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        검색결과 9,514

        2011.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The production of the sharp-toothed eel by commercial catch off waters of Korea is annually declined after 1978. This study was carried out to obtain the stock management of the sharp-toothed eel using the PCR-aided RFLP method. The mtDNA COI gene was amplified using species-specific primers and PCR product was observed to 700 bp. Amplified DNA fragments were treated with six kinds of restriction enzymes (BaeHI, EcoRI, PstI, Ksp22, HinfI and HaeIII). The treatment of HaeIII showed a distinct PCR product between Yeosu/Jinhae/Jeju/Goseoung and Jangheung/Haenam populations that were observed from 300 to 400 bp in reference to 100 bp molecular marker. However, DNA fragment within populations had an identical pattern. The phylogenetic homology is 82% between two populations inferred from RFLP PCR product pattern using NTsysPC ver. 2.1. The use of HaeIII plays an important role in discriminating populations. It is thought that adults after over-wintering in the southern part of Jeju migrate to the Yeosu, Jinhae and Goseoung regions to spawn instead of to southwestern waters. Individuals within populations showed a relatively active genetic mixing and migration regardless of geography. However, the genetic ancestor of Jangheung and Haenam populations is appeared to be more adjacent to China or Japan than Jeju.
        2011.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, to investigate the effects of herb aroma components, the BDI test was performed with the 124 students of the Youngdong University and the subjects whose score was 16 or higher were selected and allocated to the herb-extracted aroma-treated group and the non-treated group, 27 and 10 students for each group. The BDI and SDS tests were carried out at each stage (before and after the treatment, 10 days later and 30 days later). The result showed that the pre-treatment BDI test result was significantly different from all those of the post-treatment test, and the tests after 10 days and 30 days in the aroma-treated group. In the SDS test, the pre-treatment test result was significantly different from the results of the post-treatment test and the test after 10 days, while it was not significantly different from the result of the test after 30 days. Additionally, to verify whether the change within the group is larger than that by natural recovery or not, ANCOVA was performed with respect to the difference in the pre-treatment test score between the groups depending on whether the treatment was given or not, having the SDS pre-treatment score as the covariate, and the result showed that the post-treatment test scores were significantly different. Thus, it was verified that, if the SDS test score is considered as the depression indicator, the effect of aromatherapy was greater than the change by natural recovery. The difference in the post-treatment test score was analyzed depending on whether the treatment was given or not, having the BDI pre-treatment test score as the control variable, and the result showed that the post-treatment test scores were not significantly different. Based on such a theoretical verification, it is assumed that the nature-friendly treatment method using herb aroma components can be a great help in suppressing depression. Therefore, it is expected that herb aroma components can provide systematic therapeutic effect on the suppression of depression.
        2011.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The bulb storability of eight red and ten yellow onion (Allium cepa L.) cultivars grown primarily in Korea was evaluated. During storage, sprouting occurred earlier in red cultivars than in yellow cultivars. In addition, the ratio of sprouted to unsprouted bulbs increased more rapidly in red cultivars than in yellow cultivars. However, not all yellow cultivars had strong storabilities. Bulb storability of three yellow cultivars was as poor as that of red cultivars, suggesting only a slight possibility of a pleiotropic effect of color and bulb storability. Meanwhile, F3 lines of a red cultivar selected based on stronger storabilities showed intermediate storabilities between those of the red and yellow cultivars, implying that strong storability could be obtained by successive selection. In contrast, F1 hybrids from crosses between yellow and red breeding lines showed poor storability compared with the yellow cultivars, indicating that poor storability may be dominant over strong storability. The relationships between color and other traits that potentially affect storability, such as fresh and dry weight, water content, and firmness of bulbs, were evaluated. No significant differences in these traits were observed between the two colors, although the water content of yellow cultivars and the dry weight of red cultivars were slightly higher than their counterparts. Correlation analyses between bulb storability and other traits, including weight, water content, and firmness, also showed no significant correlations. In this study, no correlations were identified between bulb color, storability, and other traits. However, based on these results, red cultivars with stronger storabilities could be developed through successive selection of bulbs with stronger storabilities.
