
中國學 KCI 등재 중국학 Chinese Studies

이 간행물 논문 검색


제44집 (2013년 4월) 12

2013.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The study is an attempt to investigate on the features of using Idioms in "HongLouMeng", a Chinese literature. While classifying and analyzing idioms used in "HongLouMeng". The study conclude that there are two categories of the features of using Idioms in "HongLouMeng". One is the features in style such as number of letters and signal article. The other is the features in terms of content such as metaphor, replaceability and similarity. First, number of letters. Based on the number of letters, the idioms are classified into four-lettered idioms and non four-lettered idioms which consist of more or less than six letters. Chengyu(成語) is commonly four-lettered, while Suyu(俗 語) is mostly six lettered. Xiehouyu(歇后語) has the largest number of letters since it has to be considered with preceding and following letters. Second, signal articles. The articles such as ‘俗語說(Suyushuo)’ helps idioms to be clear with the intended meaning. Third, metaphor. As the almost every idiom is used as a figurative expression, idioms in "HongLoumeng" also tend to be has same effect. Forth, replaceability. Suyu(俗語) can be replaced by Chengyu(成 語) or Xiehouyu(歇后語) and vice versa. The virtue of the author's fluent commend of language allows the replaceability between idioms, in the way of using Chengyu(成語) or Xiehouyu(歇后語) to implicate Suyu(俗語). Fifth, similarity. Throughout "HongLouMeng" a number of idioms were replaced into similar expressions with same meaning which use a new word or rephrase the order of words. Idioms which contain same lessons and messages are also found numerous times with completely different structure and words. Replacing idioms instead of repeating exactly same expression shows the outstanding linguistic ability of author. The study on the five features would help to understand idioms in "HongLouMeng" more clear and make it much interesting. The author's fluent commend of language is worth to be consideredfrom various angles as it plays important role in a linguistic and a culturological points of view.
2013.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The study is an attempt to investigate on the features of using Idioms in "HongLouMeng", a Chinese literature. While classifying and analyzing idioms used in "HongLouMeng". The study conclude that there are two categories of the features of using Idioms in "HongLouMeng". One is the features in style such as number of letters and signal article. The other is the features in terms of content such as metaphor, replaceability and similarity. First, number of letters. Based on the number of letters, the idioms are classified into four-lettered idioms and non four-lettered idioms which consist of more or less than six letters. Chengyu(成語) is commonly four-lettered, while Suyu(俗 語) is mostly six lettered. Xiehouyu(歇后語) has the largest number of letters since it has to be considered with preceding and following letters. Second, signal articles. The articles such as ‘俗語說(Suyushuo)’ helps idioms to be clear with the intended meaning. Third, metaphor. As the almost every idiom is used as a figurative expression, idioms in "HongLoumeng" also tend to be has same effect. Forth, replaceability. Suyu(俗語) can be replaced by Chengyu(成 語) or Xiehouyu(歇后語) and vice versa. The virtue of the author's fluent commend of language allows the replaceability between idioms, in the way of using Chengyu(成語) or Xiehouyu(歇后語) to implicate Suyu(俗語). Fifth, similarity. Throughout "HongLouMeng" a number of idioms were replaced into similar expressions with same meaning which use a new word or rephrase the order of words. Idioms which contain same lessons and messages are also found numerous times with completely different structure and words. Replacing idioms instead of repeating exactly same expression shows the outstanding linguistic ability of author. The study on the five features would help to understand idioms in "HongLouMeng" more clear and make it much interesting. The author's fluent commend of language is worth to be consideredfrom various angles as it plays important role in a linguistic and a culturological points of view.
