
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2021.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Analyzed from the features of the inscriptions, the ge (dagger-axe) of the Wucheng which is collected by the National Museum of China is closely relevant to Zhao States of the Three-Jin area in the Warring-States Period. It is more rational to believe that the manufacture time of the weapon should be 252 BC. The author argues that the name of supervisor is Mangzao (芒早 ), and the position of the main fabricant is Gongshisefu (工師嗇夫 ).
        2020.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Based on the “double evidence method”, this paper first demonstrates the relationship between Guicang (歸藏) of the Wangjiatai Qin Bamboo Slips and the classic version of Guicang (歸藏). What is more, this paper classifies and supplements the missing names according to the handed down documents; it also proves that the place named ‘Tang (唐)’ in the hexagram of “Xiao Chen made a divination on escaping to Tang (小臣卜逃唐)” in Guicang of the Qin bamboo slips is related to the place named ‘Tangqiu (湯丘)’ of “Shangtang in Tangqiu (湯處於湯丘)” in Tsinghua Bamboo Manuscripts. The special relationship between ‘Zhonghui (仲虺)’ and ‘Yiyin (伊尹)’ plus his evaluation of Xiaochen’s escape is also reinterpreted.
        2019.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Based on the analysis of the contents of removing evil spirits on bamboo slips for divination in Chu area, this paper infers that the connotation of the object of removing evil spirits in the Warring States Period was considered as negative significance, so diviners regarded it as the source of disease. In order to relieve the illness, diviners will try to solve its specific reasons. This will transform some related actions and contents into noun-like ones, thus creating new parts of speech and semantics. Most of these transferred-designations are unmarked and difficult to distinguish from basic vocabulary. Therefore, it is necessary to restore their highly generalized meanings through the analysis of metonym-referential phenomenon. After defining and classifying , this paper re-interprets the objects of the study by combining the excavated and handed-down documents, such as “Shuishang(水上)”, “Mengzu( )” and “Renhai(人 )”, in order to further reveal the content and value orientation of early Chinese sorcery and religion.