        2011.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Thirty five isolates of Trichoderma species collected from seven different locations of Bangladesh were studied for morphological characters and molecular variation. Mycelial diameters of the isolates varied from 8.28 cm to 9.00 cm. Based on colony colour, isolates were grouped into five such as dark green, green, light green, yellowish green and whitish green. Maximum isolates were green and light green. On the basis of growth habit and colony consistency, the isolates were categorized into three groups, in which most species had fast growth and were compact in appearance. PCR-based Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique employing 3 decamer primers produced 36 scorable bands of which all (100%) were polymorphic. The co-efficient of gene differentiation (Gst) was 1.0000 reflecting the existence of high level of genetic diversity among the isolates. The Unweighted Pair Group Method of Arithmetic Means (UPGMA) dendrogram constructed from Nei's (1972) genetic distance produced 2 main clusters (13 isolates in cluster 1 and 22 isolates in cluster 2). The result indicating their genetic diversity has opened new possibility of using the most efficient and more isolates of Trichoderma in the preparation of biopesticide and decomposition of municipality waste.
        2011.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper aims to examine the use of the Balanced Scorecard in a not-for-profit organization (the Korea Shipping Association). The KSA has begun using the Balanced Scorecard paradigm in its strategic planning process. In this paper an overview is presented of the basic concepts of the Balanced Scorecard including the financial perspective, customer perspective, internal process perspective, and learning and growth perspective. The accounting system and its pros and cons of the KSA are then surveyed in terms of its performance evaluation. The application of the Balanced Scorecard approach to the KSA is discussed in detail. Implications in using the Balanced Scorecard are discussed. Finally, conclusions regarding the use of the Balanced Scorecard in a not-for-profit organization are presented. Through this paper, the comprehensive understanding of the performance evaluation for not-for-profit organizations as the KSA would be promoted.
        2011.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Low temperature stress is one of the major negative factors affecting vegetative and reproductive growth of rice. To better understand responses of rice plants to low temperature we analyzed transcriptome expression patterns in glumous flower of cold-tolerant japonica rice variety, Stejaree45, and cold-susceptible variety, HR19621-AC6 at booting stage under cold water irrigation. A total of 2,411 probes were differentially expressed by low temperature in glumous flowers of the two varieties. Some important genes involved in hormone biosynthesis showed variety-specific regulation. Expression of GA20ox3 and GA2ox, among the genes involved in GA biosynthesis, was regulated differentially in the two varieties. Among the genes involved in IAA biosynthesis, YUCCA1 and TAA1:1 showed variety-specific regulation. Among the genes involved in cytokinin biosynthsis and signaling, expression of LOG, HK1 and HK3 was significantly down-regulated only in the cold-susceptible variety. Among the genes involved in ABA biosynthesis, NSY and AAO3 were down-regulated only in the cold-tolerant variety. In general, genes involved in GA, IAA and cytokinin biosynthesis responded to cold temperature in such a way that capacity of those bioactive hormones is maintained at relatively higher levels under cold temperature in the cold-tolerant variety, which can help minimize cold stress imposed to developing reproductive organs in the cold-tolerant variety.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The immune system may play an important role in aging and the changes in the immune status are associated with treatment of various immunomodulators. This study examined the effects of β-glucans isolated from mushroom fungi, Coriolus versicolor on macrophages functions in young (8-weeks-old) and aged (82-weeks-old) male C57BL/6 mice. When peritoneal macrophages were treated with various concentrations of β-glucan (1-100 μg/ml) for 24 hrs, tumoricidal activity, NO production and phagocytic activity were significantly increased in the young mice, whereas there are no effects in the aged mice. These results suggest that β-glucans has differential effects on the macrophage functions in young and aged mice and age nutrition might need to be considered to select proper immunomodulator. In addition, β-glucan could be used clinically for the treatment of diseases such as cancer therapy in the young.