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        검색결과 9,514

        2020.11 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The present research intends to examine the relationship between the Big Five personality traits and leadership initiations among the marketing executives in Delhi NCR (INDIA), and seeks to uncover the predictors of leadership initiations within personality traits. The data are collected through online survey method using different social media platforms. A sample of 233 (male =136 and female =97) marketing executive’s responses were included. The data collected with the help of self-reported Big Five model inventory and leadership initiation test. The collected data were analyzed statistically by using descriptive statistics, correlation. and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The results revealed that the age of respondents inversely correlated with leadership initiation. Neuroticism revealed significant inverse correlation with leadership initiation, whereas significant positive correlations were found between extraversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and leadership initiations, while openness to experience revealed insignificant positive correlation with leadership initiation. Extraversion and conscientiousness appeared as the most dominant personality traits among marketing executives, irrespective of gender, that positively influenced leadership initiation and appeared as the predictor of leadership initiation. In male executives extraversion and age emerged as the predictors of leadership behavior, while in female executives extraversion and openness to experience personality traits appeared as the predictors of leadership initiation.
        2020.11 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The study examines the influence of individual characteristics, training content, and manager support on the effectiveness of on-the-job (OJT) training in the banking and finance industry. A simple random sampling technique was used to select the samples. Questionnaires were distributed to respondents in order to obtain the data. Using cross-sectional data obtained from 396 respondents in Bank A in Malaysia, the multiple regression results show that self-efficacy, motivation to learn, training content, and manager support have positive influence on OJT training effectiveness. Among all these factors, manager support is very highly correlated with OJT training effectiveness. The findings have given fruitful insight of the crucial roles of OJT training in the respective bank, particularly to bring forward the roles of systematic design and implementation of OJT training. This study is not only expanding knowledge in OJT and training, but offers managers practical insights in developing good OJT training program by considering employees need, capabilities, skills and job requirement. Furthermore, this study also provides a valuable framework in identifying the effectiveness of OJT training program for certain jobs. Further discussion of the research findings and its implications to theoretical knowledge of training and managers are promised at the end of the article.
        2020.11 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The main objective of this paper is to examine the applicability of Linan and Chen’s entrepreneurial intention model (EIM) in predicting the entrepreneurial intention. EIM is an adaptation of the Theory of Planned Behavior that focuses on entrepreneurial intention and hypothesizing slightly different patterns of relationship with regards to subjective norms. The model also includes human capital and demographic factors. Snowball sampling method was used to collect data using the entrepreneurial intention questionnaire (EIQ) through several social media platforms. The survey indicates that the overall entrepreneurial intention of Saudi students is high (mean = 5.41). Eight out of the seventeen hypothesized relationships were found to be significant. Among the demographic variables, gender-personal attitude was significant whereas self employment experience and years of business education were found to be significantly related with perceived behavioral control. The statistical analysis using partial least square structural equation modelling validated the model. All the three antecedents of entrepreneurial intention were significantly related with entrepreneurial intention. The results of this study will help policy makers to get deep understanding into the phenomenon of entrepreneurship among Saudi university students and thereby develop a conducive environment. This study also validates the entrepreneurial intention model in a different cultural context.
        2020.11 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The research was conducted with the aim of knowing the effect of the CAMELS ratio either partially or simultaneously on stock prices. The CAMELS ratio (Capital, Asset Quality, Management, Earning, Liquidity) is used to measure the soundness of a bank, where by the better the soundness of the bank, the more profitable the bank will be for potential investors and other interested parties. The population of this research consists of the four state banks documented on the Indonesia Stock Exchange over the 2012-2019 period. The sample selection technique is a saturated sampling. This study provides the results that partially CAR has a significant effect on the share price of government banks listed on the IDX. Meanwhile, NPL, NPM, ROA, and LDR do not have a significant effect on stock prices of state banks listed on the IDX. The results of the regression analysis show that, together the CAMELS ratio, which is proxied by CAR, NPLS, NPM, ROA, and LDR has a positive and significant influence on the share price of state-owned banks documented on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, so this can be used as a reference for investors in predicting the share price of a state-owned bank before investing in shares.
