본 연구에서는 인도 수출용 옥수수의 품종육성을 위하여 인도 현지에서 수집한 다양한 옥수수의 계통 과 품종에 대한 내습성 실험을 수행하였다. 실험대상은 총 20종의 인도수집 옥수수 계통 및 품종과 국 내시판종인 광평옥과 찰옥수수를 이용하였다. 내습성검정을 위하여 하우스 내에 물웅덩이를 설치하고 화분에서 재배한 대조구와 화분을 침수시킨 침수처리구로 구분하여 2주간 재배한 후 초장의 길이를 비 교한 결과 일반구에 대한 침수구의 비율이 높은 H2(92.9%), H18(88.8%), CN114A(98.1%), CN351A (94.3%), Super900M(95.3%), P3394(98.8%), 31N27(96.7%) 등은 비교적 내습성이 강한 것으로 나타 났으며 반면에 H1(78.9%), H8(73.4%), H10(77.1%), H19(79.0%), H26(74.1%), H31(75.7%), H34 (77.5%), H36(77.4%), H40(74.6%) 등은 침수시 많은 수분스트레스를 받는 것으로 사려된다. 침수상태 의 옥수수 잎으로부터 엽록소a, 엽록소b 및 cartenoids의 함량을 측정하여 대조구와 비교함으로서 침수 상태에서 얼마나 많은 엽록소와 cartenoids가 감소되었는지 검정해보니 상기 결과와 동일한 결과를 도 출하였다. 특히 H36(7.249ug·mg-1)과 H40(7.642ug·mg-1)의 경우 엽록소a의 함량이 침수시 급감함 을 보여주었다. 반면에 인도시판종인 37N27(0.630ug·mg-1)과 P3394(1.208ug·mg-1)는 가장 적은 함 량의 변화를 나타내어 우수한 품종임을 알 수 있었다. cartenoids의 함량감소는 엽록체 a의 함량변화와 비례하며 감소하는 경향을 나타내었다.
Fall is one of the most intimidating health conditions in elders. Comprehensive assessment is necessary to understand the individual and environmental aspects of the falls such as balancing abilities, depression, and quality of life. The purpose of this study was to compare the balancing ability, depression, and quality of life between elderly fallers and elderly non-fallers. Thirty-two community-dwelling elders (fifteen males and seventeen females between 65 and 83 years old), who have experienced fall on walking during last twelve months, were involved in the elderly fallers group. And twenty-four males and twenty-two females between 65 and 83 years old of community-dwelling elders, who have no experienced fall on walking during last twelve months, were involved in the elderly non-fallers group. Berg balance scale (BBS), timed up and go test (TUG), and functional reach test (FRT), were used to evaluate the ability of the physical balance. ‘Beck depression scale in Korean’ questionnaire was used to assess the depression. ‘Korean version of World Health Organization Quality of Life Assessment Instrument-Bref’ questionnaire was used to assess the quality of life. The results were as follows: 1) Balancing abilities measured by the BBS, TUG in the elderly fallers group were meaningfully lower than that of the elderly non-fallers group (p<.05), whereas no significant difference in the FRT was found (p>.05). 2) Depression level in the elderly fallers group was significantly higher than that of the elderly non-fallers group (p<.05). 3) Quality of life in the elderly fallers group was significantly lower than that of the elderly non-fallers group, excluding environment domain (p<.05). Therefore, in order for clinical evaluation of the community-dwelling elders those with reduced balancing ability, it is necessary to evaluate and understand the fall experience, depression, and quality of life.