
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2005.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        By measuring changes in blood lactate and plasma enzyme (CPK, GOT, GPT) with electrical stimulation applied at two duty cycles, this study is intended to look into which type of duty cycle may have more effects on blood lactate and plasma enzyme constituents through animal experiment so as to determine any duty cycle appropriate for electrical treatment. In this study, electrical stimulation was applied to total 20 Korean house rabbits (weight: 3~3.5 kg) by means of an electrical therapeutic apparatus called TS6000 (made in Netherlands) at duty cycle of 50% and 20% respectively for 30 minutes. Here, 5 cc of blood was collected from their carotid artery before stimulation and in 30 minutes after stimulation respectively to carry out biochemical experiment and analysis. As determined through the above experiment, blood lactate rate was increased to 333.07% at 50% duty cycle after experiment and 185.71% at 20% duty cycle after experiment respectively. In both cases, blood lactate rate was significantly increased to higher level after electrical stimulation than before. Moreover, the rate of change in the average of blood lactate rate at both duty cycles also showed significant differences. CPK rate was boosted to 301.82% at 50% duty cycle after experiment and 321.35% at 20% duty cycle after experiment respectively. In both cases, CPK rate was remarkably boosted to higher level after stimulation than before (p<.05). However, there was not any significant difference in the rate of change in average CPK at both duty cycles (p<.05). GOT rate was significantly boosted up to 38.97% at 50% duty cycle after experiment (p<.05), while it was slightly increased to 1.68% at 20% duty cycle after experiment without any significant difference. Rather, GPT rate dropped slightly at both duty cycles after experiment, but there was not any significant difference. Although blood lactate and GOT were relatively less generated at 20% duty cycle after electrical stimulation than at 50% duty cycle, the change of duty cycle didn't have any significant influence on CPK rate. In this regard, this study failed to come any consistent conclusion about the association between change of duty cycle and muscle fatigue. Therefore, it is advisable that follow-up studies seek various ways to a little more effectively apply electrical stimulation to laboratory animals by avoiding their muscle fatigue. GOT rate was significantly boosted up to 38.97% at 50% duty cycle after experiment (p<.05), while it was slightly increased to 1.68% at 20% duty cycle after experiment without any significant difference. Rather, GPT rate dropped slightly at both duty cycles after experiment, but there was not any significant difference. Although blood lactate and GOT were relatively less generated at 20% duty cycle after electrical stimulation than at 50% duty cycle, the change of duty cycle didn't have any significant influence on CPK rate. In this regard, this study failed to come any consistent conclusion about the association between change of duty cycle and muscle fatigue. Therefore, it is advisable that follow-up studies seek various ways to a little more effectively apply electrical stimulation to laboratory animals by avoiding their muscle fatigue.
        2003.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 근골격계 통증이 자세유지와 균형능력에 핵심이 되는 중력중심 이동에 미치는 영향에 대해 알아봄으로서, 균형과 자세에 영향을 주는 다양한 요소들에 대한 새로운 접근을 시도해 보고자 한다. I-병원의 입원 및 외래 환자 중 신경계 손상이 없고 중력중심 이동에 직접적인 영향을 줄 수 있는 하지에 정형외과적 장애가 없으며, 전정계 손상이나 시력장애로 인한 균형에 문제가 없이 근골격계 질환으로 요통과 견통을 주소로 하는 71명의 환자(남자 38, 여