PURPOSES : This study was performed to determine a systematic approach for measuring the coefficient of thermal expansion (COTE) of concrete specimens. This approach includes the initial calibration of measurement equipment. Test variables include coarse aggregate types such as natural aggregate, job-site produced recycled concrete aggregate, and recycled aggregate processed from an intermediate waste treatment company.
METHODS: First, two cylindrical SUS-304 specimens with a known COTE value of 17.3×10-6m/m/℃. were used as reference specimens for the calibration of each measurement system. The well-known AASHTO TP-60 COTE apparatus for concrete measurement was utilized in this study. Four different measurement apparatuses were used with each LVDT installed and a calibration value was determined using each measurement apparatus.
RESULTS : In the initial experimental stage, calibration values for each measurement apparatus were assumed to be almost identical. However, using the SUS-304 samples as a reference, the calibration values for the four different measurement apparatuses were found to range from 3.49 to 8.86 ×10-6m/m/℃. Using different adjusted values for each measurement apparatuses, COTE values for the three different concrete specimens were obtained. The COTE value of concrete made with natural coarse aggregate was 9.91×10-6m/m/℃, that of job-site produced recycled coarse aggregate was 10.45×10-6m/m/℃, and that of recycled aggregate processed from the intermediate waste treatment company was 10.82×10-6m/m/℃.
CONCLUSIONS: We observed that the COTE value of concrete made from recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) was higher than that of concrete made from natural coarse aggregate. This difference is due to the fact that the total volumetric mortar proportion in the RCA mix is higher than that in the concrete mix made with natural coarse aggregate.
PURPOSES: This study aimed to analyze economic effect of recycled aggregate production on job-site airport pavement. METHODS: The validation of site recycling for waste concrete as economic efficiency is analyzed through the case study of site recycling at an O airport pavement construction. The break-even point for the cost of site recycling was estimated according to two different waste concrete processing methods such as job-site recycling and processing on commission (or plant). RESULTS: Job-site recycling cost decreases as the use rate of job-site recycled concrete aggregate increases, or the amount of concrete waste increases, but transporting distance decreases. It was shown in an O airport case that as the use rate of job-site recycled concrete aggregate exceeds 61.4 %, the job-site recycling cost is cheaper than the processing cost on commission. CONCLUSIONS : The results of this study can utilize basic data of feasibility for site recycling of waste concrete on airport pavement construction.
본 연구에서는 폐콘크리트의 발생지 및 재생골재 생산방법 별로 골재 종류를 나누어 각각 비중, 흡수 율, 마모율, 안정성 실험을 실시하였으며, 결과를 통해 각각의 발생지 및 생산방법에 따른 골재특성의 차 이를 알아보았다. 생산방법에 대한 모식도는 아래의 그림 1과 같다. 실험 결과는 아래의 표 1과 같다.
공항포장 재시공 중 재생골재의 사용 시 운송에 따른 비용 절감 및 이산화탄소 배출 감소를 위하여 공장을 경유하지 않는 현장재생설비의 사용가능성을 확인하고자 천연골재(화강암), 현장재생골재(○○공항), 공장재 생골재(중간처리업체) 세 등급으로 나누어 골재의 특성 및 콘크리트의 기초물성을 실험하였다. 다음 표 1은 골 재의 특성실험 및 콘크리트 기초물성 실험 결과 값이며 그림 1은 현장재생골재의 입도곡선, 그림 2는 슬럼프 경시변화 결과그래프이다.
골재 특성실험 결과 현장재생골재는 적정 슬럼프 및 공기량을 보였으며 마모율 및 안정성, 입도곡선에서도 기준치를 만족하였으나 공장재생골재는 안정성 기준을 초과하는 것으로 나타났다. 슬럼프 경시변화에서현장재 생골재의 경우 40분 이후 슬럼프 변화량이 급하게 감소하여 시공에 주의를 요하는 것으로 판단된다. 흡수율의 경우 미국 대부분 기관에서 재생골재의 흡수율 기준을 두지 않고 있기 때문에 현장재생골재의 흡수율이 초과하더라도 천연골재와 동일수준의 품질을 나타내는지 여부를 실험을 통해 확인하고자 하였다. 콘크리트 기초물성 실험 결과 천연골재, 현장재생골재, 공장재생골재 모두 압축강도, 휨강도, 탄성계수 기준치를 만족시키는 결과가 나왔으며 특히 현장재생골재의 경우 압축강도와 휨강도에서 천연골재와 유사한 결과 값을 나타내었고 탄성계수실험에서는 천연골재 대비 88%의 성능을 보였다.