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        검색결과 1,189

        2020.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper explores the barriers to derivative accounting disclosures in Vietnamese companies and ranks their relative importance for effective and efficient remedies. The Delphi technique was applied to get agreement of panel of experts on the measurement of factors hindering disclosure. Unstructured questionnaires were first sent to twelve experts who had both practical experience and academic knowledge in the field to get ideas on the obstructions to derivatives disclosure. The structured questionnaire was designed to get their agreement on barriers to derivative accounting disclosures. The data analysis with mean, median, mode, standard deviation, and quartile has been implemented to ensure the unanimity. Market-related factors, legislation, accountants’ attributes, managers’ attributes, information technology and communication, and on-site training were the six major obstacles agreed upon by the experts during their in-depth interviews. Then, these factors were ranked by applying the analytical hierarchy process (AHP). The findings confirmed the priority of information technology and communication, which held the greatest weight. Legislation ranked second, followed by market-related factors and on-site training, which explained the impediments to derivatives disclosure. Managers’ and accountants’ attributes had the least contribution to the barriers to derivative disclosures. The results have important implications for actions to enhance corporate derivative disclosures in Vietnam.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The human and capital resources from foreign investors are important sources of finance for developing countries. Foreign ownership can help the firm to raise funds for operations and the foreign management can help the firm expand the market and improve management. However, does this really happen to Vietnamese firm? To find the answer to that question, this paper examines the impact of foreign ownership and management on the financial performance of listed firms on Vietnam’s stock market. The data collected include 427 listed firms in all fields over five years, from 2014 to 2018. The financial performance is measured by Tobin’s Q, ROA and ROE. The study carried out testing of each model by the least squares method of Pool OLS, assessing random effects (REM) and evaluating fixed effects (FEM). The most effective model is the FEM model. The results show that the foreign ownership ratio and the size of the firm have a positive impact on the financial performance. The foreign management, the age of the firms, the liquidity and financial leverage have a negative impact on the financial performance. Based on the research results, the study proposes some recommendations to improve the financial performance of listed firms in Vietnam.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The study seeks to explore the factors affecting the access to credits by individual customers at commercial banks in Tra Vinh province, Vietnam. Based on these results, the author proposes solutions to further improve the ability to serve individual customers at commercial banks in the province in the future. The study was conducted with a method of collecting primary data of 300 individual customers including 150 people with access to credits and 150 people without accessing to credits at six commercial banks in Tra Vinh Province, Viet Nam – Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development, Bank for Foreign Trade Commercial Bank, Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam, Asia Commercial Bank in Tra Vinh, Sai Gon Commercial Joint Stock Bank, and Bank of East Asia. The author has used binary regression methods, and the study found that seven factors affecting the ability of individual customers to access capital, namely, career, qualifications, collaterals, incomes, documents, loan and business plans, and experience. In particular, occupation, experience, and documents are the most influential factors. From the above results, the author proposes policy implications to improve individual customers’ access to credits at commercial banks in Tra Vinh province in the near future.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This research investigates the consequences of the increase in corporate use of short-term debt in China over the past decades. Using a sample of Chinese firms from 2007 to 2018, we empirically explore the effect of corporate use of short-term debt for long-term investment (SFLI) on audit pricing. We first examine the relationship between SFLI and audit pricing for different groups of firms. Then, we investigate the role of the increase in short-term debt in alleviating principal-agent conflicts and reducing agency costs. We have four primary empirical findings. First, auditors tend to charge SFLI clients higher fees. Second, the negative relationship between SFLI and audit fee is found in private firms, firms audited by Chinese domestic auditors, and firms with higher information asymmetry. Third, the time auditors spent on SFLI clients is significantly more than that spent on non-SFLI clients, suggesting that the decrease in audit fee is not due to the decrease in cost. Fourth, SFLI significantly reduces the agency costs of the firm, which auditors regard as a low risk signal and grant an audit fee discount. Our findings suggest that the decrease in debt maturity, not only influences managerial behaviors, but also influences auditors’ risk assessment and pricing decisions.