
中國學 KCI 등재 중국학 Chinese Studies

이 간행물 논문 검색


제47집 (2014년 4월) 16

2014.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
古代文章當中有叫‘反訓’的特殊訓詁現象, 所謂‘反訓’是指一個詞同時具 有相反對立的意味而言的。例如, ≪論語ㆍ泰伯篇≫有一句說, “舜有五臣, 而天下治. 武王曰: 予有亂臣十人。” 這兒的‘亂臣’表示‘治臣’的意思, 但在 ≪孟子ㆍ滕文公下≫的“孔子成春秋, 而亂臣賊子懼。”中的‘亂’表示搗亂的意 思。如此, 把一個詞同時有相反或相對的意項的詞, 在訓詁學上叫‘反訓詞’。 本稿從這一思路出發, 觀察反訓的由來, 幷通過分析其例子, 要査明反 訓的産生原因和類型。 反訓可分爲內部與外部的成因。內部的成因是由起因於本意的分化和引 伸而産生的。外部的成因是由起因於本意和通假關係而産生的。本意分化反 訓又可分爲‘美惡同詞’, ‘施受同詞’, ‘相對同詞’。通假反訓可有本意和通假意 之間的反訓與通假意之間的反訓兩種。有一些學者根本不同意通假反訓, 但 我認爲一個詞不僅有包括本意和引伸意內部的意項, 而且有起因於假借和通 假的外部的意項, 詞意之間的關係幷不重要, 一個詞旣然有着相反意或相對 意活用的話, 按照其活用結果, 反訓現象也是自然而然地産生的。
2014.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
根据使动标记的‘叫/让’实现被动意义的语法变化过程,我们能预测到使动 与被动之间的关联性。本稿在此基础上,以Goldberg(1995:손영숙‧정주리 譯, 2004)的构式语法的观点考查了其相关因素是怎样相联的。为了将‘叫/ 让’实现成被动,句首论元的受事性质和使动者的潜在发挥重要的作用,但 使动与被动的共同且不变的事件结构就是原因-结果的致使结构。换句话 说,构成句子的两个事件基于因果关系,这就是相连使动与被动的重要因 素。对同样的一个事件,使动的认知焦点在原因和结果,而被动的认知焦点 在结果,根据这些认知观点和Goldberg理论,可以判断使动是被动的上位 概念,因而它们之间的关联性也可以用‘部分关系继承(subpart link)’来解释 它们之间的关联性。
2014.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
“順著” and “沿著” are two prepositions about path of action. The minor semantic differences between them are difficult to master in Chinese learning. Based on the large-scale corpus, this article tries to compare and contrast the two words synchronically and dychronically from the semantic and pragmatical percetives. It also compare the schemata of their typical images. The preposition “順著” appeared before “沿著”,thus it was used more frequently than “沿著”. The meaning of “順著”as a verb was consistent with the meaning as a prepostion; On the contrary, “沿著”appeared later than 順著,mainly used as preposition. From the synchronic perspective, “沿著” has higher use frequency than “順著”,which is evident in scientific works and news writing. The prominent image of “順著” is the real displacement of objects, moving in a certain direction with the aid of external force. The prominent image of “沿著” highlights the process and concomitant of motion, usually in different directions, whether in a straight line or in zigzag motion. When describing the virtual movement, “順著” is less abstract than “沿著”, and the sentence with “沿著” often has a lot of metaphoric meanings.