        2020.11 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This empirical research aims to modeling and improving the forecasting accuracy of the volatility pattern by employing the Saudi Arabia stock market (Tadawul)by studying daily closed price index data from October 2011 to December 2019 with a number of observations being 2048. In order to achieve significant results, this study employs many mathematical functions which are non-linear spectral model Maximum overlapping Discrete Wavelet Transform (MODWT) based on the best localized function (Bl14), autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model and generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) models. Therefore, the major findings of this study show that all the previous events during the mentioned period of time will be explained and a new forecasting model will be suggested by combining the best MODWT function (Bl14 function) and the fitted GARCH model. Therefore, the results show that the ability of MODWT in decomposition the stock market data, highlighting the significant events which have the most highly volatile data and improving the forecasting accuracy will be showed based on some mathematical criteria such as Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE), Mean Absolute Scaled Error (MASE), Root Means Squared Error (RMSE), Akaike information criterion. These results will be implemented using MATLAB software and R- software.
        2020.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose: The supply of and demand for medical services continue to increase as the current social environment changes. Consequently, competition among medical institutions is intensifying and hospitals must establish appropriate management strategies to improve the medical services they provide. This study suggests that the authenticity of doctors is a factor in improving medical-service quality and examines the effect authenticity has on the affective trust and satisfaction of patients. Design, methodology, and approach: The study utilized previous studies to examine the significance of potential variables, established hypotheses and used a questionnaire to confirm these hypotheses. The questionnaire was distributed to patients who had visited a hospital in the previous six months. Responses were analyzed empirically using structural equation modeling. Findings: The analysis found that a physician’s authenticity has a significant impact on the affective trust of patients. While patients’ affective trust does not have a similar strong impact on patient satisfaction, physician authenticity does have a significant impact on patient satisfaction. Conclusion and implications: This study examined the roles of authenticity, affective trust, and patient satisfaction in doctor-patient relationships in the medical services field. The implication of the findings is that physician authenticity is a prerequisite for patient satisfaction of medical services.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The objective of this study is to disclose the effect of socio-demographic characteristics such as, age and ethnicity which is comprised of Malay, Chinese, Indian and Others on four financial capability domains namely planning ahead, managing money, choosing products and staying informed. A closed ended self-administered questionnaire was disseminated to a total of 2000 respondents among four types of groups which consist of FELDA or rural area residents, private sector employees, government sector employees and youth in institutions of higher learning in Malaysia. Those four groups were selected to cover a wide range of Malaysian population. 500 respondents were involved in this study for each types of groups through purposive sampling technique. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and analysis via Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) was utilized in this study. The results revealed that age has significant effect on planning ahead, managing money, choosing products and staying informed. Whereas, ethnicities were found to have no effect on financial capability except planning ahead domain. It is suggested that more devotion should be placed on research and professional training in building respondents’ financial capability. Furthermore, government and non-government organizations should develop a comprehensive approach to intensify their financial capability and upgrade their standards of living especially of financially vulnerable households.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The study investigates developing an Islamic student financing securitization model based on sukuk structures. This study employs sample of descriptive, analytical, and comparative analyses utilized to discuss a novel framework of Islamic securitization through the different structures of sukuk wakalah derived from asset securitization. The result served to investigate the use of Islamic student financing securitization in a Shariah-compliant manner, which would be implementable in Malaysia. It emphasized the sukuk structures based on the wakeel principle, which indicated a situation where a wakeel or representative appointment was made to manage a project on the behalf of the sukuk holder. The findings of this study supported the economic benefits obtained in the form of lower overall financing costs through the use of securitization for student financing in higher education. This paper offers important implications specifically for the creation of sukuk structures and issuing a highly graded and marketable sukuk, which are compliant towards global Shariah principles. The paper fills the gap perceived within the existing literature of Islamic finance by showing Islamic securitization via sukuk as a viable source of funds potential utilizable in stabilizing the securities market. It can also pose as a solution for securing a sustainable funding.