This study was carried out to investigate the reproduction efficiency and disease of Holstein heifer grazed on mixed pasture desighed with association of tall fescue and white clover cultivar (3 treatments = TI : Tall fescue Fawn + White clover Regal + Or
Forty-five holstein calves (average liveweight 150kg) were used to investigate the effect of combination of tall fescue and white clover cultivars on liveweight gain and feed efficiency into animal product in pastures. Daily gains per head for 3 years in
This study was carried out with aim to find out a tall fescue cultivar which is palatable and resistant to hot climate, and a white clover cultivar which is less competitive with other grasses. Pastures with 3 treatments (TI: Fawn, tall fescue + Regal, wh
This study was carried out to obtain good livestock production in comparison with 3 different pasture mixture (Control : TI = Potomac orchardgrass + Bastion perennial ryegrass + Fawn tall fescue + Regal white clover, T2 = Potomac orchardgrass + Bastion pe
Hehage production, botanical composition and soil chemical characteristics were investigated Ween new pastures and old pastures during grazing seasons from May 1993 to October 1994, to find out the condition of pastures grazed by horses on Chdu. Dry matte
本 연구는 濟州道內 放救用 野草地(마을共同收場)에서 野草類의 植生 및 收量性을 조사하여 草地改良 및 野草地의 利用度 增進을 위한 基鍵資料로 活用코자 放牧期間인 7 月부터 9 月까지 수행되었으며 quadrat method를 利用하여 조사한 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. 野草의 總草種은 64種으로 未本科 13草種, 두과 8草種, 엉거시科 12草種, 그리고 기타 31草 종으로 대부분 多年生 草類였다. 2.. 식생적性率은 띠 (Imperata cylindrica)