
中國學 KCI 등재 중국학 Chinese Studies

이 간행물 논문 검색


제49집 (2014년 12월) 17

2014.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
There are two essential meanings of the word ‘you’, one is possession, the other is existence. These are the original meanings used in various grammatical structures of which adapt the word you. The evolution of language theory is based on the variation, selection, regeneration and duplication. you is also reanalaysis and analogy. This study intended to review the diachronic and synchronic changing procedure of you. we analysed from Qin and Han Dynasties to contemporary Chinese language, to reach the following 3 conclusions. (1) essential meanings of the word you evolvement into the comparing mark, (2) essential meanings of the word you evolvement into mark of nominal elements, (3)essential meanings of the word you evolvement into the mark of the perfect aspect.
2014.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
现代韩语里从古代以来存在着很多汉字语,其中有与现代汉语同形同义 的,也有语素相反构成的同义词。本文现代韩语里所使用的汉字语中,与汉 语语素相反的同义词叫做‘逆序对译语’。本文以语素分析方法来探讨这样韩 汉逆序对译语的意义相关性,并考察与它类义关系的其他类义语。而参考分 析‘逆序对译语’的可能性,还在课堂上应用的可能性。 本文从两个角度分析韩汉逆序对译语的相关性。先用汉语‘伴随’与韩语 ‘随伴’来考察两个词语的意义范畴。加以分析汉语‘伴随’的类义语‘随同’和‘伴 同’的语素构成关系。再考察韩语‘随伴’与其类义语‘同伴、带同、陪席等’的 意义相关性。韩语中有些脱离语素所限制的范围,但汉语教学方面有可能以 语素分析的可能性。
2014.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This article is an analysis about constitution of general symbols and English symbols on internet dueing to the methods of social linguistics. It is focusing on the usages and categories of English symbols and general symbols communicating on internet within the conceptual structure. The categories of English symbols and English- General symbols are Symbol-pattern, Symbol-abbreviation, Symbolmetaphor, Symbol-sound, Symbol-combination and Symbol-creation.
2014.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The country which writes a Chinese most plentifully from current whole world will be Taiwan and China (continent). 'The taiwan' with 'continent' original “same race and east it sees, as the fuselage” all Beijing word meaning foundation makes. From 1949 after the both eyes (Taiwan and China) which about 60 year for is almost discontinued a big development were to the social economy and the cultural reform from beriberi they brought. About 50 the time of year flowed and part Chinese of Taiwan with the Chinese which from China (continent) is used from change process the actual condition which is expressed different appeared. Taiwan and China (continent) about 60 were year and during old time were discontinued 1986 to become, it stood and it allowed the Chinese relative visit or an investment of the Taiwan compatriots. The traffic of the both eyes develops continuously with the opportunity which will reach, when about 60 year for it was discontinued, sometimes from the difference of the use vocabulary back perplexity did the both eyes compatriots be. Are like that the specialists of the both eyes comparative study is various from vocabulary, use and pronunciation back various direction of the both eyes. It listened in recent times and it came and “the Chinese studying hot blast” happened from whole world and the foreigners frequently Taiwan and China (the continent) clearly does not divide the difference of Chinese the actual condition occurred. The actual both eyes from basic one e bottle sound notation of Chinese the difference is appearing from pronunciation, vocabulary and the grammatical back about under starting. The research which it sees relationship of this both eyes of the Chinese studying sleeping field of the inside and outside of the country about under including is dawned the difference and the cause of language and vocabulary actual condition the man with underdeveloped genital organ the objective of the place where it does is. The place where the nations which are to the situation where the situation is similar research a vocabulary change and a difference compared to further Taiwan and China (the continent) the reference becomes wishes in the comparative study which relates with a vocabulary change and a difference.