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper analyzes factors affecting enterprise’s financial risk listed on the Vietnam stock market. The panel data of research sample includes 524 non-financial listed enterprises on the Vietnam stock market for a period of eleven years, from 2009 to 2019. The Generalized Least Square (GLS) is employed to address econometric issues and to improve the accuracy of the regression coefficients. In this research, financial risk is measured by the Alexander Bathory model. Debt structure, Solvency, Profitability, Operational ability, Capital structure are independent variables in the study. Firm Size, firm age, growth rate are control variables. The model results show that in order to prevent and limit financial risk for enterprises listed on the Vietnam Stock Market, attention should be paid to variables reflecting Liability structure ratio, Quick Ratio, Return on Assets, Total asset turnover, Accounts receivable turnover, Net assets ratio and Fixed assets ratio. The empirical results show that there are differences in the impact of these factors on the financial risk in state-owned enterprises and non-state enterprises listed on the Vietnam stock market. The findings of this article are useful for business administrators, helping business managers make the right financial decisions to improve the efficiency of financial risk management in enterprises.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Since Ross (1967), movement has been known to display what is called the island-sensitivity. As has long been advocated and assumed in the generative grammar, English DP and TP are the cyclic nodes/bounding nodes/barriers from which an extraction is disallowed, which turns into different versions of locality in the name of Phase Impenetrability Condition (PIC) in Chomsky (2000, 2001). With this technology, the bounding nodes enter into a new stage, Phases. In essence, however, Cyclicity, Subjacency, and PIC are all dealing with locality constraint on movement (Boecks 2012:58). While maintaining a theory-neutral stance between different versions of locality constraint on Wh-movement, the purpose of this paper is to highlight the two closely related constructions of English, Sentential Subject Construction (SSC) and its corresponding Extraposition Construction (EC) with respect to the island effect. The fact that Wh-constituent can be extracted neither from finite that-CP nor non-finite for-CP in SSC, while it freely moves out of both that-CP and for-CP in EC is analyzed with a null D head. As a consequence of this analysis, it is argued that a null D(P) is a necessary constituent in order to account for the impossibility of Wh-extraction from SSC. On the other hand, the ban on extraction is lifted in EC, due to the lack of the encapsulating DP.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The study examines the impact of organizational rewards, procedure justice, and perceived supervisor support on perceived organizational support, and examine the impact of perceived organizational support on affective commitment to the organization in the logistic enterprises as well. Quantitative research is applied to measure relationships by regression analysis with SPSS. The research data was collected by convenient method from 180 employees who work in different departments in the logistics industry. The study results in the model 1 found that organizational rewards, procedure justice, and perceived supervisor support have a positive relationship to the perceived organizational support. The study results in the model 2 also found that perceived organizational support has strong impact on the affective commitment to the organization. The study results contribute to both management theory and management practice. For the management theory aspect, the authors suggest that perceived organizational support should be considered the key antecedent of affective commitment about which researchers should pay more attention as a concept. Based on the research results, the authors also recommend for the management practice that managers should pay attention to the implementation of rewards, procedure justice, and supervisor support to increase the perceived organizational support and affective commitment in the logistic enterprises.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study exemines the roles of corporate social activity (CSR) and executive compensation structure on the pricing of seasoned equity offerings (SEOs) with special focus on the role of CSR in reducing the level of information asymmetry between managers and future shareholders of issuing firms through SEOs. This study also investigates the interaction between executive compensation structure and CSR on the discounting of SEOs. We use a sample of 2,102 seasoned equity offerings of U.S. firms with CSR scores from 1995 to 2015 in our OLS fixed effect regression analysis. The results show that issuing firms with high CSR are more likely to expericence a lower degree of the SEO discount. The results also document a positive association between CSR and a high proportion of equity-based compensation of issuing firms’ executives. The findings of this paper confirm that CSR attenuates the impact of information asymmetry and the pre-SEO price uncertainty on the pricing of the offers and hence the SEO discount. Furthermore, CSR reinforces the impact of executive firmrelated wealth on the discounting of seasoned equity offerings. It appears that firm-related wealth motivates managers to actively engage in reducing information asymmetry activities before SEOs, thereby decreasing the SEO discount.