Three active components (Z8-12:Ac, E8-12:Ac, and Z8-12:OH) are known in sex pheromone of the oriental fruit moth, Grapholita molesta, and have been commercially available to apply for population monitoring and mating disruption. However, there have been variation among commercial products in pheromone composition and amount impregnated in each pheromone releaser. This study was performed to optimize factors influencing on pheromone monitoring of G. molesta by analyzing pheromone composition/amount, effective period of releaser, and trap type/placement in apple trees. High purity of Z8-12:Ac component was effective to attract males, in which 96% or more of cis acetate isomer component appeared to be optimal composition. Pheromone amounts (0.01-1 ㎍) impregnated in each rubber dispenser did not give significant effect on monitoring during 90 days from June to August. "Delta" trap was much more efficient than "cone" trap to collect males. Trap installation was another factor, in which placing traps at canopy level was much efficient than at trunk or ground levels. Pheromone trap monitoring with these optimal factors indicated three to four adult peaks from June to September in addition to high overwintering population from April to May in pesticide-applied orchards in Andong, Korea.