 이러한 배경에서 이루어진 심오한 사상으로 중국에까지 영향을 크게 미쳤다. 大師는 一生에 걸쳐 大略 80余部200余卷의 저술이 있었지만 현재는 22種만이 전해지며 그 중에서 ≪佛说阿弥陀经疏≫, ≪金刚三昧经论≫, ≪法华经宗要≫, ≪涅槃经宗要≫, ≪判比量论≫, ≪十门和诤论≫, ≪华 严经疏≫, ≪大乘起信论疏≫, ≪起信论别记≫, ≪游心安乐道≫ 등은 우 리나라의 佛敎 토착화에 주춧돌의 역할을 하였으며 아울러 中國에서도 크게 주목을 받은 저술들이었다.
Wu Yushan(1632~1718) is one of “six great masters of the Qing Dynasty” representing the landscape painting circle during the Qing Dynasty. He was one of intellectuals with fame who constructed his own world even in poetry and music as well. The mission project in China by the Society of Jesus is closely related to the relationships of Wu Yushan in 1680 with the ‘contact zone’ Macau where cultures are exchanged between Europe and Asia. Wu Yushan received a Catholic name called Simon Xaverius (西 滿 · 沙勿略) as he entered the Society of Jesus formally in 1682 and wrote many poems other than 80 poems of “Saint Study Poem(聖學詩)” containing his understanding on doctrines for 3 years in Macau, while praising ancient sagas in the Society of Jesus. 30 poems in Aozhongzayong contain poems describing the natural and human environment of Macau from the perspective of Wu Yushan as a landscape painter as well as a literary man. In this presentation, the Catholic learning process of Wu Yushan will be introduced first through poems in Aozhongzayong. Then, the process for the Western culture to be settled down in Macau will be introduced around the life of people and Catholic events in Macau. Through them, we will consider the meaning of the seaport city in the course of cultural contact between different civilizations. Through not a many of poems reaching 30 poems in Aozhongzayong, various living aspects in Macau as a place for cultural interchanges between the East and West during the 17th century are revealed in a good manner. Especially, the life of Wu Yushan who learned Christianity in Colégio de São Paulo at the age of 50 reveals the features of a seaport city in a good way, where heterogeneous cultures were exchanged. In addition, as he contained the meeting and change of both the East and West in a special contact zone of a seaport city called Macau into phrases with seven characters, they could be deemed innovative in details. Conclusions may be led by outlining the following two implications for the meaning of “Aozhongzayong”. First, strengths of a painter Wu Yushan are well revealed. As if we evaluate poems of Wang Wei as “a painting in a poem and a poem in a painting”, Wu Yushan representing the landscape painting circle at the early Qing Dynasty were observing the nature of Macau as a priest of the Society of Jesus to sing his agonies about life and death into poems in the nature along the natural beauty. Then, the poems of Wu Yushan are well succeeded to the spirit of “poetic history” as a type of poem in the realistic way of Du Fu. As the poems of Du Fu well reflect the image of society at the times, we call his poems “poetic history”. Just like that way, the poems of Wu Yushan well reflect the living of Portuguese, black slaves and Dan people who lived around Macau in the 17th century. Especially, the poems about the Saint Xaverius March or Christmas happening in Macau are valuable data which have never mentioned even in “Aomenjilüe(≪澳門記略≫)” called the text for the historical study in Macau. The poems of Wu Yushan have not only the value of poems but also the value for historical data to show the daily living which are not recorded in the history.
In the late Ming Dynasty, the Gong-an School, a literary group was led by the three Yuan brothers(Yuan Zong-dao, Yuan Hong-dao, Yuan Zhong-dao). The Gong-an School exerted a great influence on the development of late Ming literary criticism and literary circles. Yuan Hong-dao was the leader of the Gong-an School. The literary theory of Yuan Hong-dao is very important in the late Ming literary world. The late Ming essay have very special meaning in chinese classical prose. Yuan Hong-dao's essay is a part of the late Ming essays. The landscape essay is one of the important parts in Yuan Hong-dao's essays. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the contents of Yuan Hong-dao's landscape essays. We believe that the comprehensive understanding about the contents of Yuan Hong-dao's landscape essays will bring us the right direction to understanding of Yuan Hong-dao's literature and literary criticism.
