Microarray technology provides a unique tool for the determination of gene expression at the level of messenger RNA (mRNA). This study, the mRNA expression profiles provide insight into the mechanism of action of cadmium in Fleshy shrimp (Fenneropenaeus chinensis). The ability of genomic technologies was contributed decisively to development of new molecular biomarkers and to the determination of new possible gene targets. Also, it can be approach for monitoring of trace metal using oligo-chip microarray-based in potential model marine user level organisms.
15K oligo-chip for F. chinensis that include mostly unique sets of genes from cDNA sequences was developed. A total of 13,971 spots (1,181 mRNAs up- regulated and 996 down regulated) were identified to be significantly expressed on microarray by hierarchical clustering of genes after exposure to cadmium for different conditions (Cd24-5000 and Cd48-1000). Most of the changes of mRNA expression were observed at the long time and low concentration exposure of Cd48-1000. But, gene ontology analysis (GO annotation) were no significant different between experiments groups. It was observed that mRNA expression of main genes involved in metabolism, cell component, molecular binding and catalytic function. It was suggested that cadmium inhibited metabolism and growth of F. chinensis .
By use of the recent tropical cyclones' data in the Northwest Pacific Ocean, the occurrence frequency and region of typhoon as well as the features of the monthly mean track were analyzed. As the result of this study, (1) mean occurrence frequency of typhoon per year is 27.5, and 68% of total typhoons were formed in July to October and shown the highest frequency in August. (2) The ave-rage duration of typhoons is 8.5 days, and super typhoon which maximum sustained surface wind speeds is more than 130 knots occurs most frequently in October and November. (3) The highest frequency ap-pears around the Caroline, Mariana and Marshall Islands, and in wintertime, typhoon occurs in lower lati-tude comparing with those in summertime. (4) The typhoon track depends upon the distribution of pres-sure system and steering current in neighbouring areas. The mean track of typhoon can be classified into three types such as westward-moving type, northward-moving type and abnormally moving type. The west-ward-moving typhoons make landfall on the southern China by way of the South China Sea in June and July, on mid-part of China in August and September, and on Indo-china Peninsula in October and Novem-ber. The northward-moving typhoons approximately move on north~northwestward track to 20~30˚N from the occurrence region, then recurve to the East Sea through Korean Peninsula and Kyushu Island in June and July, to the Noth Pacific Ocean along the Japanese Islands in August and September and to the North Pacific Ocean through the seas far south off the Japan in October and November.