2013.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
本文研究杜牧诗歌里所表现的煙和夕阳的意象。煙还在杜牧诗歌里以霧 的诗语来表现出的。煙在诗歌里的出现频度数是68回,霧的出现频度数是二 回。通过煙和霧的意象的分析来看,第一煙表现历史的興亡盛衰. 第二煙表 现他想的孤独,第三煙表现忧患意识。杜牧用煙的模糊性和隐微性来表现自 己的感情色彩。煙还和风景及各个自然物融合来描绘出而构成独特的意境。 夕阳在诗歌里还以晚、霞、殘陽、殘日、微陽、斜日、斜陽、日斜、斜暉、 落日、落照、落暉、暮景来表现的。夕阳的意象表现四个方面。第一,夕阳 唤起抒情主人公的忧愁,第二夕阳突出抒情主人公的历史意识。第三夕阳描 写抒情主人公和自然的交融。第三夕阳的景色表现人生的价值。杜牧用夕阳 的照映性,时间性,配色性来表现各种感情色彩。夕阳风景还和各个自然意 象融合来描绘出来,构成的多样的含义。
2013.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
本论文主要以韩中古典文作品中出现的‘女扮男装’的现象为主体,分析 了韩中古典文学中的‘女扮男装’的动机、展开以及结果。我们发现,韩中古 典文学中‘女扮男装’的行为有以下共同点。 韩中两国古代女性在‘女扮男装’的展开过程中, 如‘女扮男装’的行为以社 会共同认同的伦理道德‘孝’和‘烈’为动机,就得到全社会的肯定,而且获得圆 满的结束。但以‘个人的自我实现’为动机,就得不到社会的肯定和支持,甚 至于这些‘女强人’,被传统观念排斥再也不能回到原来的世界了。两国古典 文学作品中,我们可以看到这种限制性。 结果,以儒道佛家为思想背景的男尊女卑的韩中旧社会里,基本上否定 了在文学中出现的‘女扮男装’所有的现象。但是,以社会共同认同的伦理道 德动机‘孝’和‘烈’为出口,给这些'女强人'的出现留下了余地。即,韩中古典文 学中'女扮男装'现象,表面上尊重严格的阶级秩序,同时,也可以看到,这 些现象,在某种程度上消弱了男尊女卑的社会制度对女性压迫,也成为一种 可以倾诉的感情净化之地。
2013.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
袁宏道是晩明文學革新運動的領袖人物。以革新的文學主張和理論領導 晩明文壇。其中他的創作理論成就最高。其文學理論的基本宗旨就是强調眞 實和變化。而且他是明代寫作山水游記的著名作家。他的山水小品以其淸新 俊逸的特點給晩明文壇帶來生氣, 爲中國游記文學開了新的階段。他創作了 許多游記小品。在文學創作理論上, 特別他的山水小品具有最大成就。他在 山水小品創作, 以直寄和新奇的創作技巧表現眞實和變化的境界。
2013.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
≪说苑≫, 又名≪新苑≫, 刘向著, 共二十卷。按各类记述春秋战国至汉 代的遗闻轶事, 每类之前列总说, 事后加按语。其中以记述诸子言行为主, 不少篇章中記述治国安民、家国兴亡的哲理格言。主要體现儒家的哲学思 想、政治理想以及伦理观念。原二十卷, 后仅存五卷, 大部分已经散佚, 后 经宋代曾巩搜辑, 復为二十卷。≪說苑≫因其具有很强的雜多故事集的性質, 故被評價爲對后代小說或民間故事、軼事、筆記文學等産生的影響不小。雖 然它幷不是純粹的文藝理論著作, 但≪說苑≫的部分內容中敍述着劉向的重 要的文藝觀。卽對從劉向的學術淵源可知的文學與文章觀、對文學的性質與 作用及藝術特征、對創作過程、對詩歌文學的抒情性與效用、對藝術的內在 聯係與批評、對語言的重要性與文質的關係等問題表明自己的見解。本稿就 是對劉向在從文學理論方面談及的文章進行選錄幷加以注釋的。對跨西漢後 期至東漢初葉的秦漢時期的古籍進行一番校勘整理, 記述書名與篇目、著者 的生平與著述的本末、書篇的眞僞、內容的對錯、學術源流, 査看對文學的 認識及由此自然地整理出的文學理論見解也是具有重要的意義。
2013.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In the 16th century, the country of the heaven’s son Ming Dynasty had been on the verge of decline. Under such a circumstance, Portuguese who had been shown along the coast of Southeast Asia occupied the Malacca Kingdom with their force, which was a tributary state to China for a long time, resulting in disturbances in the tributary trading system whose summit was Ming Dynasty. Although Portugal with its entry to the Sea of Southeast Sea wanted to keep a tributary relations for the stable and organizational trading activities with China, the government of Ming Dynasty could not overcome its suspicion and fear against Portugal as they had not experienced such a situation, resulting in forming conflicts for a long time. Macao – The process to form residences of Portuguese in Macao can be said to be a course to expand the understanding and trust on the counterpart while the government of Ming Dynasty with no power to control the counterpart were reducing the suspicion and fear against Portugal. Although Ming Dynasty could not embrace Portugal as one of the tributary states, it allowed their stay in Macao as the land of the heaven’s government. Although gateways were installed to control the access of Portuguese to the inland, their trading was never blocked. Although Portuguese did not give up the construction of walls under the justification of protecting their living foundations from the external invaders such as the Dutch, they served for the government of Ming Dynasty which allowed them to have their safety and Christian missionary works until they were perished. The Portuguese residents in Macao with Catholic churches and Western buildings in the Iberian style together with Chinese colors can be said to be cultural heritages which came from the contacts and conflicts between China and Portugal.