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Seeing the existence of MSME needs that have still not been met although this sector is undeniably important in Indonesian economy, changes in community behaviour and the intensity of the use of technology in the community, financial technology (fintech) has a lot of potentials to become a part of the solution of the problem commonly faced by MSMEs. Therefore this research needs to be done to observe the potential of fintech in integrating MSMEs in terms of the application of technology and knowledge from the community related to fintech. By using Technology Acceptance Model, this research tries to understand the determinant factors of the fintech application used by MSME. Based on the research framework and model, path analysis method used in this research. This research uses primary data gathered by the questioner, which was distributed to MSME. From the analysis conducted, we can conclude that the external factors tested in this research could have an effect on the behaviour intention through perceived usefulness in MSME practice of financial technology. Large variation in MSME educational background, busineess age and size would become a challenge in promoting fintech application, therefore this finding suggests that fintech should be promoted by highlighting what benefits can be obtained by using fintech application.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of religiosity, knowledge and attitudes on consumer intention to consume halal food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical products in Indonesia. The data is collected from online questionnaires and the total data used for this study was obtained from a total of 684 respondents from 27 provinces in Indonesia. This study used a quantitative approach because the purpose of this study was to test hypotheses and the relationship between variables such as religiosity, knowledge, attitudes, and intentions to consume halal food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical products. The result of this study indicated that the relationship among religiosity, knowledge and attitudes positively influenced consumer intention to consume halal food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical products. The study also found that religiosity had more influence on consumer intentions to consume halal food than cosmetics and pharmaceuticals products. Meanwhile knowledge had more influence on consumer intention to consume halal pharmaceuticals than cosmetics and food products. In fact, attitude had a positive influence on intention to consume halal food and had a greater influence over it compared to consumption of cosmetics and pharmaceutical products. In addition, this study is one of the first attempts to determine the reason for differences in consumer intentions to consume halal food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical products in Indonesia.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The current study explains how corruption, terrorism, political stability and oil price has an effect on on the Iraq stock exchange utilizing corruption perception index as a proxy of corruption, global terrorism index as proxy for terrorism, political stability and oil price with ISX60 index as proxy of stock market for the period (2005-2019) using Ordinary Least Square method. The results show that the level of corruption, terrorism activities and political stability coefficient is significantly positive with Iraq stock exchange. In contrast, the oil price coefficient is significantly negative with Iraq stock exchange, which means that lower levels of corruption, less terrorism activities and more stability in political system have strong influence on stock market development in Iraq. The study concludes that the explanatory variables are important for Iraq stock exchange. Hence, the study suggests the policy makers to develop stock market by implementing policies and strategies to overcome high level of corruption, terrorism activities especially after ISIS/ISIL announcement has been made public. There is a need for transparency and creating stable political environment through good governance practices in order to attract more foreign investment and promote economic development. Factors like terrorism and corruption make economic and political systems unstable and has an adverse effect on on Iraq’s stock exchange performance.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The study aims to investigate the impact of ownership structure on corporate voluntary disclosure in the listed companies of Bangladesh. While many studies on the impact of ownership structure on voluntary disclosure have looked at developed and developing countries, few studies have been carried out in a transition economy. Using a three-step relative voluntary disclosure index, the study applies a multivariate analysis on the cross-sectional data for the year 2018. The findings indicate that the quality of voluntary disclosure in transition economy is still below average but has improved compared to findings from the previous literature. We found a significant inverse relationship between corporate voluntary disclosure and public ownership, while no significant relationships between voluntary disclosure and institutional ownership, director ownership, and foreign ownership have been found. The empirical findings of the study will provide evidence to promote the voluntary disclosure characterized by the ownership structures. The findings have important implications for both local and foreign investors as they make their investment decisions especially related to a transition economy. Besides, the findings will assist, not only the corporate executives in rearranging their reporting paradigm, but also the regulators and governments in similar transition economy in adopting and formulating their corporate policies and strategies.