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) is a herb primarily distributed throughout in the world. We have used the inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR) technique to investigate the phylogenetic relationships and genetic diversity of C. tinctorius. Of all germplasms, 88.7% were polymorphic among all germplasms. Mean genetic diversity within germplasms was very low (0.048). The Turkey germplasm had the highest expected diversity (0.082) and Australia germplasm was the lowest (0.020). These values indicate that most of the genetic diversity of safflower is found among germplasms and there is a high among-germplasm differentiation. We found eight phenetic bands for determining the specific marker of germplasm with SCAR markers. The regions of the Mediterranean Sea and India may be the most probable candidates for the origin of safflower. The tree showed four major clades: (1) European germplasms, (2) Azerbaijan, Egypt, and Ethiopia, (3) Australia, and (4) America.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Buildings nowadays are increasingly expected to need higher and more economic performance requirements. Energy consumption in buildings accounts for over 30% of total energy use. The Building Energy Management System (BEMS) and renewable energy (RE) technologies are considered as a potential measure to improve energy efficiency and reduce use of grid-power. It is, however, a challenge to utilise the intermittent energy supply of RE in building energy systems. This paper presents an experimental study on a RE-embedded BEMS. A control algorithm for the RE-embedded BEMS was designed to maximise the utilisation of RE and eventually to reduce electrical utility bill. The proposed system is tested at a laboratorial chamber with an air conditioner, fan and heater. The contribution of RE in building energy system is discussed to this end.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Ash-Wednesday contrasts well with Four Quartets in the degree of feminine participation. The former has rich feminine presences while in the latter are heard only their faintly-heard voices. The richness of feminine involvement allows the reader a subtler look at the attributes and workings of feminine elements, the feminine archetypes here. Unlike most of Eliot’s poetical works where the motherly figures are dominant, Ash-Wednesday presents the anima actively functioning: the archetype shows its quality of variability, which the persona finds distasteful and struggles to escape from; it also displays its transformative and mediating nature through the Lady’s position of bridging the mundane and the transcendental; it reveals its dual nature as a helping partner and a destroyer alike by presenting itself as benign or hostile to the protagonist; it also shows its relation to the mother by presenting itself in collaboration with, or in opposition to, the other. The anima figures including invisible Vivienne of Poem I and the Lady, as a receptacle of these diverse and conflicting attributes of the anima, attract or repel the persona, depending on his different situations. She is a benign being at one time but she threatens his wellbeing at another time. Ultimately, however, the persona’s efforts to reach the world beyond seem to be limited by his propensity to gravitate toward the mother. He is consistently found regressively drawn to the mother in the poem and elsewhere.
        2010.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        콘크리트 내부에 매설된 철근의 부식은 철근콘크리트구조물의 조기 성능저하와 붕괴의 주요원인이 되고 있다. 철근콘크리트 구조물에 발생하는 열화현상 중에서 철근부식에 의해 발생되는 염해는 그 피해가 다른 열화 현상보다 심하고 구조물의 보수 및 시공 측면에서도 막대한 경비가 요구되고 보수시기 또한 정하기 힘들다. 따라서 철근의 부식상태에 대한 조기발견은 관리자의 효율적인 보수 및 보강계획 수립을 위해 매우 중요하다. 한편 철근 부식을 평가하는 방법 중 비파괴측정이 많이 사용되고 있다. 특히 CM-Ⅱ(corrosion meter) 측정기는 자연전위와 분극저항 및 콘크리트 비저항을 측정할 수 있어서 많이 사용되지만 몇 가지 단점을 가지고 있다. 이러한 단점을 극복하기 위해 매립형 미니센서가 개발되어져 왔다. 이 미니센서를 이용하여 철근 부식을 측정한 후 CM-Ⅱ(corrosion meter)의 측정결과와 비교분석하여 개발된 미니센서의 타당성을 검증하였다.
        2010.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The objectives of this study were to identify QTLs for agronomic traits using introgression lines from a cross between a japonica weedy rice and a Tongil-type rice. A total of 75 introgression lines developed in the Tongil-type rice were characterized. A total of 368 introgressed segments including 285 homozygous and 83 heterozygous loci were detected on 12 chromosomes based on the genotypes of 136 SSR markers. Each of 75 introgression lines contained 0-9 homozygous and 0-8 heterozygous introgressed segments with an average of 5.8 segments per line. A total of 31 quantitative and 2 qualitative loci were identified for 14 agronomic traits and each QTL explained 4.1% to 76.6% of the phenotypic variance. Some QTLs were clustered in a few chromosomal regions. A first cluster was located near RM315 and RM472 on chromosome 1 with QTLs for 1,000 grain weight, culm length, grain width and thickness. Another cluster was detected with four QTLs for 1,000 grain weight, grain length, grain width and grain length/width ratio near the SSR marker RM249 on chromosome 5. Among the 31 QTLs, 9 (28.1%) Hapcheonaengmi3 alleles were beneficial in the Milyang23 background. ILs would be useful to confirm QTLs putatively detected in a primary mapping population for complex traits and serve as a starting point for map-based cloning of the QTLs. Additional backcrosses are being made to purify nearly isogenic lines (NILs) harboring a few favorable Hapcheonaengmi3 alleles in Milyang23 background.
