
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, the commercial anion exchange resin (IRA900) was used to investigate the adsorption properties, comparing the anion selectivity of phosphate and sulfate in water. The phosphate removal efficiency was 29.6% less than sulfate in single condition, and significantly decreased from 44.8% to 3.47 in mixed conditions while sulfate removal efficiency remained unchanged, confirming a higher selectivity for sulfate over phosphate. In the pH effect, phosphate removal efficiency increased with increase of pH due to the increased HPO4 2- species. The total removal efficiency of phosphate and sulfate was obtained approximately 62% in mixed condition, regardless of solution pH, indicating that the total anion exchange capacity was not influenced in the pH. The values of qmL and bL derived from Langmuir isotherm equation were 11.5 and 8.10 times higher for sulfate than for phosphate in mixed conditions. In single condition, sulfate and phosphate reached to equilibrium at 6 and 3 h, respectively. In mixed condition, phosphate was desorbed by the sulfate after 1h and the time to equilibrium for sulfate was retarded to 6h. Furthermore, when comparing the separation factor (αP/S), increasing the initial concentration led to higher selectivity of phosphate.