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The paper aims to investigate the impact of trade integration on business cycle synchronization for the East Asian countries during 2005- 2017 based on the endogeneity hypothesis of Optimum Currency Area criteria. We test the determinants of business cycles by calculating bilateral trade, financial integration, and business cycle synchronization. Applying the system Generalized Method of Moments for dynamic panel data models, the results show that business cycle synchronization is highly associated with trade and financial integration. These findings confirm the endogeneity hypothesis that more trade integration will mitigate asymmetric shocks, and have a positive impact on the business cycle synchronization. The increased trade intensity and financial linkage lead to more correlated business cycles in East Asia. Apart from trade and financial integration, the trade structure differential, monetary policy similarity also influence the business cycle comovement. The significantly negative impact of trade structure differential on business cycle synchronization suggests that countries with less similar structures are more likely to undergo asymmetric shocks. The results also indicate that monetary policy matters for output comovement. This study recommends that the East Asian countries should focus on bilateral trade as well as financial integration with each other to reap benefits from the integration process.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study explores the effect of trade of Information Communications Technology (ICT) products and government’s role, measured by three factors: Control of corruption, Government effectiveness, and Administrative tax level, on raising the economy across the East Asia- Pacific region. Secondary data were collected from the World Bank database of 21 countries over 12 years from 2006 to 2017. Applying the Panel corrected standard error model and running a robustness check based on the Dynamic panel data method, this research found that the exported ICT products, control of corruption, and government effectiveness could increase the economic income of a country in the region. The paper also provided the evidence indicating that the imported ICT products and the Administrative tax level are two harmful factors for economic growth. The major finding confirmed the useful contribution on improving government quality and its economy. First, improving the economy of a country always poses various challenges to its government. During the past decades, although much of the literature confirmed that exporting ICT products could promote an economy, very few studies investigated the role of Administrative tax level and the Government effectiveness. Second, there are only a few studies exploring the capability of government and the economic growth in the Asia-Pacific region.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In many countries, the Government enacts tax laws in order to manage tax collection and regulate the macro-economy. According to Noor, Jamaludin, Omar, and Aziz (2013), tax non-compliance is a growing concern because of its negative effects on the state budget. The main objectives of this article are to identify the factors affecting corporate income tax non-compliance of enterprises in Ho Chi Minh City in accordance with the current situation of Vietnamese tax administration. We use several research methods, including the exploitation of information and practical experiences from both taxpayers and tax authorities; with Probit regression model on a sample of 187 enterprises that have been inspected or examined by tax authorities in Vietnam during the period from 2013 to 2017.The article identified eight factors affecting corporate income tax (CIT) non-compliance: (1) working capital/total assets; (2) revenue/total assets; (3) total debt/total assets; (4) loss in the previous year; (5) receivables/revenue; (6) the size of enterprises; (7) tax administrative penalties/tax payable; and (8) business field. In particular, the tax non-compliance was studied as a violation of Vietnamese tax laws by enterprises declaring an insufficient amount of CIT payable to the State budget.
        2020.07 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The paper aims to identify the determinants that influence entrepreneurial intention among National Economics University graduates. For the sample size, we conducted a questionnaire survey of 250 full-time third-year undergraduates at the National Economics University, with convenience sampling technique. Of those 250 undergraduates, 150 were Business Administration students and 100 Economy Management students. After eliminating invalid responses due to lack of information or low quality information, 215 responses were used (93.07% of respondents) for data analysis. The results show that the factor “Perceived desirability” has the strongest impact on the intention to start a business. It is followed by the factor “Perceived feasibility” in which the “ability to search and plan for start-up” has a stronger influence on undergraduates’ entrepreneurial intention than the “leadership and ability to overcome adversity”. The hypothesis of a positive relationship between undergraduates’ propensity to act and their intention to start a business is also supported in this study. Based on the results, we suggest some recommendations for the university and State management agencies to nurture and develop entrepreneurial intention of undergraduates, forming the young generation of potential entrepreneurs to contribute to the development of emerging countries such as Vietnam, the case study.