2014.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
作为老子唯一著述的≪道德经≫一直被认为是一本蕴含着自然无为的哲 学书籍,而这些自然无为的含义也被解释为不该积极参与社会活动,而離開 混亂的世俗而歸於自然。尽管如此,作者认为自然无为,其实有着别的意 义;千万别用过渡细致化的法律与制度来管制老百姓,而应当顺其自然。换 言之说,≪道德经≫应该说是用五千多字来记录国家最高领导应当遵守之道 理的古中国统治理念书。对老子来说,他通过≪道德经≫一贯主张了应该回 到大同社会。因此,笔者打算首先介绍和具体说明老子所提出的作为领导应 具有的态度:简约、慈爱、谦虚、不言、信赖、谨慎,再把老子在≪道德 经≫所表达的一些道理应用到现代社会,而试图寻找一些能够解决社会矛盾 的方法。
2014.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
虽然朱淑真中国词学史上著名的女词人,但是由於史料的缺少與不正 确,对於她的姓名、生平、籍贯的有不同的说法。因此,在她的生平以及作 品的评價上也有许多異见。特别对她的生平,至今词学界仍然異说纷纷,难 为定论。本论文根基於近代学术界的研究成果,探析了有关朱淑真的姓名、 籍贯、生活年代。同时经过她的诗词作品内容分析了她的生活年代。 本论文在词的内容分析上,从朱淑真的感情历程来看,用"爱情"和"孤 独"两个主题来窥见了她的作品和精神世界。由此,我们会发现朱淑真词作 品的内容與风格上一个明显的特點,那就是大膽率真的恋爱作品。她不拘於 传统禮教,表达了自己对爱情的渴望和婚姻的不满,因此,在她的作品中有 不少婚恋的内容。朱淑真词的又一个明显的特點就是孤独意识。≪断肠集≫ 的绝大多数的作品是闺怨内容。由於她爱情婚姻生活的不幸,作品中又颇多 怨恨之词,流露着她的孤寂和绝望。我们从她的诗词创作中可以觸摸到封建 时期一个女人一生的感情历程。
2014.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The special present of the GuanYu Culture is the worship of GuanYu. Today this present of the GuanYu worship was changed into the cultural phenomena in china and all of the world chinese area. That is called a cultural phenomena of the GuanYu worship. The image of GuanYu worship is characterized in the novel ≪ SanGuoYanYi≫ and ≪SanGuoZhiPIngHua≫ of Yuan dynasty. But so many facts of the GuanYu worship is closely related to the GuanYu image before literary imagination in the novel ≪ SanGuoYanYi≫ and ≪SanGuoZhiPIngHua≫ of Yuan dynasty. We believe that the comprehensive understanding about the GuanYu image before literary imagination will bring us the right direction to understanding of the GuanYu Culture in China.
2014.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
本论文主要以韩中日古代文学作品中出现的女性自杀现象为主题,分析 了女性决心自杀的动机、展开、以及结果。本文以弗洛伊德(Sigmund Freud)精神分析理论中的人类三种意识, 描述了古代韩中日文学作品中女性 自杀行为: 一, 本我型(Id),自我型(Ego),超我型(Super- Ego)。通过这 三种类型, 对女性的自杀行为进行了分析, 并对其内心反应出的社会的认识 和当时的女性观进行了剖析。 我们发现,三个国家古代文学中女性自杀的行为有以下共同点。三国古 代女性在‘女性自杀’的展开过程中, 如以社会共同认同的儒家伦理道德‘孝’ 和 ‘烈’为动机,就得到全社会的肯定和支持,而且受了佛教的‘轮回转生’、‘因果 报应’的观念,通过‘自杀行为’寄托她们的梦想和理想。 但是,因三个国家文化背景的不同,也存在一些差异性。韩国和中国, 特别到了明朝,李朝时期甚至带有国家鼓励‘女性自杀’的色彩。不同于中国 和韩国,日本尚死的文化又形成了日本人独特的生死观。而日本人独特的生 死观又促成了女性自杀情节。 结果,儒道佛家为思想背景的男尊女卑的韩中日旧社会里,以社会认同 的伦理动机为出口, ‘自杀行为’给女性留下了个人自由权利的余地,同时成 为唯一女性自已选择的权利。
2014.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
本文對於好萊塢電影不能不受歡迎的老上海和20世紀50、60年代香港的 社會性格與它們接受好萊塢電影的形態進行了考察。而且作爲它的具體實 踐,對張愛玲劇本中她在大陸時創作的〈不了情〉和〈太太萬歲〉、爲香港 電懋公司寫的代表作〈情場如戰場〉和〈南北一家親〉進行了分析。 老上海與香港具有多種多樣的城市性格,但它們與别的城市區別而能高 速成長的背景分别是租界和植民地,對它不會有異論的餘地。很多中西方人 流入在老上海和香港,因此這兩個具有多元性、複合性、開放性的城市,没 有排斥外來文化,却積極接受它們,在其頂點上有好萊塢電影。因爲張愛玲 非常了解老上海和香港所拥有的這些性格與需要巨大資本的電影本性,要通 過喜劇電影和更多的觀衆見面。因此,她采用當時觀衆喜歡的都市浪漫喜 劇,運用偶然發生的事、靈巧的臺詞、大團員等技巧,提高了喜劇效果。而 且她的劇本反映現實和具有人生的悲哀,所以得到觀衆的認同,也得到商業 成功
2014.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
主旋律電影的核心特征是引揚主導意識形態.。主旋律槪念的核心是堅 持社會主義制度、以中國共産黨爲領導核心、這些形成了社會主義核心價値 體系. 后來又加入了繼承民族優秀傳統,倡導愛國主義精神、學習一切優秀文 化等內容, 形成社會的主導意識形態。 本論文認爲中國主旋律影片的大片化現像分析, 通過國家意識形態和商 業的側面。論文先分析主旋律電影和商業電影的發展情況和前景。而且, 中 國主旋律影片的大片化現像分析。主旋律電影經過九十年代到現在,經歷了 很多變化。最近隨着商業影片的發展, 主旋律電影開始接收了多樣的題材和 方式。通過這些硏究分析下商業影片和主旋律電影結合發生的中國式大片。 其中, 主要硏究分析內容是中國式大片里面的國家意識形態特徵, 指向点和 電影産業側面的成功要因。 第三章分析了中國主旋律大片中國家意識形態。先分析了武俠影片中國 家意識形態, 然後分析了戰爭、災難影片中國家意識形態, 戰爭、災難影片 中以馮小剛的兩片中國式大片<集結號, 2007>和<唐山大地震, 2010>爲中 心。最後分析了獻禮影片中國家意識形態。的加入類型化和商業化。以獻禮 影片是紀念中華人民共和國60周年和中國共産黨創建90周年的主旋律獻禮電 影爲中心分析。而且, 分析了中國主旋律大片的商業的側面上比較成功的票 房結果要因。
