The purpose of this study is to compare the relative growth of annual ring width of red pine(Pinus densiflora), black pine(Pinus thunbergii) and pitch pine(Pinus rigida) by means of multiple regression method according to Graybill hypothesis. The obtained results are as follows. 1. The changes of rainfall have affected to tree growth during the periods of 1975 through 1978. 2. Among these pine trees, red pine was mostly influenced by environmental factors. 3. The growth of annual ring width was sensitively responded to the changes of rainfall and air temperature. 4. Among the heavy metals analyzed, the concentrations(ppm) of Lead(Pb) and Copper(Cu) were negatively effected on the growth of annual ring width of pine trees. 5. The analytical technique of annual ring width may be useful for estimation of the pollution in forest areas near industrial complexes.