        2020.07 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Taxes are levied in almost every country, primarily to raise revenue for government expenditures. This study explores factors influencing tax compliance of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Vietnam. Data from 376 SMEs, who are business taxpayers, were collected through a researcher–administered questionnaire survey method. The results indicate that six groups of factors have significant impacts on tax compliance among Vietnamese SMEs. These groups include: Business characteristics (BC), Characteristics of accounting practices within organization (AP), Awareness of tax obligations (TO), Tax policy (TP), View on tax compliance (TC), and Probability of tax examination on taxpayer compliance (TE). Multivariate analysis was adopted; Cronbach’s alpha coefficients were calculated, then, Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) was used. The findings show that, among these six factors, the most influential is Characteristics of accounting practices (AP). Thus, it is recommended that tax agencies should help SMEs improve their accounting skills and increase their knowledge by organizing training workshops and short courses on taxation. SMEs also need to have an adequate accounting system in accordance with principles and standards prescribed by the Tax Law. It is expected that this study can provide important insights and understandings to policy-makers, practitioners, academicians and other regulatory authorities in tax policy formulations.
        2020.05 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The paper investigates the factors that affect the demand for a voluntary audit of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Vietnam. A structured questionnaire survey of 284 SMEs was employed, preceded by in-depth interviews with auditors and SMEs’ managers. The research used logistic regression estimator to address econometric issues and to improve the accuracy of the regression coefficients. The results show that the degree of director’s view on voluntary audit, related stakeholder, degree of recommendation, and firm size have a statistically significant positive effect on audit decisions of SMEs while degree of audit fee has a statistically significant negative effect, and degree of subjective norm does not affect. This indicated that SMEs are more likely to have an external audit if they have some typical features: it is becoming larger in terms of size, and the directors consider that the audit has a relative benefit outweighing its cost. The research results suggested that Vietnam Government should make a statutory audit of SMEs’ financial statements rather than make it an option for SMEs. The auditing firms were also recommended to actively take their audit services to SMEs rather than waiting for the SMEs’ managers to contact them for their services.
        2020.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The research aims to investigate the impact levels of determinants on the loyalty of accountants to FDI firms underlying investment management in Thanglong Industrial Park in Hanoi, Vietnam. We conducted a questionnaire consisting of 31 observation variables with a 5-point Likert scale. Independent variables were measured from 1 “without effect” to 5 “strongly”. The method of data collection was done through the survey and subjects are accountants in FDI firms doing business in Thanglong Industrial Park in Hanoi. After checking the information on the votes, there are 120 questionnaires with full information for data entry and analysis, This study employs Cronbach‟s Alpha test, and regression model. The results show that seven determinants including Working environment, The characteristics of working; Training, promotion prospects and development; Income, Personal characteristic, Collective work together and The method of leading had positive relationships with the loyalty of accountants. Based on the findings, some recommendations are given related to such determinants to improve the loyalty of accountants of FDI firms in general and FDI firms in Thanglong Industrial Park in Hanoi in particular. With which, those firms can enhance performance, reduce financial strain, saving on investment in the recruiting process of new staff, increase profitability to ensure investment management.
        2020.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The paper aims to investigate auditors, auditing firms and other external factors that affect quality of information technology audit in Vietnam. We conducted 2 types of data collections including direct and on survey. For direct survey, we sent directly to auditors at the training classes organized by State Securities Exchanges Commission. An online survey was established and Google doc link was provided to the Big4 and non-Big4 auditors. We received 138 survey responses in that 90 auditors came from Big4 and 48 auditors from non-Big4 firms. The data are analyzed using a factor analysis and compare means approaches to illustrate the potential IT audit quality factors and identify differences between two groups of auditors. The results show that independence and accounting knowledge and audit skills are the most important factors. And since external auditors perform many assurance services, the independence is critical. The result also shows that the auditors need to have enough competent and professional skills when conducting an audit, especially within an IT environment that requires high quality. The findings suggest a similar pattern of two groups in the context of Vietnam and some factors of auditors and auditing firms appear to have a statistically significant impact on quality of IT audit.
