
中國學 KCI 등재 중국학 Chinese Studies

이 간행물 논문 검색


제45집 (2013년 8월) 11

2013.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
本論文主要考察了關於金文上所出現的女性稱謂。周代金文中出現的女 性稱謂比前代多樣化而細分化, 這跟社會制度的變化和婚姻制度有關。 金文上出現的女性稱謂,可分为婚姻稱謂、死後稱謂、親族稱謂、身分 稱謂等等。以婚姻時帶走的媵器来可以看出它是關於婚姻稱謂的器物。媵器 上所記錄的女性稱謂有婚姻女性的姓、名、字、美稱、輩行等等, 也有作 器者母親時母名義。 死後女性的稱謂有諡號、受祭祀對象的親族稱謂、干支等等, 其中有 獨立用個人諡號的和随她丈夫諡號的。女性身分的稱謂作为亲族称谓, 从而 可知女性的婚姻和婚姻前的称谓,婚姻女性的称谓随她丈夫的地位不同。親 族稱謂有女、母、妣、姑、姪、姒等等, 婚姻後的身分稱謂有妻, 媵, 婦 等等。這些都属於婚姻女性的一般稱謂, 随她丈夫所得到的稱謂如下: 王的 妻子稱天君, 諸侯的妻子稱小君、内君、夫人、君夫人, 士的妻子稱婦。 女性的社會身分稱謂有妾、姆。正妻以外統稱妾, 可金文上所出現的妾 都表示奴婢, 通過這可知正妻以外的女性地位都低, 周代封建制度和宗法制 度重視嫡長子。从而産生男性中心的婚姻制度, 這反映随着社會制度的不同, 婦女地位也受影響。 通過周代金文中的女性稱謂可知女性婚姻前身分上并沒有差別, 但是婚 姻後, 随这丈夫的地位和正妻或媵, 其身份和作用都产生變化, 進入春秋後 期女性渐渐歸屬於男性。作为妻子和死後母親的身分, 女性所享受的地位是 跟男性同樣的。
2013.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
≪新撰字鏡≫為一部日本的古辭書, 此書一本均保有有字書․韻書․類書的特徵, 於是具有非常獨特的體例. 而且此書本身就是俗體的寶藏 因為作 者會集了≪玉篇≫․≪一切經音義≫․≪切韻≫․≪干祿字書≫․≪正命要 錄≫以及當時在日本文人的文獻力的漢字, 并按照自己的原則類聚大量的異 體字, 附加適當的註釋. ≪新撰字鏡≫的體例受到≪干祿字書≫之類字樣書的影響, 有關異體字 均集中排列在一處當字頭, 其下用‘形‘‘形作‘, ‘同作‘, ‘同‘; 若干形同‘等的術 語, 解釋其字形之間的關係, 在下列了字釋和其他信息. "如䒫, 二形七矢 反. 上. 生山, 其味甚苦, 人能食尓, 古多. 又云加乃尓介.", "溲, 三形 作.正所牛反. 平.", " 篘, 三同. 楚尤反. 平. 篘酒. 或作醔."等. 第二個特徵就是, 字頭之間活躍性相對來強, 上下字頭緊緊聯繫的情況 頗多. 比如‘上個字頭是正字, 下面的字頭就是俗字, 再下面的字就是其古文 ‘之類的例子不難查到. 更顯著的用‘上’‘上字’‘上同作’, ‘上古文‘等的定形術語 來說明字頭間的關係. 如: "年, 奴田反. 平. 秊, 二上同字.", "河, 故歌反. 水名, 出稽山; , 上字.", , 除殄反. 止也. 履也. 趁也.; 跈, 上正作.", " , 上字俗作.", "曝, 補木反. 入. 日乾也. 曬.; , 上古文.“ 最後就是在陳述的註釋裏面, 提示字頭的不同屬性的異體字, 如正字, 俗 字, 古字, 今字等. 並且用‘上通下正‘, ‘上俗下正’等的格式闡明某字的正俗辨 認. 如: "謌, 葛羅反. 歌哥二字同.", " , 祖到反. 躁趮二形同. 不安靜也."," , 張流二反. 平. 狂也. 相欺惑也. 嚋同作.", " , 鞀鞉皷三形同作.徒刀 反. 跳如鼓而小, 持其柄搖捋之者也.", "防, 坊字同. 扶方反. 俻也. 當也."," 氣, 亦作炁. 去既反. 去. 欝也. 息也.", "㦣, 亦作寱讏二形. 于劌魚祭二反. 眠內不覺. 妄言也."," , 去玄反. 麥莖也. 槀也. 或作䅌.", ", 都礼反. 又 作觝. 抵也. 角觸也.", "蹎, 又作二形.", "劖, 躬字正字.", "矟, 所角反. 鉾也. 長一丈八尺. 槊, 上俗作.", "叨, 他榮吐高二反. 平. 食也. 殘也. 貪也. 俗作饕.", "召, 上俗作, 二正作.", "若苦, 上通, 下正.", " , 上通作."