2014.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The Chinese government’s ethnic minority policy is under transition from state-centered approach to market-oriented one. While the role of state such as strict population control, resource allocation, and the guarantee of cultural right is on decrease, the power of market, which promotes destruction and reconstruction of ethnic minority community, is on the rise. Against this backdrop, an observation of the Korean Chinese community reveals that both state-centered construction and deconstruction, and market-oriented reconstruction have existed/exists in the community. This study examines state-centered construction (Mao Zedong era), transition from state-centered approach to market oriented one (Deng Xioping era), and market-oriented approach (post Deng Xioping era) in the process of construction, deconstruction, and reconstruction of the Korean Chinese community. Finally, from the theoretical standpoint of view represented by ethnic and enclave theory, it can be concluded that it is not the consequence of uniqueness of the Korean Chinese community, but a general trend across different ethnic minority groups, although the Korean Chinese community undergoes faster transformation due to the influence of neighboring their home country.
2014.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
本論文主要考察1930年代前半華北漢族的東北移動及其與大連、大連腹 地勞動力供需之間的關系。該時期流入東北地方的漢族數量每年達到40萬名 以上。華北漢族主要從山東省的農村經山東半島與遼東半島的海港城市流入 東北各地。大連卽是主要的關戶,也是勞動力的吸收地。華北漢族的移動目 的可分爲勞動短期移動與永久移住,其中短期勞動移動的比率不少是其特 征。大連及其背後地的勞動者構成,反映了這一點,全體勞動者的半數以上 是由華北漢族構成的。伴隨著域外華北地區衆多勞動者的供給,圍繞勞動者 募集而産生的勞動力供需關系也成爲該地區産業界最爲費心的部分。以華北 出身者爲中心進行的把頭與中介人的勞動者募集,作爲該時期主要募集方法 之一,能夠反映出該區域的勞動者構成與其特征。
2014.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Today, with the merging of cultural industry and modern technology, Cultural and Creative Industries through a harmonious social environment, an advanced legal system, is formed a new economic form taking the creative as the core drive. Whether in China, South Korea or Japan, the Broadcast Content Industry in the classification of cultural and creative industries has the key position, thus increasing the international competitiveness of the Broadcast Content Industry has become important issues for the development of cultural and creative industries. In this paper, we take Broadcast Content Industry as an object of study, based on General Double Diamond model and the different characteristics of the Broadcast Content Industry in China, South Korea and Japan, established an in international competitiveness measure system to do a useful exploration for the development of Broadcast Content Industry in these three countries. By using the results fo the evaluation, an analysis is taken panoramically regarding the position of China’s Broadcast Content Industry in the world. Compare to South Korea and Japan, China still has a certain gap with South Korea and Japan in Factor Conditions, Demand Conditions and Related and Supporting Industries. In the future to increase the support of the Broadcast Content Industry, establish market liquidity management system, integrated computing network to improve circulation environment is necessary. Increase efforts to train excellent human resources and technical resources, encourage co-production and investment portfolio, improve the financial support is also required.