        2010.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purple acid phosphatase is important for phosphorus remobilization in plants, but its role in plant adaptation to low phosphorus availability is not known. The cDNA encoding O. sativa purple acid phosphatase (OsPAP1) has 1008 bp with an open reading frame of 335 amino acid residues. The amino acid sequence of OsPAP1 cDNA shows of 50-51% identity with other plant purple acid phosphatases. OsPAP1 was expressed in rice plants and in cell cultures in the absence of phosphate (Pi). The expression was organ-specific with the strongest expression in Pi-deprived roots. Functional expression of the OsPAP1 gene in the transgenic Arabidopsis line was confirmed by northern and western blot analysis. OsPAP1 overexpression lines had higher phosphatase activity than wild-type. Overexpression of OsPAP1 in Arabidopsis plants resulted in increased Pi accumulation under Pi sufficient condition. These results show that the OsPAP1 gene represents more efficient Pi uptake and can be used to develop new transgenic dicotyledonous plants.
        2010.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Riptortus clavatus, one of the many insects in major crops, damages pods and seeds, which reduces seed vigor and viability in soybeans. This study was conducted to examine the effect of diversely damaged seeds by R. clavatus on seed germination and seedling emergence and to determine the association of damaged seed with quality and yield of soybean sprouts. All seeds damaged by R. clavatus significantly (P<0.05) reduced seed vigor as measured by the rates of seed germination, germination speed, and seedling emergence. Mean seed germination rate of non-damaged seeds in sprout-soybean varieties was 97.8%, whereas the rates of seeds damaged at different levels, 31-50% and 51-80%, were 23.0 and 5.4%, respectively. The rates of seedling rot and abnormal, incomplete germination significantly (P<0.05) increased as the amount of seeds damaged by R. clavatus increased to 5, 10 and 15% against the total seeds for sprout production. Yield of soybean sprouts from seeds damaged at different levels decreased up to 13% as compared to that in normal seeds. In customer preferences on soybean sprout produce, 84% of customers participated in survey preferred to purchase sprouts from seeds with 5% of damaged seeds, but sprouts produced from seeds with 15% of damaged seeds were intended to purchase only by 22% of the customers. Areas of the seed damaged by R. clavatus were readily infected by pathogens as the seed germinated, resulted in deteriorated quality and reduced yield of sprout produce.
        2010.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        English is the accepted common working language of the maritime world and being competent in its use is essential to the safety of ships, their crews and the marine environment. This paper is a response to the urgent need to find a suitable solution to the problem of providing maritime students with quality instruction in Maritime English. This paper will show what type of English instructor is best suited to help cadets have at least a basic grasp of Maritime English communication, with a view to possessing the level required by STCW 95 within the shortest time. It presents ways that maritime institutes can develop their own qualified or 'marinated' English Instructors and what qualifications should be required. It is concluded that by further essential research, interviews and questionnaires etc., the language needs of the university and shipping industry in Korea as a whole can be clearly verified. By examining such data, the present language education systems can be evaluated as to efficacy and relevance, allowing the establishment and implementation of 'best practice' within the training institute. This will result in making excellent informed decisions and choices about how best to improve the language competencies of graduating cadets, thereby creating the catalyst for the success of future seafarers whilst raising the image of the institute and Korean shipping worldwide.