2014.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Tandem学习法指的是两个不同母语的学习者通过自主地交流来学习对 方的语言和文化等。它是一种建立在自主学习、跨文化学习和伙伴关系基础 上的学习方法。自20世纪80年代下半期以来,Tandem学习法在整个欧洲越 来越受到欢迎,并已逐渐应用于教育体系中。许多大学,如波鸿大学、莱比 锡大学等都有为帮助学生进行Tandem学习而专设的机构。实践表明,通过 Tandem法,学习者不仅能够提高自身的语言交流能力,而且还可以锻炼自 主学习能力、跨文化交际能力以及解决问题的能力等。而在韩国,Tandem 学习法的应用尚处于起步阶段。釜山外国语大学和2-3所大学已经开始为学 生提供Tandem学习机会,但国内相关研究仍然较少。 本文就当前Tandem学习法在韩国汉语学习者中的应用状况进行了调查 和研究。从2009年起,对韩国釜山某所大学二年级以上的340名中文专业学 生进行了实验和调查。首先进行了为期十四周的实验,实验主要采用了对学 生培训前和培训后两次口语,写作测试的成绩比较对Tandem活动和汉语口 语,写作作能力的关系进行分析,另外还有问卷调查、样本收集、收集数据 等方式。通过实验, 参加Tandem活动的学生不但汉语口语,写作水平有很 大提高, 而且在汉语学习动机, 学习兴趣、自信心等方面也有了明显改善。 实验的时间仅为一个学期, 但所收效果已很明显。通过实验, 我们证实了汉 语教学以Tandem学习法为突破口,可以促进语言学习中口语,写作技能的提 高。
2014.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The problems about consonant clusters in old Chinese are hot issues in modern linguistics and traditional phonology in China. Joseph Edkins advanced some opinions about the consonant clusters of old Chinese for the first times. And Bernhard Karlgren also pointed out that there are some relationships between concord-characters in modern Chinese and consonant clusters in old Chinese. After that, Lin, Yu-tang et al. have studied on the problems about consonant clusters. So far, there are many studies about the forms of consonant clusters in the period of old Chinese and the rules of changes from old Chinese to middle Chinese, but there are shortcomings on the researches about internal constraints of changes. Therefore, this article will explain two problems below through optimality theory. First, what was the forms of consonant clusters in old Chinese? Second, what were the reasons for the loss of consonant clusters in middle Chinese? As a result, old Chinese had consonant clusters and their form was “C+L”, because Max-IO dominated *Complex and Sonority had higher hierarchy than Ident-IO(F). But in the period of middle Chinese, there was a reverse of hierarchy between MAX-IO and *Complex, and there were successive hierarchical raise from right to left among Ident-IO(F), *Onset-VO, Ph and Onset-Son, so that ‘voiceless obstruents(or nasal) + liquid’ and ‘voiced obstruents + liquid’ in old Chinese have changed into ‘voiceless obstruents(or nasal)’ and ‘liquid’ respectively in middle Chinese.
2014.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
本文通过对韩国各个字典所收纳的汉字的研究,来了解汉字从中国到韩 国的流入情况。从而深入了解哪些汉字被收纳,各个时代被收纳汉字的特征 及其被收纳的原因。(所收纳的汉字与不被收纳的字的差异,和收纳与否的 原因。)由于目前韩国的文献资料十分不足,最早的字典是1796年编纂 的《全韵玉编》,本文将以《全韵玉篇》、《字类註释》、《字典释要》、 《新字典》、《汉日鲜新玉篇》的心部首为研究对象,与《康熙字典》进行 对比,研究字被收纳的情况。 韩国的字典都以《康熙字典》为底本,筛选当时比较常用的字。研究者 发现《康熙字典》的心部首里面的字大部分是从《论语》、《周易》、《周 礼》、《礼记》、《左传》、《尔雅》、《楚辞》、《史记》、《庄子》、 《荀子》、《前汉书》、《后汉书》、《诗经》等历史书和哲学书中筛选出 来的。韩国字典收录的字大部分是出于此类文献。 另外,韩国各个字典汉字的收录情况比较复杂。但大部分都以《全韵玉 篇》为底本,直到朝鲜末期韩国因为受日本占领的影响,不得不收纳日本的 汉字。所以《字典释要》里心部首的字比《全韵玉篇》增加了128个。这 128个字当中有124个是受到了日本的影响。
2014.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This paper purports to study the role of Shijing in the Korea-China diplomacy during the Joseon Dynasty through the records of ≪The Annals of The Joseon Dynasty≫. In Paragraph 1 of Chapter 2, the aspects of the professions responsible for diplomatic documents and the difficulties they had with regards to the translation for the diplomacy with China in Joseon Dynasty are studied. In Paragraph 2, it was studied what the diplomacy of Joseon was like, which had the nature of being subservience to China. In Paragraph 1 of Chapter 3, Shijing, which was used in the diplomatic documents between the two countries, were analyzed by Chinese documents and Joseon documents. In Paragraph 2 of Chapter 3, the role of Shijing that was exchanged between the King of Joseon and the Chinese envoy as a conversation was analyzed. Through the above study, it was also possible to know the aspects of Korea-China diplomacy during the Joseon Dynasty. Also, it was possible to see the efforts of Joseon to not contaminate the order with the subservience relationship to China. It is found that such role of Shijing played as a lubricant that protected the status of each country while keeping up the dignity of Joseon and China in their diplomacy.