2014.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
中国北京居民的收入和消费水准越来越高。从2009年为扩大内需实施了 一系列扩大消费政策. 如家电下乡, 汽车下乡, 家电以旧换新,汽车以旧换 新以及家电和汽车节能惠民等政策。这些政策直接影响了北京居民的交通和 通信消费。北京市已经进入了汽车消费市场的成熟期。自从2010年12月实施 的北京汽车消费的抑制政策导致北京地区的汽车消费减少趋势。但最近对汽 车和移动互联网融合的智能汽车的需求呈现出越来越高的趋势。这一趋势将 会促进交通和通信相关产业一同发展。而且互联网极快速地扩散,网民也同 样剧增,电子商务的规模也随着极快速地增加。因此将以互联网和智能手机 为中心消费活动的网络消费者的规模也会剧增。
2014.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study tries to analyze the relationship between the internal competence and the competitive strategy of Korean corporations in China. And it also tries to find out the effects of suitability of the factors on their business performances. For this purpose, it surveyed 270 Korean corporations in China, and the results of the survey are as follows: First, when the effects of the internal competence on competitive strategy are investigated, it is proved that the technical competence and the marketing competence have a meaningful effect on differentiation strategy of Korean corporations in China. And the manufacturing competence has a meaningful effect on their cost leadership strategy. Secondly, in order to accomplish a high management performance, it is important for them to have suitable internal competence and management strategy. When they have high suitability, it has the biggest influence on their business performances. This results show that it is the most important for Korean corporations to establish a suitable competitive strategy for improving their performances, considering their internal competence.
2014.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This paper tests the firm valuation model to Hongkong H stocks. The Ohlson model regards the firm value determined by the future excess profit, and the Option model regards determined by the future cash flow. This paper test which model is more appropriate to the firm valuation model, Ohlson model and Option model, to the Hongkong H stock. And we use 42 enterprise’s data from 2003 to 2011, use the panel regression method. We test five hypothesis. First, the hypothesis 1 testing This paper tests the firm valuation model to Hongkong H stocks. The Ohlson model regards the firm value determined by the future excess profit, and the Option model regards determined by the future cash flow. This paper test which model is more appropriate to the firm valuation model, Ohlson model and Option model, to the Hongkong H stock. And we use 42 enterprise’s data from 2003 to 2011, use the panel regression method. We test five hypothesis. First, the hypothesis 1 testing
2014.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
范曄曾博采衆長, 將當時的幾家后漢史書改寫爲一家之作, 完成≪后漢 書≫的紀、傳共八十卷。他原有文集十卷, 已散佚, 現存文章有〈獄中與諸 甥姪書〉。范曄謀反下獄, 作書與甥姪輩, 竟大談文章, 亦可見著述一事在 其心目中的位置。本稿就是對范曄≪后漢書≫〈獄中與諸甥姪書〉的文章加 以注釋的。范曄在〈獄中與諸甥姪書〉中發表他對文學的見解。他重視音韻 在詩歌中的運用, 他說: “性别宮商, 識清濁, 斯自然也。” 他認爲通曉音韻 是自己掌握的一件秘寶, 他說: “觀古今文人, 多不全了此處; 縱有會此者, 不必從根本中來。” 他是在陸機之后的又一位强調詩歌聲韻的文論家, 他的 意見促進人們對于文學聲韻和詩歌韻律的探討, 對于后來永明體詩和永明聲 律理論的産生, 起了推動作用。范曄論文章, 應注重思想內容, 不應過分注 重藻飾, 他認爲文章“當以意爲主, 以文傳意。以意爲主, 則其旨必見; 以文 傳意, 則其詞不流。” 范曄對晉宋文學中徒事藻繪的傾向不滿, 批判追逐形 似、以文害意的風氣, 他指出: “文患其事盡於形, 情急於藻, 義牵其旨, 韻移 其意。” 范曄以史家自命, 對文學有所輕視, 自稱“無意于文名”, “恥作文 士”。