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        검색결과 181

        2012.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        New methods are developed to estimate the effective temperature (Te), surface gravity (log g), and metallicity ([A/H]) simultaneously with the spectral line depth ratios. Using the model atmosphere grids, depth values are calculated for the wavelength range of 4000 A–5600 A for various temperatures, gravities, and metallicities. All possible different combinations of line depth ratios for different pairs of ratios are investigated. A graphical 3D figure is produced with X, Y, and Z axes corresponding to Te, log g, and [A/H], respectively. By reading a cross point of two curves plotted by a connection of three parameters obtained from spectral line depth ratio pairs on each of the three projected planes, Te, log g, and [A/H] are determined simultaneously. In addition, an analytical method is devised based on the similar algorithm developed for the graphical method. Our methods were applied to estimate the fundamental atmospheric parameters of the Sun and Arcturus.
        2009.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Predation, development, and ovipostion experiments were conducted to evaluate Amblyseius swirskii (Athias-Henriot) (Acari: Phytoseiidae) as a potential biological control agent for tomato russet mite, Aculops lycopersici (Massee) (Acari: Eriophyidae) which is a periodic pest of greenhouse tomatoes. Results show that A. swirskii attacked all developmental stages of A. lycopersici, and had a type II functional response on the prey densities given. The predation rates of A. swirskii on A. lycopersici in the presense of alternative food sources such as pollen, thrips first instar, or whitefly eggs were recorded as 74%, 56%, and 76%, respectively of the predation rate on A. lycopersici alone. Amblyseius swirskii successfully completed their life-cycle on either A. lycopersici or cattail pollen. At 25oC, 70% RH, development time of female A. swirskii fed on A. lycopersici or on cattail pollen took 5.0 and 6.2 days, respectively. For the first 10 days after moulting to the adult stage, A. swirskii fed on A. lycopersici had higher daily oviposition rate (2.0 eggs per day) than on pollen (1.5 eggs per day). From this laboratory study, it can be concluded that A. swirskii has promising traits as a predator against A. lycopersici and that their populations can be stably maintained using alternative food such as cattail pollen. We suggest that the effectiveness of A. swirskii against A. lycopersici under field conditions deserves to be investigated.
        2009.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We measured the non-carbon content of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) in SWCNT soot using thermogravimetric analysis. The weight increased percentage by the oxidation of metal in the raw soot is well obtained by TGA graph which was confirmed with ICP-AES, XRD, and XPS. This work will be very useful for the purity precise evaluation of SWCNT with UN-vis-NIR spectroscopy.
        2008.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study investigated inflammatory hypersensitivity following compression of the trigeminal ganglion in rats. Experiments were carried out on male Sprague-Dawley rats weighing 250-260 g. Under anesthesia, rats were mounted on a stereotaxic frame and injected with 8μL of 4% agar solution through a stainless steel injector to compress the trigeminal ganglion. In the control group, rats underwent a sham operation without agar injection. Injection sites were examined with a light micrograph after compression of the trigeminal ganglion. Air-puff thresholds (mechanical allodynia) were evaluated 3 days before surgery and 3, 7, 10, 14, 17, 21, 24, 30, and 40 days after surgery. Air-puff thresholds significantly decreased after compression of the trigeminal ganglion. Mechanical allodynia was established within 3 days and remained strong over 24 days, returning to preoperative levels approximately 40 days following compression. After subcutaneous injection of 5% formalin (50μL) in the compression of the trigeminal ganglion-treated rats, nociceptive scratching behavior was recorded for 9 successive 5-min internals. Injection of formalin into the vibrissa pad significantly increased the number of scratches and duration of noxious behavioral responses in sham-treated rats. Noxious behavioral responses induced by subcutaneous formalin administration were significantly potentiated in rats with trigeminal ganglion compression. These findings suggest that compression of the trigeminal ganglion enhanced formalin-induced infla-mmatory pain in the orofacial area.
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