PURPOSES : This study estimated the load effect of a single heavy truck to develop a live load model for the design and assessment of bridges located on an expressway with a limited truck entry weight. METHODS: The statistical estimation methods for the live load effect acting on a bridge by a heavy vehicle are reviewed, and applications using the actual measurement data for trucks traveling on an expressway are presented. The weight estimation of a single vehicle and its effect on a bridge are fundamental elements in the construction of a live load model. Two statistical estimation methods for the application of extrapolation in a probabilistic study and an additional estimation method that adopts the extreme value theory are reviewed. RESULTS : The proposed methods are applied to the traffic data measured on an expressway. All of the estimation methods yield similar results using the data measured when the weight limit has been relatively well observed because of the rigid enforcement of the weight regulation. On the other hand, when the estimations are made using overweight traffic data, the resulting values differ with the estimation method. CONCLUSIONS: The estimation methods based on the extreme distribution theory and the modified procedure presented in this paper can yield reasonable values for the maximum weight of a single truck, which can be applied in both the design and evaluation of a bridge on an expressway.
이 논문에서는 케이블교량 설계기준의 설계하중조합에 대한 신뢰도분석을 수행하였다. 설계기준에서 정의한 하중계수와 저항계수를 적용하여 설계된 실제 케이블교량을 대상으로 주 부재별 통계특성과 설계지배 하중조합을 분석하였다. 신뢰도분석을 통하여 하중조합별로 설정된 목표신뢰도지수를 확보됨을 확인하였고, 교량의 중요도를 상향할 수 있는 저항수정계수의 적용성을 검토하였다. 설계변수들이 신뢰도지수에 미치는 민감도 분석을 통하여 케이블의 신뢰도에 중요한 영향을 주는 요소를 분석하였다. 이를 통하여 설계기준의 안전계수들을 적용한 설계를 통하여 케이블교량의 목표신뢰도지수를 확보할 수 있음을 확인하였다.