Elevated linear parks have the potential to support the ecological stability, city amenity, cultural opportunity, and health benefits of urban dwellers; these are increasingly becoming an integral part of the urban infrastructure. Due to structural limitations in space, linear parks need to be planned to increase the value of green space. This study was aimed at advancing urban planning techniques for increasing the value of elevated linear parks, by comparing the Seoullo7017 with the Promenade plantée and the Highline. Planning characteristics of these green spaces were analyzed from the perspectives of physical planning factors, amenity values for users, and management systems. Field surveys and virtual tools were used to investigate the current characteristics of these parks, in addition to the literature survey. From the analysis of planning factors, amenity values, and management in the three linear parks, following important recommendations were made in order to promote the values of these parks: (a) diversify planting design for increasing the diversity of green space in a narrow area; (b) bring in various forms of amenities to promote the quality of users' experience; and (c) establish community-based management systems for enhancing regional competitiveness and profit sharing in urban regeneration projects.
Enlargement of street tree planting area is the proper and effective solution to reduce carbon dioxide. This solution bases on the ability of carbon storage and uptake by tree metabolism. However, the circumstance of road side has fatal disadvantages in tree metabolism such as growth and maturity because cutting and filling of roadsides cause unnatural soil composition. In this point, early rootage of street tree is the main factor of reducing carbon dioxide. This study aimed to find a appropriate transplantation planting method for sound and rapid rootage of street tree. For the study, Korean Mountain Ash(Sorbus alnifolia) were used for experimental groups. The groups were categorized by three groups such as trees produced on container with mulching treatment, trees produced in outdoor with mulching treatment, trees produced on container with weeding treatment. Each group consisted 10 trees with same size and transplanted in experimental site. Five months after transplanting, each group was estimated the biomass and carbon storage through a direct harvesting method. According to results of the study, the carbon storage of trees produced on container with mulching treatment is 42% more than trees produced in outdoor with mulching treatment. And the carbon storage of trees produced on container with mulching treatment is 19.5% more than trees produced on container with weeding treatment. These results may imply that transplantation of container produced tree with mulching treatment is the most rapid rootage among other groups. The weeding treatment is more effective than mulching treatment for rapid rootage of street trees.
An ecological learning center is defined as a place which can establish the correct relationship between human and environment. Human can learn ecosystem and importance of environment throughout observation of nature and participation in program of ecological learning center. The most important aspects of ecological learning center planning are to reflect on user's demand and preservation of ecosystem.
The prime goals of this study is to analyze user's characteristics in the Young Wheol Mulmurigol Ecological Learning Center. The second goal of this study is to find out the satisfaction model based on user's perceived performance of each program and facility in the center. For this study, questionnaire survey with 204 individuals was completed. The data from the questionnaire were analyzed statistical method by SPSS. There are several significant results from the study as following
First, this ecological learning center as a newly operating facility is used not for educational purpose but for resting and relaxation purpose. It is due to that the most of users in this center are package tourists with historic scenes.
Second, user's perceived performance evaluated by 23 attributions of programs and facilities, and these attributions could be classified by 5 factors such as environment friendly design, educational function, preservation of environment , provision of various bio-top and provision of resting area.
Third, the user satisfaction model indicates that user satisfaction is depended on various factors such as preservation of environment , provision of various bio-top, provision of resting area. Among these factor affecting the satisfaction, provision of various bio-top is the most influence on user satisfaction.