
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2024.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The main purpose of this paper is to examine the intersubjective experiences of those who use the ‘-geodeun’ construction within the Korean language. For this purpose, we consider two categories; those based on ‘modality’ and those based on ‘information structure.’ Based on consideration, two categories is not appropriate for the term ‘-geodeun’. Therefore, this paper suggests new grammatical category (intersubjectivity). Using this category, we are able to explain how ‘-geodeun’ is used in both exceptional and normal cases. Furthermore, intersubjectivity is a comparative concept and requires learners to compare the use of ‘-geodeun’ with similar constructions in their mother tongues. In the view of intersubjectivity, ‘-geodeun’ expresses speaker’s attention to listener. Speaker exposes attention to listener’s knowledge and judges whether listener knows about the information included speaker’s utterance (message). Especially, ‘-geodeun’ can be used both new and old information to listener. On based on this usage, this paper suggests models of instruction for teaching and learning intersubjectivity of ‘-geodeun’ for increasing applicability of actual education field. Introduction of concept of intersubjectivity contributes to improving Korean grammar accuracy between similar grammar item and learners’ fluency.