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        검색결과 50

        2013.11 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In order to make the best biogas production in the anaerobic fermentation, it is important to be able to compare the raw input materials on the basis of their sustainability, which may include a variety of environmental indicators. This study examined the comparative sustainability of renewable technologies in terms of their life cycle CO2 emissions and embodied energy, using life cycle analysis. The comparative results showed that power generation of bioenergy was associated with 0.96 kWh/m³ biogas and the reduction of CO2 emission is 2.1kg of CO2/kg Biomass. Other environmental indicators should be applied to gain a complete picture of the technologies studied. The generation of electricity is 2.07 kWh/m³ biogas in comparison with theoretical results of 3.09 kWh/m³ (efficiency of generator is 30%) based on the assumption of the removal efficiency 95% of CO2, methane conversion 100%, efficiency of generator 30%. Final results are the production of methane: 250 m³/day, production of electricity: 770kWh/day when used 5m³/day of waste.
        2013.11 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper reports on the experimental investigation carried out to evaluate the physical optimal conditions in the absorption column to remove odorous hydrogen sulfide gas. Hydrogen sulfide gas, as a highly undesirable contaminant, is most widely emitted from environmental treatment facilities. The absorbent mixed with natural second metabolites extracted from conifer trees and chemical absorbent of 2-aminoethanol was applied to remove it via chemical neutralization. The absorbent of natural second metabolites was achieved by a removal efficiency of 20 - 40% by itself depending on the treatment conditions, but the complex absorbent mixed with 0.1% amine chemical provides the removal efficiency of 98%. The optimal removal efficiencies have been examined against the two major parameters of temperature and pH. This study shows that the aqueous solution by natural second metabolites can be used as an appropriate absorbent in the column absorbed for the removal of hydrogen sulfide gas. Young G.
        2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The THO/TREX complex mediates the transport of nascent mRNAs from the nucleus towards the cytoplasm in animals, and it has a role in small RNA-dependent processes in plants. Here we describe five mutant alleles of Arabidopsis thaliana THO2, whichencodes a core subunit of the plant THO/TREX complex. tho2 mutants present strong developmental defects resembling those in plants compromised in microRNA (miRNA) activity. In agreement, not only the levels of siRNAs, but also of mature miRNAs were reduced in tho2 mutants. As a consequence miRNA target mRNAs accumulated to higher levels than in wild type. Yeast two hybrid experiments showed that THO2 does not seem to interact with any of the known miRNA biogenesis components, implying a more indirect role of THOs in small RNA biogenesis. We also detected alterations in the splicing pattern of genes encoding Serine/Arginine-rich proteins in tho2 mutants, suggesting a previously unappreciated role of the THO/TREX complex in alternative splicing.
        2003.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Mainly due to deficiencies in nuclear reprogramming, gene expression and DNA fragmentation, which result in early and late embryonic losses, the overall success rate achieved by cloning techniques to date is low. This present study compared the incidences of DNA fragmentation during development of IVF, parthenotes (PT), nuclear transfer (NT) and transgenic (TG) embryos. Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) nick-end labelling (TUNEL) with propidium iodide counter staining was used for determination of DNA fragmentation and total number, respectively. TG and NT donor cells were fetal fibroblasts with or without transfection with EGFP, and cultured in DMEM+15% FCS until confluent, for 5 days. At 19 h post-maturation (hpm), enucleated oocytes were reconstructed with donor cells and activated at 24 hpm with the combinations of ionomycin (5 M, 5 min) and cyclo-heximide (10 g/ml, 5 h) after electric fusion by a single DC pulse (1.6 KV/cm, 60 sec). Parthenotes were produced by the same activation protocol at 24 hpm. (중략)
        2003.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The high incidence of polyspermic fertilization is one of the major causes lowering the overall efficiency of porcine IVF. The common procedure for IVF involves the co-culture of both gametes in the medium drop, which increases sperm concentration and incidence of polyspermy. Therefore, the present study was carried out to increase the efficiency of porcine IVF by reducing polyspermy using a modified swim-up method. This method modifies conventional swim-up washing by placing oocytes directly at the time of washing. Sperm pellet was prepared in the tube and mature oocytes were placed on cell strainer with pore size (Falcon 2350) at the top of the tube. After insemination, the oocytes were stained for examination. Also, the developmental potential of fertilized embryos was measured to evaluate for the feasibility of this method. While having similar penetration rates in both methods (), there was a significant reduction of polyspermy in modified swim-up method () compare to the control ( (p<0.05). Subsequent culture showed higher rate of blastocyst formation in modified swim-up method (20.440.99%) than the control () (P<0.05), even though there was no significant difference. These results suggest that, by controlling the number of spermatozoa reaching the oocytes, porcine oocytes might be protected from polyspermy in vitro. Also, the developmental potential of the fertilized embryos using this method could be improved by increasing the pool of spermatozoa with better quality. Further optimization of the procedure required to implicate this method in routine porcine IVF.
        1981.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        출수 후 수확할 때까지 이삭이 전혀 추출하지 않고 엽초에 싸여 등숙되는 특성을 가진 Nepal의 수도품종 GAMADI를 포장 및 벽실 양조건의 8시간, 자연일장 및 24시간 일장하에서 생육시켜 일장조건이 GAMADI 품종의 이삭 추출에 미치는 영향을 검토하었다. 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 8시간과 자연일장 조건에서는 이삭이 전혀 추출되지 않았으며 24시간 일장조건에서 생육된 경우에만 전체 이삭 길이의 71% 정도가 추출되었다. 2. 24시간 일장조건에서는 상위 제일절간신장 정도가 8시간과 자연일장에 비하여 현저하여 이삭추출과 유의한 관계에 있는 것으로 나타났다. 3. 제3 및 제4절간신장 정도는 자연일장에 비하여 8시간 및 24시간 일장조건에서 유의하게 낮게 나타났다. 4. GAMADI 품종의 수장, 수당입수는 일장에 영향하지 않았다. 5. 수원의 자연상태에서의 GAMADI 품종의 임실율은 Nepal에서 보다 현저하게 낮았다.
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