2013.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Movie sometimes has been actively used as political propaganda because it is one of genre in communion with public. In socialist countries, such as China, in which intervention and interference of state power being explicited widely, political messages in movies have been reflected in any forms. Mass production of the recent films on the subject of Sinocentrism is a good example. Historically, in China where confucianism has been settled as state religion since DongZhongshu, so-called Sinocentrism has been applied in the center of manas dominating international order to establish the relationship of neighbor countries. In particular, it is recently a discerned atmosphere that China's vertical rise of global status in many aspects has made Chinese domination and interference take for granted. Reflecting this trend, recent films with themes of culture supremacy, grand unification, and heroism have been poured into the world these days. Since the late 90s, so-called ‘National Studies fever(國學熱)’ that booms to reexhibit China’s traditional ideas proceeded in the maximized form has given birth to the movie <Confucius>. The Confucius who was once perceived negatively by the Communist Party of China as a vestige of feudal society is shed new light on and now he comes back to the heroic shape and mobilizes national consciousness dispelling the current crisis of moral civilization. Apparently, Confucius meets the sign of 'China' the most, but what we should not overlook is that he has been already sublimated to the absolute value of East Asian civilization and spirit through historical process so he is no longer tied to ethnic myth.
2013.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study explains relationship of low-carbon green growth among China, ROK, and DPRK. How this and inter-Korean cooperation in energy & environment were interrelated will also analyzed here. Low-carbon green growth is indispensable to sustaining industrial and economic development of these three nations. It seems as if green growth was last on the list of concerns of Western politicians. But now China and South Korea as well as some Western countries were keen to tell the world that they have a strong interest in green growth. 'Green growth' and 'sustainability' are the words on the lips of people all over the world. ROK hosted the Group of 20 Summit and the government's strong drive for green growth reshaped Korea's position on the global map. With the help of President Lee Myung-bak and world leaders, the Global Green Growth Institute has recently turned into an official international organization. Furthermore, the president pledged to establish a Global Green Technology Award and raise government financial assistance to promote the green growth era and motivate talented minds. South Korea is willing to help DPRK with green industry, even for future unified Korea.
