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        검색결과 8,446

        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Hemipsocus chloroticus (Hagen, 1858) is a leaf litter barklice and has been recorded in Japan, China, Taiwan, South-East Asia, Sri Lanka, and North America. We collected H. chloroticus on Jinju-si, Sanchung-gun, Seoguipo-si, and Ulsan-si from 2022 to 2023. In this study, H. chloroticus is reported for the first time in Korea, and illustrations of diagonistic characters are provided.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Genus Greenidea includes 66 species worldwide. Only two species have been recorded in Korea: G.kuwanai and G.nipponica. We collected Greenidea nigra Maki, 1917 on Quercus glauca in Jeju. This species has been recorded in Japan and Taiwan. In this study, we report this species for the first time in South Korea, and describe morphological features of apterous viviparous females.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The yellow mealworm beetle, Tenebrio molitor L. (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), has long been used as a key study organism in many fundamental researches, including biochemistry, physiology, and behavior. Lifespan and reproduction are two of the most important components of fitness in all insects, but it remains largely unexplored how these two traits are influenced by macronutrient intake in this beetle. In this study, we used the nutritional geometry framework to analyze the complex and interactive effects of dietary protein and carbohydrate intake on lifespan and reproductive performance in T. molitor beetle. Lifespan and the number of eggs laid throughout the lifetime were quantified from more than 2,000 individual beetles provided with one of 35 chemically defined diets representing a full combination of seven protein-to-carbohydrate ratios (P:C= 0:1, 1:5, 1:2, 1:1, 2:1, 5:1, or 1:0) and five protein plus carbohydrate concentrations (P+C=25.2, 33.6, 42, 50.4, or 58.8 %, dry mass). All measures of lifespan and egg production were expressed highly at high caloric intake, but they differed in the optimal P:C ratio where traits peaked. While lifespan was the longest at a moderately carbohydrate-biased P:C ratio of 1:1.36, the rate of egg production was maximized at a protein-biased P:C ratio of 1.75:1, suggesting a possible nutrient-mediated trade-off between lifespan and daily reproductive efforts in T. molitor beetles. Lifetime egg production was maximized at a P:C ratio of 1.31:1, which was still protein-biased but lower than that maximized egg production rate. Reproductive lifespan was the longest at a P:C ratio of 1:1.06. When given a food choice, T. molitor beetles preferred a P:C ratio of 1:1, which is closest to the ratio that enables T. molitor beetles to stay reproductively active as long as possible.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Calonecrinae represent a unique but small subfamily of Nitidulidae that is endemic to South Asia. Their habitats, the South Asian lowland forests, are under the imminent threat of degradation, posing a risk of rapid extinction for these species in their specific locales. Despite the looming threat to their existence, our understanding of this enigmatic group remains limited. We conducted an examination of museum and newly collected specimens, alongside a review of the literature, leading to the discovery of a new species, Calonecrus mindanaoensis, from Mindanao, Philippines. For the first time, the morphology of all immature stages of the Calonecrinae was described, with detailed photographs including SEM images. Additionally, their natural history was uncovered for the first time, revealing that all life stages are uniquely adapted to spending their entire life cycle within sticky resin. We re-evaluated the phylogenetic placement of the Calonecrinae by constructing a phylogenetic tree based on the mitochondrial genome. Calonecrinae are positioned within the Epuraeinae clade and show significant affinity with the genus Trimenus. Consequently, this study proposes reclassifying Calonecrinae as Calonecrini stat nov, an extremely modified tribe within the Epuraeinae.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In vertebrates, it is well documented that the parental consumption of high-fat diet increases the risk of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in offspring. While insects have long been used as popular study organisms in various biological research, few studies have explored how the nutritional quality of parental diet affects offspring behavioral phenotypes associated with ADHD in insects. Here we used the bean bug, Riptortus pedestris (Hemiptera: Alydidae), as a study organism to test the effect of parental high-fat diet on offspring hyperactivity, impulsivity, and diffuse attention, which are widely held as the three core symptoms of ADHD in vertebrates. Peanut was used as the high-fat diet while soybean was the control. Parental high-fat diet consumption induced