한‐중‐일 3국의 민족주의 사조(思潮)는 냉전시기를 포함한 근대 이후 의 역사적 “유산”의 영향을 받아 냉전종식 이후에도 “여전히 존재하는 미완(未完)의 역사적 책임”의 되돌림 속에 쇠퇴 없이 계속해서 성장하 고 있다. 특히 역사인식문제와 최근 심해진 영토주권 분쟁을 둘러싼 동 아시아지역내 민족주의 강화는 동 지역에서의 민족적인 화해의 희망을 파괴하고 있다. 즉 동아시아국가간의 정치, 안보, 경제적인 상호의존 지 연현상은 동 지역의 문화 및 공동체 의식의 “분열”을 초래하고 있다. 동아시아 분열의 최악의 결과는 반드시 전쟁을 의미하지는 않는다. 그 러나, “분열” 과정 자체는 어느 관점에서든 상관없이 장차 역사적이고 비극적인 오류를 초래할 것이다. 대립하는 민족주의는 점점 더 시장을 잃게 될 것이고, 민족주의적 충돌은 영원히 동아시아국가의 우선적인 선택사항이 되지 않아야 할 것이다.
This article aims to study the changes and patterns of China's multilateral diplomacy. Multilateralism has become an essential part of China’s international policy, with Beijing demonstrating much pragmatism in its attitude toward global multilateral institutions. China believes that multilateral diplomacy is a powerful instrument for coping with unipolarity and opposing hegemony. For Beijing, multilateralism will also help to provide new platforms for international cooperation. But there are constraints on China becoming a leading power in global multilateralism.
본 논문은 ‘교토의정서’의 실행계획이 완료되는 2012년
이후, 선진국과 개도국 모두를 아우르는 포스트 교토체제의 도래에 대
응하는 중국의 기후정책과 새로운 글로벌 기후거버넌스체제로서 제기되
고 있는 G2 구도를 둘러싼 미중 양국간의 논의를 다루고 있다. 이를 위
해 우선 포스트 교토체제의 실질과 향방에 대한 논의를 기초로, 이에
대응하여 핵심적 행위자로 등장하고 있는 중국이 국내외 차원에서 어떠
한 정책적 방안들을 모색하고 있으며, 이를 토대로 국제사회의 온실가
스 감축의무 압력에 어떻게 대응하고 있는지를 살펴보았다. 그리고 포
스트 교토체제와 관련한 핵심 당사자로서 미중 양국의 협력과 갈등구도에 대해서 고찰하고, 나아가 새로운 글로벌 기후거버넌스 체제로서 G2
의 가능성에 대해서 분석하였다. 분석 결과, 중국은 자발적 감축목표의
설정은 물론이고 저탄소경제로의 전환을 위한 노력을 진행하면서도, 다
른 한편 2020년 이전까지는 ‘공동의 그러나 차별화된 책임’원칙의 고수
를 통해 국제기후담판에서 미국 등 선진국의 압력에 대응하는 정책적
기조를 보이고 있다. 또한 중국은 미국이 의도하는 G2 개념의 기후거버
넌스로의 확산, 즉 기후변화에 대한 글로벌 거버넌스체제로서 G2 개념
에 대한 소극적, 부정적 태도 및 입장을 드러내면서도, 다른 한편으로
기후문제와 관련한 미국과의 양자간 협력의 기회를 적극 활용함으로써
신재생에너지 개발 및 온실가스 감축 관련 기술 습득 등 내부적 역량구
축 및 실리확보에 주력하고 있다.
This paper analyzes the impact of Korea’s FDI on the regional economic development in China. The last destination of FDI is the regional level, and the impact of FDI on the economic development has to consider the regional viewpoint. This paper use the data of the Export‐Import Bank of Korea and the National Bureau of Statistics of China, establish the pooled database, include the twelve provinces and municipality, Beijing, Fujian, Guangdong, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Jiangsu, Shandong, Shanghai, Tianjin and Zhejiang, they has the 94.62% of the Korea’s FDI to China, the period is from 1992 to 2010. In the base of the former research, this paper establish the panel regression model, the Korea’s FDI to China mainly concentrated in manufacturing, the dependent variables of model include the two variables, the per capita GDP and the gross industrial output value, the former represents the regional economic development level, the later represents the industrial development level. The results suggest that the Korea’s FDI to China regional economic development has a positive significance, and to the industrial development has a more positive significance. And the result finds that it is significant in 2001‐2010, but no significant in 1992‐2000, this suggests that the impact is more significant after 2001.
China is the world’s biggest producer and export of rare earths. China is taking active steps to rare earths for the conservation of exhaustible natural resources and protection of the environment. First China is implementing export licenses to rare earths, therefore companies that acquired export license can engage in rare earths export. China is also taking export quotas, it formed dual barrier by combining with export license, because companies have license for export of rare earths can be assigned quota of rare earths. Export duty rates have increased over the years and rare earths export rebates were abolished to curb export. China also announce a number of policies to limit quantity of mining, producing and exporting rare earths, to prohibit sino-foreign joint-venture cannot enter industry of mining and smelting, and to tighten environmental standards. However, these Chinese domestic measures to rare earths have possibility that inconsistent with WTO rules. China already lost a case that related with raw-materials and the United States, Japan and the EU were initiating WTO case against China’s restrictive measures on rare earths this year. Learning from past experience, China will try to take active actions.