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The IMO has established a regulation for the ECDIS installation on ships based on the IHO S-57 standards. The ECDIS supports sailors in achieving a safe voyage by using ENCs and monitoring the information of their ship. However, the S-57 standards were developed as edition 3.1 and prohibited revision for more than 20 years. So, the IHO developed a new standard as S-100 into the hydrography and maritime field instead of updating the S-57 to edition 4.0. In this study, the new S-100 ECDIS was developed and verified with ENCs and the digital maritime safety information by using a ship steering simulator and by conducting an on-board sea-trial test. It evaluated the impact on ship operations if the next-generation navigation support system is introduced. Based on this research, the S-100 ECDIS will generate improvements such as safe voyages by providing various of real-time safety information and up-to-date data to ship and sailors.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The present study aims to investigate the perceived usefulness of business coaching as a moderator between the association of entrepreneurial competencies and business success of women micro-entrepreneurs. This study employs a stratified random sampling technique to collect data from women micro-entrepreneurs who attended business coaching sessions. In total, 261 questionnaires were distributed and collected. This study has divided the moderator (i.e., perceived usefulness of business coaching) into two groups, namely, group 1 (with a low mean) and group 2 (with a high mean) for moderation analysis. By using a comparative analysis of the path coefficient for groups 1 and 2, the path is moderated by the perceived usefulness of business coaching if the beta value for group 1 is significant, and the beta value for group 2 is non-significant. The results show that eight out of a total of sixteen hypotheses were supported, while the remaining hypotheses were rejected. The findings of the study suggest that the domains of entrepreneurial competencies for women micro-entrepreneurs, including strategic, commitment, conceptual, opportunity, and relationship competencies, together with the perceived usefulness of business coaching, are vital for the business success and should remain the principal focus of future research in women entrepreneurship.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study investigates the application of management information systems to the quality of local government financial reports, especially the principle of transparency and the law of accountability, which have been measures of financial statement performance evaluation. The study was conducted in Enrekang Regency, Indonesia, which, based on the results of the examination, the Supreme Audit Board reported the status of Disclaimer, Fair with Exceptions, and Fair without Exceptions for three years each. This study used a sample of 35 respondents, finance department employees who worked on local government financial reports. Descriptive quantitative data were collected using a questionnaire instrument, then with the assistance of the Program Solution and Product Statistics (SPSS) Program, data were processed to test hypotheses. The results showed that the use of management information systems based on information and communication technology (ICT) had a significant influence on the quality of local government financial reports. The findings of this study indicate that the application of ICT-based management information systems affects the accountability and transparency of local government financial reports. This finding is reinforced by the use of the principles of government agility in the form of government apparatuses that apply responsive dexterity, flexibility agility, and competency agility.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study examines the effect of service quality and perceived value on customer loyalty with the intervening role of customers’ satisfaction in the e-commerce industry. The research method uses a quantitative research design with a survey model. The sample used in this study is Tokopedia consumers who live in DKI Jakarta and have done online shopping at Tokopedia at least twice in the last six months. All variables used were reliable and valid and met the research requirements. The object of this research were the 200 customer respondents who had made purchases on the largest e-commerce platform of Indonesia, Tokopedia. Data analysis was done by using SPSS and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results show that: first, the service quality and perceived value affect customer satisfaction positively. Second, there is a mediating effect of customer satisfaction on the relationship between service quality and perceived value on customer loyalty. Third, service quality and perceived value directly affect customer loyalty positively but insignificantly. The result implies that the role of customer satisfaction is significant in creating loyalty. In the e-commerce industry, good quality and perception could positively influence customers but not necessarily form loyalty. For that, e-commerce players should pay a lot of attention on customer satisfaction.