hyperactivity in R. pedestris offspring. Compared to the controls, the hyperactive offspring of parents fed on high-fat diet were behaviorally more impulsive and less attentive, as they were found to be highly attracted to visual stimuli but losing attention easily. Collectively, these results provide the experimental evidence that the parental consumption of high-fat diet results in increased hyperactivity, impulsivity, and diffuse attention in an insect. This study implies that the well-known association between parental high-fat diet and offspring ADHD is conserved across the tree of life and opens up the new horizons that insects can arise as novel and feasible models for studying the mechanism and evolution of this common neurodevelopmental disorder in humans.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Pyrethroid resistance in cockroach populations has been a public health challenge since the 1950s. The pyrethroid resistance in the German cockroach, Blattella germanica, is primarily attributed to knockdown resistance (kdr) mutations (E434K, C764R, and L993F) in the voltage-sensitive sodium channel gene (vssc). In this study, the pyrethroid resistance state of the German cockroach in the Republic of Korea (ROK) was assessed by analyzing the frequencies of kdr mutations using one-step PCR with total RNA. The results revealed that among the 25 populations examined, 14 populations exhibited the L993F kdr mutation, while no other mutations were detected. Since other cockroach species are also commonly found in human dwellings in ROK, the vssc genes were cloned from four other species, including Blattella nipponica, Periplaneta americana, Periplaneta japonica, and Periplaneta fuliginosa. Based on the genomic DNA (gDNA) sequences obtained from the vssc cloning, primer sets were designed to amplify the vssc fragment spanning the L993F mutation for each species and used to monitor the development of pyrethroid resistance in cockroach populations in the ROK. The study will facilitate the implementation of a nationwide monitoring program to assess cockroach resistance and select suitable alternatives.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) is a key enzyme that terminates impulse transmission by rapidly hydrolyzing the neurotransmitter acetylcholine at cholinergic synapses. Previous studies have discovered a transiently opening channel referred to as the “back door” in Torpedo californica AChE. Previously, we observed that substituting the Tyr391 residue with a Phe residue significantly decreased the catalytic efficiency of recombinant Apis mellifera AChE1 (AmAChE1), while the reverse substitution restored it. Interestingly, substitution of the Tyr391 residue with a Phe residue in AmAChE1 disrupted the formation of the backdoor, while the reverse substitution restored it. This finding suggests that the Tyr-to-Phe substitution impairs backdoor formation, thereby leading to a significant reduction in the catalytic activity of AmAChE1. This serves as one of the driving forces for the functional transition from AmAChE1 to AmAChE2. In this experiment, we also confirmed the gradual restoration and increase in AChE activity by substituting Phe391 in AmAChE1 with Ser, Trp, Thr, Ile, Asn, and Tyr residues through kinetic assay and molecular dynamics simulation.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Salt is crucial for survival, yet excessive intake of sodium chloride can have adverse effects. In the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, internal taste organs located in the pharynx play a pivotal role in determining whether to accept or reject food. However, our understanding of how pharyngeal gustatory receptor neurons (GRNs) perceive high salt levels is still limited. In this study, we discovered that a specific member of the ionotropic receptor family, Ir60b, is selectively expressed in a pair of GRNs that respond to high salt concentrations. Through a two-way choice assay (DrosoX) to measure ingestion volume, we established that IR60b, along with two coreceptors, IR25a and IR76b, is necessary to deter excessive salt consumption. Interestingly, mutants lacking external taste organs but retaining internal taste organs in the pharynx showed significantly higher salt avoidance compared to flies missing all three IRs while still possessing all taste organs. These findings underscore the crucial role of IRs in pharyngeal GRNs in regulating the intake of high salt levels.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        To overcome the challenges in tracking insects underground, a detection method consisting of a metal detector and aluminum tag was developed for tracking a dung beetle, Copris ochus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). First, detection rate was evaluated for varying volumes of aluminum tags varying orientations of the tags under soil. Then, the detection efficacy was evaluated in the field at varying depths of hidden tags in two types of vegetation. Finally, the effect of aluminum-tagging on the survivorship, burrowing depth, and horizontal movement of C. ochus adults were assessed. Generally, an increase in tag volume resulted in a greater detection depth with maximum depth of 17 cm. Orientation, however, did not affect detection rate except when tag was placed perpendicular to the soil surface. In the field, metal detectors could detect aluminum-tagged models with success rates ≥85% up to 10 cm and 45−60% at 20 cm under soil. Finally, no significant effect of tagging on survivorship and behaviors of C. ochus was observed.