2013.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Native vocabulary is more basic and common words in every language system. As an important part of native vocabulary, mimetic words is the word group changed the other senses except auditory sense to segmental sound which can express human emotion and smoothly describe objects. Therefore, in order to strengthen performance effects of language, Korean and China people use a lot of mimetic words in their daily life. Even in Chinese language, mimetic words is not as well-developed as Korean. Many scholars have focused on the mimetic words, which a large number of related papers exist, because it plays an important role in the whole language. Most of which, however, are only the research on phonology, significancy, sentence syntax ,there is no evidence that word order exists. Based on the previous studies in both Korea and China, this thesis intends to analyze the similarities and divergences of word order in mimetic words.
2013.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
目前關羽信仰和關羽崇拜已經成爲中國社會的一種特殊文化現象。關羽 形象隨着三國歷史而走進中國社會, 他的故事也在悠久的中國歷史和廣範的 地區上流傳了將近兩千年。隨着時代的推移, 關羽形象也有了變化。在關羽 形象演變過程中, 長篇歷史演義小說≪三國演義≫所塑造的歷史人物關羽完 成了其形象的文學定型。本論文考察≪三國演義≫所塑造的關羽人物形象的 特點, 以探討了在關羽崇拜文化現象上其特點所反映的價値和意味。
2013.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
本論文注重考據譯析的硏究方法來探討了明代著名文學家湯顯祖所寫的 <茶馬>詩的主要內容, 看透明末北方邊境的茶馬互市由官商勾結及軍兵紀 綱鬆懈露呈亂脈相的來龍去脈。<茶馬>詩的主题和题材,跟唐宋以来诸多诗人墨客所写的茶诗不同, 注重就事论事的观点,指摘当时边方地区经济通商国防上的种种矛盾,官商 结托所引起的恶弊。湯显祖身在宦海中曾目睹科场上的弊端,历尽浮沉,经 尝宦途颠沛,终辞官归家。汤显祖深谙茶事,他不仅在剧作中经常提到茶 事,还写过许多茶诗。因汤显祖嗜茶,故其堂号为“玉茗堂”,自称为“玉茗 堂主人”,“玉茗”为茶的别称,可见汤显祖爱茶之深。 通过这首诗,我们可以了解茶马交易的一些实际情况。例如,诗中“黑 茶一何美,羌马一何殊”就指湖南黑茶,当时茶叶用“篦”作计量单位,获得 “引”的商人有在茶区收购茶叶的权利,但有一半要交给茶马司,用于茶马交 易等等。<茶馬>诗就抨击茶政背后的社会难脉情况,透露其平素深患边 事,痛惜以茶马挽回国势之政策彻底失败,针对贪赃枉法,横征暴敛,不恤 民生之徒,有所借鉴。 明代末叶因茶政马政之流弊愈深,中央政府常年政争所捆,软弱无能而 束手无策,过去‘茶馬古道’的华丽荣光愈褪色萎缩,近代中国边方原始形态 的通商贸易文化随之踪迹落空了。
2013.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
娄烨的影片『頣和園』在中国国内被禁播,因为它不仅以六四为题材创 作,而违反国务院所定的〈电影管理条例〉。有人将它视为政治片,有人视 为爱情片,也有人在现代史的脉络阅读它。无论如何,在韩国关于六四的研 究不少,而尚未有瞩目到影片的主人公─六四一代负罪感,考察其时空意味 的试图。本文论述通过影片内部的闪回镜头与独白等被忘却已久的六四的记 忆如何再现,也论述被忘却的时空通过字幕,电影音乐与场面调度等如何汇 合。 人物的旅程由圖們、深圳、武漢、重慶、北戴河至德国柏林继续相衔, 由此可发现六四一代已丧失的时空,也可试探回复的可能性。它是由封闭性 空间─北京脱身走向开放性空间─柏林的旅程。它是必然回归的构图,本文 由此还考察何为六四,此事件留下的课题。他们的后半辈子是,各自分崩离 析过平凡的日子。因此,他们不见得不远将来解决“无地方性”。李緹与周伟 做梦想的在中国不存在的地方─柏林实际上是乌托邦,因此不能成为可能展 望的未来。那么,如现实上要实现“地方恢复”与空间结成新关系,就需要什 么过程? 至今对六四的普遍的悲观看法蔓延到了社会,但总有查明六四的真相, 恢复牺牲者的名誉的一天。如市民眼前照实再现六四的现场,再看到一时的 解放区─天安门的景象,它能够被重新评价为解放广场。这是解构隐蔽六四 时空的逻辑,恢复、再构建地方的进程。
2013.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This writing had research subject as Zhang Yang's movies titled <Getting Home(落葉歸根)>(2007) and <Full Circle (飛越老人 院)>(2012). Two pieces of movies are roughly distinguished from the existing movies in a sense of having commercially consumed a social issue, which is caused by migrant workers and aging, with the use of road-movie genre. This study was progressed a research with paying attention to this point. First, it considered the process that socially underprivileged people such as migrant workers proceed with being included in the mainstream narrative. It clarified that the combination of road movie and comedy is proceeding with solidifying position as one new trend while illuminating the process that migrant workers, who had been addressed realistically, are divided into a character of comedy and are again mixed with road movie. Second, a gap could be confirmed to be created between journey and reality shown in a movie due to the combination of road movie and comedy. And it examined how socially underprivileged people were commercially played a variation to be applied. At the same time, it could confirm that there is reality outside journey in a sense that therapy of being mobilized by family love is proposed as solution rather than complaining about and reflecting on reality with which socially underprivileged people are faced.