2014.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
本论文主要研究≪詩經≫所表现的素菜。为了考察这研究,本论文分别 三个研究类型。第一是素菜的野生采集与栽培,第二是素菜的用途,第三是 素菜的调理方法。素菜的野生采集根据采集地方分类山野素菜,水边素菜, 湿地素菜。山野素菜是蕨、薇、蘩、卷耳、芣苢、蝱、諼草等。水边素菜是 荇菜、蘋、藻、蘩、蒲、荷等。湿地素菜是萇楚、苓、荷華、蓼、酸模、苓 等。这种野生素材中一部分通过作物化成为栽培素材。 栽培素菜需要栽培环境,比如开垦的田地,开垦的工具,农具器,农业 技术等。这些栽培素材条件基本上都表现在≪詩經≫比如伐柯情况,开垦过 程,作田地的详细的内容,种地的具体场面都反映在≪詩經≫,还有斧、 錢、鎛、銍、艾、耜等农具器也出现在≪詩經≫。野生与栽培素材都丰富了 中国饮食文化。 素菜的用途分别为副食与祭祀。副食是羹和荤菜。羹有五种,大羹、鉶 羹、和羹、芼羹、菜羹等。素菜加在芼羹,和羹,鉶羹。菜羹是只用素材做 的。比如蘋羹、藻羹、藜羹、藿羹等。藻和藜也加在雉羹与兔羹。蓼加在鶉 羹与雞羹。苦加在豚菜、韭和芥加在荤菜。蘩、蘋、藻、芹、茆、瓜等用在 祭祀。这些素材都具有清洁性欲子孙繁盛的原始概念。 素材的调理方法是亨、燔、炙、烝、炮、菹、醓醢。这些调理的炊事环 境基本上表现在≪詩經≫,比如爨、煁、錡、釜、釜鬵、鼐、鼎、鼒、簋、 匕、斗、籩、豆、簋等。
2014.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
德瑛, 主要活動在淸乾隆年间,乾隆元年壯元第一, 却終身官止四 品,而其人品學德均佳, 被衆人所敬佩, 後學追從者甚众,作品丰富多材,自成独特的文学风貌。由金德瑛的诗歌集≪桧门诗存≫, 可見他的人生轨迹 和生平经历,所到之处、所感之事。本稿集中探討就≪桧门诗存≫中<觀劇 絶句>三十首, 所謂≪檜門觀劇詩≫, 從中闡明他的文學觀及戱劇觀所在如 何。 乾隆盛世,戏曲艺术得到长足的发展,观剧诗的创作在这一时期具有独 特的文学意义。金德瑛的《檜門觀劇詩》是这一时期观剧诗的代表,其中明 确表达了诗人“咏史”的戏剧观:“稗官院本,虚实杂陈,美恶观感,易于通 俗,君子犹有取焉。其间亵呢荒唐,所当刊落。今每篇举一人一事,比兴讽 喻,咏史之变体也。”《檜門觀劇詩》中收录的观剧诗或记事或写人,均以 史笔传达兴亡之感借他人酒杯浇自己之块垒。观剧诗的价值定位存在于两个 层面:一是助益于文学批评史的不足之處,观剧诗一身兼二职,既是对戏剧 的审美接受,同时又是对戏剧的再传播;二是观剧诗并不是戏剧作品的衍生 品,创作主体通过诗歌表达戏剧观念,知识阶层对其接受、鉴赏的同时也有 唱和作品产生,形成了自足性兼發性互動性的文化現象。金德瑛的观剧诗传 承至今,其间不乏文人唱和、评点之作。至光绪以后,雖是戏剧趋向案头 化,而观剧诗的创作自有主張,叶德辉、皮錫瑞、易顺鼎等人敢於試圖对观 剧诗创作的唱和,使得唱和观剧诗成为清中後期戏曲审美内涵演绎的別格。歷來观剧诗的传播和接受, 皆被文人士大夫所重視,而观剧诗的基本功 能也與小说戏曲泂異, 尤其是观剧诗的接受階層比較狹小,因此难免会呈现 意識形態的貴族化傾向。同时限于诗歌篇幅較小,对戏曲的评论和论述有时 不能全面深入,缺乏对戏曲的艺术内涵及社会透視。 总之,金德瑛的觀劇詩與其諸家的和詩能够反映出淸代中後期的文学傾 向,并表达出艺术特征以及重敎多訓的歷史意識, 對當時崑花相競的劇壇大 有啓發性, 戏曲主題雅化的进程有所推动,使得南北地方戱更加提高其存在力量。
2014.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
‘Samnoin’ is a style of theater that have been made to developed in Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture since 1950. It provides that this theater shall be upheld the traditions of ‘Shuochang(說唱)’ by a theater of minority race in China, even if this is a the exclusive possession of Chinese citizens of Korean ethnicity. The reason we notice this ‘Samnoin’ is that having been upheld traditional play of our people in modern times. Nonetheless, Government of China have placed in a file all of minority race’s traditional art and culture of play, will make to revert to China tradition recently. ‘Samnoin’, also, was designated as The Second National level-nonmaterial cultural heritage in 2008. Thus, we need to examine concretely literary significance showing in ‘Samnoin’. and through this, we need to measure off the map of the dramatic art.
2014.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The present paper takes it as focal point is New Land Reform in China. Through New Land Reform, The Chinese Government seeks to increase peasant’s income and improve the efficiency of rural land. Since 2008, in many areas of China has been experimenting with the distribution of rural land. Chongqing model(The system of land quota) is watched by Chinese society with interest. The purpose of this paper