2013.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
釜山和中国姊妹(友好合作)城市之间的交流方式在搞活经济和旅游观光方面 来看,基本上着重于通过人为的行政交流进行,这样的交流方式不具备永久性, 并且难可持续发展。中国姊妹(友好合作)城市间社会文化的交流接触成为重要的 中间媒介。但是到目前为止,对于釜山和中国姊妹(友好合作)城市间社会文化交 流还仅停留在能罗列出的一些暂时性的接触水平。因此,为了增进两地间更活跃 的交流,有必要更深层次地摸索道路,进而提出解决问题的实质性方案。 韩中两国城市间的社会文化交流比起硬要单方面的同化,更需要充分地实现 交流城市间双方的文化理解和认识。所以,通过可以增进相互理解的机制,努力 促进釜山和中国姊妹(友好合作)城市间的社会文化交流走向更成熟的新篇章。
2013.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
이 논문은 한중관계의 국제 전략적 환경에서 출발하여 한중 전략적 동반자관계의 내실화 추진 방안을 탐구하였다. 한중 수교 20년 이후 양 국은 경제, 정치외교, 군사안보 등 영역에서의 협력은 거대한 성과를 거 두었다. 양국의 경제관계는 여전히 경제발전의 불균형과 같은 제약요인 이 존재하고 있으나 경제무역, 투자 등 영역에서의 협력은 심화되고 있 다. 정치영역에서의 협력은 고위급간의 빈번한 방문과 이러한 방문의 정례화 내지는 국제무대에서의 공조와 같은 성과를 이루었다. 군사영역 에서의 협력은 성과가 있었으나 여전히 낮은 단계에 머물고 있다. 중국 의 부상에 따른 지역역학 관계의 변화, 북한에 대한 한중 양국의 인식 차이는 전략적 차원에서 한중 관계에 소극적인 영향을 미치고 있다. 한 국은 한반도 문제의 당사자로서 특히 ‘강한 당선자’로서 전략적 차원에 서 북한을 접근할 필요가 있으며, 정책의 선택에서 변화된 중국과 미국 의 힘의 균형을 고려할 필요가 있다. 중국은 한중 관계의 발전을 위하 여 북한의 개혁, 개방과 같은 체제 변화의 유도와 국제사회로의 복귀를 적극 권장해야 할 것이다.
2013.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
1992年韩中建交后韩国政府引导地方自治团体和中国城市的姐妹结缘。 姐妹城市使两国间外交在城市立场上组成后盾和友谊的纽带关系。 韩国和中国开始文化的起源虽然有相似性,但是因为无法克服语言和文 化的差异,所以一直存在误会和矛盾。一直到最近为止因为“东北工程”、 “苏岩礁”、“北韩问题”的矛盾也还没有解除。但是这些冲突从民间交流接 近,能实现的远远超出了政府间的外交成果,也可以自然促进相互了解。民 间交流一般是在城市间地方政府的友好协力项目实行过程开始的,所以要强 调地方政府的作用。 釜山市在当下2012年和中国的4个主要城市结交为友好城市,又称为姐 妹城市。釜山市所属的9个基础自治团体也和中国的9个地方政府结成了友好 关系,缔成10条友好协力条例并且进行着友好交流活动。所以,作为姐妹城 市,从釜山整体看来,姐妹关系10例,友好协力13例,正在进行中的友好协 力关系共计23例。2009年,釜山-中国间的交流活动大约70件;2010年,125 件;2011年,133件,由此看来,交流活动呈现每年递增的趋势。但是,人 力交流占大多数,经济,文化,体育,观光等方面的交流反而在减少。釜山 -中国城市间的交流协力在对单纯地互相访问,公务员交流等人力,行政的 交流追求有相应的偏重。为了活跃两城市间的地域经济实质的持续的交流需 要相应的方案和变化。 为了活跃釜山和中国的城市交流方案,进行了对市民团体和专家团体的 问卷调查。市民团体通过中文的学习对中国的理解度相对较高。以市民为对 象对“对中国城市的印象”,“友好协力希望计划”进行来了调查。专家团体是 对和中国有关的学者,中国投资的企业人等等长久从事和中国有关业务的人 为对象。关于国际交流的问题和对策,对专家进行了2次深层的问卷调查。 通过对问卷纸的分析,考察对釜山和中国城市的交流和问题的考察,提出了 对应方案和时事点。 为了搞活和上海姐妹城市的交流协力,需要运营改善方向,开发新的计 划,战略性的运营。运营体系改善方向提出对市民进行积极的宣传,市民参 与计划的扩大和持续性的运营,强化中国交流的专门性,强化经济交流,扩 大釜山上海贸易办事处的作用。新计划开发案提出韩国文化演唱大会,发掘 经济协力原型,激活学术交流。最后战略性的运营方面提出交流计划的产官 学协力,通过体制的研究进行战略性的接近,需要发觉新地域和产业。