        2010.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A neurotoxin, 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) has been widely used to create animal model for Parkinson's disease (PD). The present study was undertaken to examine whether depletion of brain dopamine (DA) stores with 6-OHDA can make alteration in the activities of the testicular steroidogenesis in adult rats. Young adult male rats (3 months old) were received a single dose of 6-OHDA (200 in 10 /animal) by intracerebroventricular (icv) injection, and sacrificed after two weeks. The mRNA levels of steroidogenesis-related enzymes were measured by qRT-PCRs. Serum testosterone levels were measured by radioimmunoassay. Single icv infusion of 6-OHDA significantly decreased the mRNA levels of CYP11A1 (control:6-OHDA group= AU, p<0.05), CYP17 (control:6-OHDA group= AU, p<0.05). There were no changes in the mRNA levels of -HSD (control:6-OHDA group= AU) and -HSD (control: 6-OHDA group= AU), though the levels tended to be decreased in the 6-OHDA treated group. Administration of 6-OHDA decreased significantly the mRNA level of StAR when compared to the level of saline-injected control animals (control:6-OHDA group= AU, p<0.05). Treatment with single dose of 6-OHDA remarkably lowered serum testosterone levels compared to the levels of control group (control:6-OHDA group=, p<0.05). Taken together with our previous study, the present study demonstrated that the activities of hypothalamus-pituitary-testis hormonal axis could be negatively affected by blockade of brain DA biosynthesis, and suggested the reduced reproductive potential might be resulted in the animals. More precise information on the testicular steroidogenic activities in PD patients and PD-like animals should be required prior to the generalization of the sex steroid hormone therapy to meet the highest standards for safety and efficacy.
        2010.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The canine major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is referred to dog leukocyte antigens (DLA), which is known to be the most polymorphic genetic system in canine species. Many cloned dogs have been produced since Snuppy, first cloned dog, there was no research about genetic identity of MHC among cloned animals. Recently in Lee’s group, two non-transgenic cloned beagles (BG1, 2) were produced by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) using fetal fibroblast (BF). Also, four transgenic cloned beagles (Ruppy 1-3, 5) were generated using transgenic BF transfected with Red fluorescent protein (RFP) gene. We hypothesize that non-transgenic (BG1, 2) and transgenic (Ruppy 1-3, 5) cloned beagles derived from identical donor cells have the same immunological genetic characteristic except for RFP gene insertion in the genome. Thus, the aim of this study is to confirm the immunological identity of DLA class II in cloned beagles produced using same nuclear donor cell. Genomic DNA was extracted from blood of BG1, BG2, Ruppy 1, 2, 3 and 5. Genomic DNA of normal two control beagle, no correlation with BF was also investigated for rulling out the possibility that beagles were inbred. Forward and reverse primers used for DLA-DQA1 and DQB1 respectively were DQAF: 5’-TAAGGTTCTTTTCTCCCTCT-3’ and DQAR: 5’-GGACAGATTCAGTGAAGAGA-3’ DQBR:5’-CTCACTGGCCCGGCTGTCTC-3’ and DQBR: 5’-CACCTCGC CGCTGCAACGTG-3’. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) products were purified, sequenced directly using the Big Dye Terminator kit. Sequencing analysis was performed on an automated 3730xl DNA analyzer. In experiment 1, sequence of DLA-DQ alpha 1 (DQA1) and DLA-DQ beta 1 (DQB1) exon 2, hypervariabel region, was compared in BG1 and BG2. Experiment 2 also compared the sequence of DQA1 and DQB1 among Ruppy 1, 2, 3 and 5. Experimental 3 compared sequence of DQA1 and DQB1 among all cloned dogs (BG1, BG2 and Ruppy 1-3, 5). As a result, BG1 and BG2 have same allele for DQA1 and DQB1 as we expected. They share DQA1*00101 and DQB1*02901 in experiment 1. In experiment 2, Ruppy 1, 2, 3 and 5 also have identical DQA1*00101 and DQB1*02901 allele. No discrimination between transgenic dogs and cloned dogs was seen in DQA1 and DQB1 Allele in experiment 3. DQA1, DQB1 allele was identified as *00101 and *02901 in all dogs. We provided the allele identity of DQA1and DQB1 in cloned beagles, which can be used as preliminary data for immunological related studies. In conclusion, transgenic cloned dogs despite of red fluorescent protein genes being inserted in their nuclear DNA were immunologically compatible with non-transgenic cloned dogs. We demonstrated that cloned beagles produced using identical nuclear donor were immunologically compatible.