2013.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
본 서지목록(Bibliography)은 1950년대부터 2010년에 이르는 시기에 발행되어 학계에 주목받고 있는 도가사상과 도교에 관련된 동, 서양의 대표적인 저서와 학위논문, 단편 논문 및 각종 학술잡지 가운데 중국, 일본, 미국, 유럽 등지에서 발간된 자료를 집중적으로 수집, 정리한 것 이다. 국내에서 발표된 자료가 빠지는 등 비록 완벽한 형태로 집대성되 지 못한 한계는 있지만 이 자료가 참고문헌(Reference) 목록으로서 도처에 산재한 도가사상과 도교에 관련한 학술정보를 쉽게 열람하고 확인 할 수 있는 학문적 데이터베이스(Database)의 역할을 하는데 일정한 기 여를 할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.
2013.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
China's switched to a market economy system, the economy was growing rapidly. Recently, using the traditional export-oriented economic model to the global recession, economic growth in China reached a limit. Also the Development of Chinese economy has generated the local income gap especially between the coastal zones and the inland districts. China by taking advantage of the coastal zones and the inland districts, each with and tries to achieve balanced development and economic growth of the country. Therefore, this study focused on the trend of China's logistics policy analysis of the internal and external logistics integration strategy for the economic development of China.
2013.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This paper to empirical examine the date from 2007 to 2010 China's ODI in 103 countries, found that a lot of overseas theory and experience hypotheses to explain China's ODI is not suitable for a large part. China's outward FDI to the investing countries are the main factors that affect the size and potential of the markets, the open level of market, such as the degree of technological development. But China's enterprises towards the presence of exchange and other financial risks that are not realize. The average wage level, the exchange rate of the traditional FDI determinants influenced the theory and existing research findings conflicting results were obtained. The strategic implications for Korean government and enterprises are as follow: First, China to take advantage of new investment source need to target strategies. Second, the extension of Korea's market should be expanded. Third, the investment environment should be open for the Chinese capital in Korea. Fourth, the response to M&A of China's enterprises should be prepared in advance. Fifth, we should be prepared that compete with foreign manufactured products by China's enterprises.
2013.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This paper to empirical examine the date from 2007 to 2010 China's ODI in 103 countries, found that a lot of overseas theory and experience hypotheses to explain China's ODI is not suitable for a large part. China's outward FDI to the investing countries are the main factors that affect the size and potential of the markets, the open level of market, such as the degree of technological development. But China's enterprises towards the presence of exchange and other financial risks that are not realize. The average wage level, the exchange rate of the traditional FDI determinants influenced the theory and existing research findings conflicting results were obtained. The strategic implications for Korean government and enterprises are as follow: First, China to take advantage of new investment source need to target strategies. Second, the extension of Korea's market should be expanded. Third, the investment environment should be open for the Chinese capital in Korea. Fourth, the response to M&A of China's enterprises should be prepared in advance. Fifth, we should be prepared that compete with foreign manufactured products by China's enterprises.