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to test the interrelationship among perceived value, tourist satisfaction, quality of life, and tourist loyalty in an Indonesian tourist adventure destination. The respondents were recruited from Bromo Mountain, East-Java Province, Indonesia. For this study, 250 questionnaires were distributed, of which 240 could be used for analysis, yielding a response rate of 96%. Data was analyzed using Partial Least Squares with smartPLS 3 software. Both outer model and inner model evaluation were conducted to ensure the robustness of the proposed model. The findings showed that perceived value does not have a direct significant effect on tourist loyalty. However, tourist satisfaction and quality of life have significant effects on tourist loyalty. The mediating effect test indicated that tourist satisfaction and quality of life significantly mediated the effect of perceived value on tourist loyalty. The multi-group analysis test found that the demographic factor does not have any influence. By accomplishing its research objectives, this study provides both theoretical and practical contributions. From a theoretical standpoint, this study provides a comprehensive conceptual model in explaining Indonesia adventure tourist loyalty. From a practical standpoint, this study offers recommendations to adventure tourism management to enhance the sustainability of the tourism destination, especially the adventure tourism destination.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose: The purpose of this study is to narrow the target down to college students representing single-person households to identify the main attributes of their choice of Home Meal Replacement(HMR) and to look at the impact on satisfaction and repurchase intentions. Research design, data and methodology: An online survey was conducted for consumers who purchased HMR products at least once and a total of 264 questionnaires were used for demonstration analysis. The collected data have verified for validity and reliability between measurement variables through exploratory factor analysis and reliability analysis. Results: As a result, curiosity, economy, safety, and brand, which are HMR selection attributes that university students’ value, have a significant impact on satisfaction, and satisfaction has a significant impact on the intention of repurchase, a variable of behavior. In addition, the adjustment effect of health value pursuit was significant only in safety attributes. Conclusions: This study divided the target group to examine what the HMR selection attributes of single-person college students are, the main consumer of HMR, and how selective attributes affect satisfaction and willingness to repurchase. In the process, we wanted to find out if there was a moderating effect on the health-oriented values in the dietary lifestyle.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose: This research aims to explore the level of air pollution in Jakarta, the epicenter of COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia and its surrounding provinces during the first month of the Pandemic. Research design, data and methodology: This study uses data, which have been obtained real time from API (Application Programming Interfaces) of air quality website. The measurements of Air Quality Index (AQI), temperature, humidity, and other factors from several cities and regencies in Indonesia were obtained eight times a day. The data collected have been analyzed using descriptive statistics and mapped using QGIS. Results: The finding of this study indicates that The Greater Jakarta Area experienced a decrease in pollutant levels, especially in the Bogor area. Nevertheless, some areas, such as the north Jakarta, have exhibited slow reduction. Furthermore, the regions with high COVID-19 confirmed cases have experienced a decline in AQI. Conclusions: The study concludes that the air quality of three provinces, Jakarta, Banten, and West Java, especially in cities located in the Jakarta Metropolitan Area during COVID-19 pandemic and large-scale social restrictions, is getting better. However, in some regions, the reduction of pollutant concentrations requires a longer time, as it was very high before the pandemic.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The study attempts to assess the level of environmental sustainability awareness in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In the process, the study tries to assess the impact of extracurricular activities in increasing awareness of environmental sustainability. A survey questionnaire was administered to the students of Prince Sattam University and other universities of Saudi Arabia. The questionnaire comprises statements on simple environmental conservation activities, which we come across on a daily basis. Hypothesis testing is used to identify significant differences across different categories of respondents. Further, the method of binary logistic regression is used to analyze the data. Though all the respondents agree that conserving the environment is important still there are significant differences across categories when it comes to believing in and practicing environmentally-responsible behavior. The results show that environmental awareness can be increased using awareness activities on sustainability issues in a University setting. The study concludes that increasing the number of extracurricular activities on environmental topics as only 38% of the respondents reported any activity related to the environment in the past year. The findings of this study suggest that increased awareness of environmental issues can boost the sustainability awareness, which will ultimately lead to a sustainable environment.