
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2019.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 기온상승 강도에 따른 우리나라 주요 참나 무류의 종자 발아와 초기생장에 미치는 영향을 파악하기 위해 수행되었다. 신갈나무와 졸참나무를 대상으로 온도구배온실을 이용하여 대조구, 중간 강도 온난화 처리구 (+1.7℃) 및 강한 강도 온난화 처리구 (+3.2℃)를 준비하여 재배실험을 실시하였다. 그 결과, 발아반응과 초기생장 반응은 기온상승 강도 및 수종에 따라 차이를 보였다. 중간 강도의 온난화 환경은 두 종의 발아반응을 촉진하고, 생장량 (묘고, 근원경)과 생물량 (잎, 줄기, 뿌리의 건중량 및 총 생물량)을 증가시켜, 초기정착에 다소 유리할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. 그러나 Tm에서 두 종 모두 대조구보다 낮은 RMR과 높은 H/D율을 나타내, 장기적으로는 생장에 불리하게 작용할 수 있을 것임을 암시한다. 강한 강도의 온난화 환경은 신갈나무와 졸참나무의 발아반응을 촉진 시켰으나, 생육기간 종료 시점의 총 생물량은 대조구보다 유의하게 낮았다. 뿌리 생장은 대조구보다 크게 저하되었고, 이로 인하여 RMR은 낮고 S/R율은 높게 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 강한 강도의 온난한 환경이 봄철에는 발아시 기를 앞당겨 생장기간을 증가시켰지만, 여름철에는 임계치 이상의 높은 온도가 생장에 스트레스요인으로 작용하는데 기인한 것으로 판단된다. 식물의 생장은 온난화 처리기간, 토양수분, 광환경 등의 환경요인에 따라 다를 수 있으므로, 온난화에 의한 영향을 정확하게 판단하기 위해서는 다른 환경인자에 대한 모니터링과 장기간에 걸친 추가 연구가 필요할 것으로 판단되었다. 기온상승에 대한 두 식물의 반응을 비교하면, 발아 반응에서 졸참나무가 신갈나무보다 기온상승에 따른 발아율 상승이 높게 반응하였고, 생물량 분배반응에서 신갈나무가 졸참나무보다 민감하게 반응하는 차이를 보였다. 이는 자연에서 양식물의 공간 분포가 가져오는 미기후 차이에서 비롯된 것으로 판단된다.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In order to investigate the effect of air temperature reduction on an urban neighborhood park, air temperature data from five inside locations (forest, pine tree, lawn, brick and pergola) depending on surface types and three outside locations (Suwon, Maetan and Kwonsun) depending on urban forms were collected during the summer 2016 and compared. The forest location had the lowest mean air temperature amongst all locations sampled, though the mean difference between this and the other four locations in the park was relatively small (0.2-0.5℃). In the daytime, the greatest mean difference between the forest location and the two locations exposed to direct beam solar radiation (brick and lawn) was 0.5-0.8℃ (Max. 1.6-2.1℃). In the nighttime, the mean difference between the forest location and the other four locations in the park was small, though differences between the forest location and locations with grass cover (pine tree and lawn) reached a maximum of 0.9-1.7℃. Comparing air temperature between sunny and shaded locations, the shaded locations showed a maximum of 1.5℃ lower temperature in the daytime and 0.7℃ higher in the nighttime. Comparing the air temperature of the forest location with those of the residential (Kwonsun) and apartment (Maetan) locations, the mean air temperature difference was 0.8-1.0℃, higher than those measured between the forest location and the other park locations. The temperatures measured in the forest location were mean 0.9-1.3℃ (Max. 2.0-3.9℃) lower in the daytime than for the residential and apartment locations and mean 0.4-1.0℃ (Max. 1.3-3.1℃) lower in the nighttime. During the hottest period of each month, the difference was greater than the mean monthly differences, with temperatures in the residential and apartment locations mean 1.0-1.6℃ higher than those measured in the forest location. The effect of air temperature reduction on sampling locations within the park and a relatively high thermal environment on the urban sampling locations was clearly evident in the daytime, and the shading effect of trees in the forest location must be most effective. In the nighttime, areas with a high sky view factor and surface types with high evapotranspiration potential (e.g. grass) showed the maximum air temperature reduction. In the urban areas outside the park, the low-rise building area, with a high sky view factor, showed high air temperature due to the effect of solar (shortwave) radiation during the daytime, while in the nighttime the area with high-rise buildings, and hence a low sky view factor, showed high air temperature due to the effect of terrestrial (longwave) radiation emitted by surrounding high-rise building surfaces. The effect of air temperature reduction on the park with a high thermal environment in the city was clearly evident in the daytime, and the shading effect of trees in the forest location must be most effective. In the nighttime, areas with high sky view factor and surface types (e.g., grass) with evapotranspiration effect showed maximum air temperature reduction. In the urban areas outside the park, the high sky view factor area (low-rise building area) showed high air temperature due to the effect of solar (shortwave) radiation during the daytime, but in the nighttime the low sky view factor area (high-rise building area) showed high air temperature due to the effect of terrestrial (longwave) radiation emitted surrounding high-rise building surfaces.