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Riptortus pedestris is known to acquire their symbiotic bacteria, Caballeronia insecticola, from soil environments in every generation. The symbionts have been demonstrated to affect behavioral and physiological traits of the host insect such as the enhancement of development. In particular, symbiotic effects on female adults could directly entail changes in their population growth. Therefore, we investigated a suite of symbiotic effects of C. insecticola on behaviors and fitness-related parameters of female R. pedestris. Overall, symbiotic females showed an behavioral enhancement in both feeding efficacy and movement capacity including walking and flight. In addition, the survival rates under exposure to overwintering conditions and insecticide resistance level were significantly higher in symbiotic females than the aposymbiotic. Finally, although symbiotic females exhibited shorter longevity, their fecundity was found higher compared to the apo-symbiotic.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Five insecticides (Acrinathrin, Dinotefuran, Emamectin benzoate, Chlorfenapyr and fluxametamide) approved for tomato cultivation were evaluated in Frankliniella occidentalis populations collected from Chungcheong province (Cheongyang, Chungju and Gongju). Leaf dip bioassay was used to evaluate resistance levels (LC50). Bioassays on Acrinathrin demonstrated higher LC50 concentration in evaluated populations. In particular, the Chungju population was 745.61 times the recommended concentration of the insecticide. Other remarkable resistance levels were recorded for the Dinotefuran with 435.06 times and 196.29 times the recommended concentrations for the populations from Chungju and Gongju, respectively. Bioassays for Emamectin benzoate, Chlorfenapyr and Fluxametamide showed low resistance to insecticides in the evaluated populations.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Yellow flower thrips (WFT), Frankliniella occidentalis is mainly controlled using chemical control methods. But the continuous use of chemical pesticides in greenhouse may contribute to development of insecticide resistance. Therefore, in this study, we evaluated the insecticidal activity of eleven insecticides against the WFT occurring in greenhouse pepper cultivation in the Gyeonggi province. The results showed no resistance in treatments with emamectin benzoate, fluxametamide, and flometoquin while high levels of resistance were recorded in treatments with acrinathrin, acetamiprid, and dinotefuran. The Anseong and Yeoju population was more resistant against spinetoram and chlorfluazuron, respectively, than populations from other regions.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This research explores the complex interdependencies and dynamic interactions governing the adaptation of species co-evolving within the framework of Eco-Evo-Neuro-Devo, using the fascinating fig-wasp mutualism as a model system. Figs, which have many flowers blooming inside the fruit, are completely dependent on fig wasps as pollinators. The fig-wasp mutualism is a symbiotic relationship where fig trees provide a habitat and food source for specific wasp species, while the wasps, in turn, facilitate pollination and seed dispersal for the fig tree. The fig wasp is born and grows inside the fig fruit and becomes an adult. After mating, the female fig wasp is covered with pollen and enters another fruit, pollinates it and lays eggs there. In addition to the fig-wasp mutualism, additional interactions among hyperparasitic wasps, called non-pollinating fig wasp (NPFW), and flies, nematodes are frequently observed, shaping the co-evolution of the symbionts in the fig community. This study aims to identify the symbionts that make up the symbiotic system, their ecological interactions and genome evolution, and build a model to explore the mechanisms of symbiotic evolution at the molecular level. Sampling and identifying figs and fig-related insects through fieldwork in Korea, various techniques including GC-MS, in situ staining, electrophysiology, and diverse omics tools including WGS, RNA-seq will be implemented to investigate how chemical ecologies of the fig community shape the chemosensory systems of species. Additionally, we will build a cross-platform with Drosophila to narrow the distance between model species and non-model species, facilitating comparative studies across different model organism systems.