is to certify whether the increase in peasant’s income through Chongqing city. Results are as follows. First, Since enforcement of the system of land quota, Chongqing peasant’s income has increased more than China and Chengdu City. Second, Chongqing peasants are growing rapidly property income more than business income and earned income. Third, Urban-rural income gap in Chongqing city was reduced more than China but no difference with Chengdu city. In conclusion, Although there are many problems the system of land quota but Has a positive effect on peasant’s income.
2014.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The ripple effect of inviting foreign capital is infinite. It brings job creation and the effect of the influx of the population, forms new economic bloc in the corresponding area, and also cotributes economic revitalization in the whole regional economy. Furthermore, it is able to contribute another creation of value-added by increasing foreign reserve nationally. Because of the effect of attracting foreign capital, for such reasons as mentioned, all countires of the world and local autonomous entities are active in attracting foreign capital. Especially, it gets attention as the growth momentum which vitalize the nation and region in the world economic recession. Korea realized that attracting foreign capital is way out of crisis with financial crisis in late 1997, and has made an effort to create free trade zone and support various policies. Korea made an effort to report positivity of inviting foreign capital by offering the better investment environment to foreign capital firm, but the rated result is not that high. Nevertheless, Korea keeps trying for inviting foreign capital and tries to find the solution from attracting Chinese capital. Korea strengthened economic cooperation with China and created "Saemangeum Economic Cooperation Parks, SECP". SECP is to develope city by attracting native and foreign investment with Korea and China. It is necessary to introduct "Real Estate Investment and Immigration System" for success of SECP. Real Estate Investment and Immigration System has positive effects. It creates demand about tourist facilities that would be parcelled out developing tourist attraction, improves development work of tuourist resort in underdeveloped region by promoting additional investment of foreign capital, revitalizes local economy, and attracts foreign tourists. I would like to investigate effectiveness and economic effect of Real Estate Investment and Immigration System that is implemented in the partial areas, and moreover propose remedy that can maximize positive effects of Real Estate Investment and Immigration System for succesful creation of "Saemangeum Economic Cooperation Parks" after compare and analyze Real Estate Investment and Immigration System of the countries (regions) which has implemented it in advance of Korea.