        2020.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The research aims to examine the impact of leadership style on accountants’ commitment with FDI firms in Vietnam based on theory of Bass and Avolio (2004). A survey with 110 accountants in FDI firms was conducted. The total of 110 respondents with full information were used for data entry and analysis. Through quantity methodology, we used Cronbach's Alpha, EFA and correlation analysis to determine the relationship between leadership style and three dependent variables including affective, normative and continuance commitment. The results showed that the leadership style had positive relationships with accountants’ commitments. In particular, normative commitment with FDI firms of accountants is the most strongest. In addition, there is no statistically difference in the level of three commitments with FDI firms of accountants for three groups of job description. From the findings, this study suggests several recommendations to improve accountants’ commitments such as intellectually stimulating, individualized consideration, inspirational motivation, idealized influence, and idealized influence behavior. The results are considered as a useful reference for establishing policies to attract talent personnel toward to sustainable development of firms. Commitment with the organization is a crucial factor to gain a competitive advantage and guide the success of organizations by satisfying customers, maintaining productivity and efficiency.
        2020.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The study aims to provide better understanding of sustainable earnings by a comprehensive analysis of earnings persistence of business firms in Vietnam as an example of developing economies in South-East Asia. Dataset of 1,278 publicly listed firms (excluding banking and financial services firms) on Vietnam Stock Exchange for the period from 2008 to 2017 was collected. By applying fixed effect regression model, the empirical results provided the basis to measure the persistence index (Pers index) and find low level of their earnings persistence. The literature of earnings quality analysis in developed countries suggests earnings persistence as a noteworthy determinant of future earnings forecast and stock valuation. However, research of sustainable earnings in developing countries is still highly underdeveloped. For Vietnamese listed firms, the average Pers index was estimated for the period from 2008 to 2010, indicating low level of earnings persistence. We also incorporated earnings persistence level into future earnings forecast by running the quintile regression model divided the data into four equal levels and conducted each section independently to see the difference in each percentile, thence assessed the factors’ influence on the specific model. The findings provide important information on the expected returns of firms, especially helping investors make sound decisions.
        2020.02 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Environmental pollution and climate change in Vietnam are now becoming a major concern. This situation is increasing the pressure on the companies to improve their social responsibility in production and business activities and disclose the environmental information to meet the requirements of stakeholders. This study investigates the internal and external factors of the company that affects the environmental information disclosure of listed companies on the Vietnam stock market as business sector, firm size, corporate manager perceptions, profitability, financial leverage, community pressure, pressures from stakeholders, government pressure influencing environmental information disclosure. Analytical data collected through the survey of 120 listed companies on the Ho Chi Minh City Stock Exchange (HOSE). By testing Cronbach's Alpha, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and logistic regression analysis, the results of the study show that the level of environmental information disclosure of listed companies on the stock market in Vietnam depends heavily on government regulations, followed by the pressure from stakeholders, community pressure, views of business managers, companies size, business sector, and particularly profitability and financial leverage factors that have a negative relationship with environmental information disclosure.
        2020.01 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The study aims to identify the factors affecting employee loyalty in the case of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Tra Vinh province, Viet Nam and to find out critical factors affecting the loyalty of employees in SMEs. This is implemented with the method of collecting primary data of 320 employees working at SMEs in 5 districts including: Cau Ngang, Tra Cu, Chau Thanh, Cang Long, Tieu Can) and Tra Vinh City, Viet Nam. Using the multivariate regression method, the researchers have found 6 factors affecting employee loyalty: colleagues, leaders, job characteristics, remuneration policies, organizational culture, and working environment. Particularly, learning opportunities may not be not statistically significant for employees' loyalty towards small and medium-sized enterprises in Tra Vinh province. From the above research results, the authors have proposed implicational piolicies such as: focusing on colleague relationships, improving leadership of business owners, attaching importance to appropriate work arrangement, having appropriate remuneration policies for laborers, building effective organizational culture and working environment to improve employee loyalty at SMEs. From the above policy implications, helping business owners realize the aspirations of workers in small and medium-sized enterprises more closely in the future, in order to sustainably develop the business system in Vietnam.