The effect ofgas sintering atmosphere on the carbon content and mechanical properties during the metal injection molding process of carbonyl iron-nickel powder was studied. The carbon content of the specimen after debinding in the pureatmosphere appeared 0.78 wt%. After showing the maximum value of 1.48 wt.% in the debinding atmosphere of 10%gas mixture, the carbon content of the debinded specimen decreased gradually with increasing thecontent in thegas mixture. The carbon contents of the sintered specimen were 0.46~0.63wt% in Na gas atmosphere, while they appeared extremely low above 40%gas atmosphere. The relative sintered density increased abruptly from 88~90% to 93~96% with the addition of Ni, while the density nearly unchanged above 2% Ni addition. The sintered density increased with increasing the fraction ofgas mixture. Tensile strength and hardness increased, and elongation decreased with increasing carbon and Ni content. In spite of high carbon content of 0.63 wt%, the superior elongation value of 10% was shown.