2014.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
在中国,创业在改革开放及经济发展方面发挥了重要作用。目前中国中 小企业总数已占到了全国企业总数的99%以上,创造的最终产品和服务价值 约为国内生产总值的60%,在繁荣经济,推动创新,扩大出口,增加就业等 方面发挥了重要作用。尤其是最近,鼓励创业已与解决就业,促进创新以及 产业升级等后经济危机时代促进经济恢复等重大现实问题紧密联系在一起。 本论文通过为期3年在中国进行的创业动态跟踪调查项目(PSED: Panel Study of Entrepreneurial Dynamics)可以了解中国创业者创建企业的条 件,以及创业者为此付出的努力。作为中国第一个聚焦于微观层次创业过程 规律的调查研究项目,CPSED至少具有以下两方面的重要实践价值。 第一,CPSED项目紧密扎根中国创业实践,在长达3年的调查设计和准 备阶段,通过大量实地访谈,深入了解了中国创业者在创业过程中的行为特 征和规律。第二,CPSED项目是按照国际上规范方法进行的系统性调查研 究。创业者群体呈现广泛性和多样性的特点,创业活动也因行业,地区和文 化等因素表现出巨大的差异,这给调查研究结果的代表性带来了严峻挑战。 因此,本论文在PSED基础上,在中国东部,中部,西部和东北地区选出8 个具有代表性城市为调研区域,采用随机跳号抽样的家户电话访问方式开展 调研。
2014.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Through three years of the Korean War and the strengthen role of the Cold War system, China and North Korea determined to build a relation of allicance in the form of mutual asistance in the early 1960s. During the Cold War, Sino-Korean alliance had its characteristics of the era and it brought a security guarantee and practical interests to maintain the geopolitical and military balance in Northeast Asia. Since the end of the Cold War, China-DPRK realations have not been so stable because of the influence of international political situation changes. With the escalation of the nuclear issue and the development of China-ROK relations in recent years, Sino-DPRK allicance basis which was “sealed in blood friendship” has been questioned. Is it to continue to consolidate the alliance and to develop the all-round cooperation partnership, or to repeal the treaty of alliance and return to a normal state relations? The decisive factor still lies on the national security and practical interests. Under the influence of the current international situations, the historical ambiguity will continue to maintain in the alliance between China and DPRK.
2014.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The implement of the policies toward ethnic minorities of the People's Republic of China has successfully solved its ethnic problems in a multi-ethnic country. The policies advocated by Communist Party of China have some great reference significance and importance for the other multi-ethnic counties worldwide in solving their similar problems. This article reviews the theoretical basis, policy system and policy applications toward ethnic minorities, esp. aiming at the view of the "second generation national policy". Based on the view of development, this article also carries on the thorough ponder to the issues in the policy implementation in the new era and clear up the idea that the Communist Party of China adheres to and perfects the route choice of the Party's policy toward ethnic minorities as well.
2014.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
본 문헌목록(bibliography)은 중국학을 연구하려는 주제나 분야에 따라 참고해야 할 만한 자료를 수록한 문헌목록서를 선정하여 필요에 따라 해제를 가한 것이다. 무엇보다 여기에 누구나가 필요로 하는 문헌목록 (혹은 서목)을 모두 소개하기는 불가능하므로, 문헌목록으로서 중국학 분야를 연구함에 있어서 보다 더 중요하고 더 찾아보게 되는 서목을 선정하여 수록하였다. 먼저, 보다 종합적이고 광범위한 문헌목록으로 문헌목록서목(Bibliographies of Bibliographies)을 앞에 배치하였다. 그리고, 그 다음에 종합적이며 일반 적인 서목을 배치한 후, 중국문학서목, 중국어학서목, 중국사상서목, 중국 미술서목, 중국음악서목, 중국과학 및 의학서목, 도서관 카탈로그, 학위논 문서목 등의 순서로 배치하였다. 본 문헌목록에서 소개하는 문헌목록서는 중국학을 연구함에 있어서 보다 더 중요하고 또 광범위하게 참고할 수 있는 자료들이다. 비록 국내 서목이 수록되어 있지 않는 점이 아쉽다하겠 으나, 중국학을 연구하는 데 필요한 참고문헌목록(reference)으로서 학술 정보를 열람하고 확인하는데 편리한 도움을 제공하고, 학문적 데이터베이 스(database)의 역할을 할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.