
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to evaluate the possibility of expanding the usage of whole crop silage from beef cattle and dairy cow to hogs and chickens. For this purpose, a crushing device was developed to crush whole crop silage. The crushed silage was sealed, and analyzed for its feed value. The silage varieties used for the experiment included Saessal barley and Geumgang wheat. Whole crop barley and wheat were crushed in the crushing system as a whole without separating stems, leaves, grains, etc.. When the crushed whole crop silages (CWCS) were analyzed, full grain, grains above 10 mm in size, grains 5~10 mm in size, and grains below 5 mm in size accounted for, 20%, 4%, 27%, and 49 %, respectively. In order to facilitate the fermentation of CWCS, inoculated some fermenter into each CWCS sample (barley or wheat). As control, another set of sample was not inoculated. Crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), crude fiber (CF), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), lignin, cellulose content, total digestible nutrient (TDN), and relative feed value (RFV) of fermenter-inoculated Saessal barley were 2.45 %, 1.61%, 8.95%, 16.94%, 9.52%, 1.01%, 8.51%, 81.38%, and 447.5%, respectively. The CP, EE, CF, NDF, ADF, lignin, cellulose content, TDN, and RFV in the other sample of Saessal barley without inoculation of fermenter were 2.57%, 1.62%, 9.61%, 18.25%, 10.13%, 1.10%, 9.04%, 80.90%, and 412.9%, respectively. The CP, EE, CF, NDF, ADF, lignin, cellulose content, TDN, and RFV of fermenter-inoculated Geumgang wheat sample were 2.43%, 1.27%, 10.99%, 19.49%, 11.23%, 1.46%, 9.77%, 80.03%, and 382.6%, respectively. The CP, EE, CF, NDF, ADF, lignin, cellulose content, TDN, RFV of the other set sample of Geumgang wheat sample without the inoculation of fermenter were 2.28%, 1.44%, 10.08%, 18.02%, 10.44%, 1.26%, 9.18%, 80.65%, and 416.9%, respectively. The TDN and RFV content in the fermenter-inoculated Saessal barley were 81.38% and 447.5%, respectively, while the one in the fermenter-inoculated Geumgang wheat were 80.03% and 382.6% respectively. When the feed value of whole crop barley and wheat silage without crushing process was compared to the feed value of whole crop barley and wheat silage made from crushing system, the latter appeared to be higher than the former. This could be due to the process of sealing the crushed silage which might have minimized air content between samples and shortened the golden period of fermentation. In conclusion, these results indicate that a crushing process might be needed to facilitate fermentation and improve the quality of silage when making whole crop silage.
        2016.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        It is projected that swine manure solids can be used for heating agricultural facilities. Therefore, this study focused on the possibilities of using swine manure as a solid fuel instead of composting it. Moisture content, ash content, volatile content, calorific value, TGA (thermogravimetric analysis), and elements in the swine manure were determined. After dehydrating the manure completely in a drying oven, its calorific value and ash content were measured. They appeared to be 3,517 kcal/kg and 16.6%, respectively, which satisfies the standard value of livestock solid fuel: heating value of 3,000 kcal/kg or above and ash content of 30% or below. Based on this result, it is concluded that using swine manure solids as a solid fuel is possible. Furthermore, when the chemical elements of C, H, O, N, S, Cl, etc. in the manure were analyzed, there was 33.75 ~ 45.98% of carbon and 31.55 ~ 41.20% of oxygen, which indicates that most of the manure was composed of combustible materials. However, there were cases where the percentage of water content in the manure exceeded 70%, implying that costs for dehydration would become expensive because it needs to be lowered to 20% in order to be used for energy source. Therefore, in order to use the swine manure as an energy source, minimizing the manure’s percentage of water content at the farm without any outside financial input is the biggest task to be solved.
        2011.11 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 원예치료 프로그램이 자연사랑 교육과정 어르신들의 정서발달과 대인관계에 미치는 영향을 알아본 결과, 정서발달은 유의한 차이를 보였다, 또한 대인관계에는 효과가 높았다. 이는 노인들이 경제적 활동이 제한되면서 특별한 취미활동을 할 수 없었고 의사소통을 나눌 가족과 이웃이 없어 무료한 일상을 보냈었다. 원예치료의 다양한 프로그램은 닫혀있던 마음을 열어 서로간의 상호작용이 활발히 이루어져 관계형성에 많은 도움이 되었던 것 같다. 지역의 많은 어르신들이 본 프로그램의 혜택을 받아 노인들의 삶의 질(Quality of life)을 향상시키는데 기여하기를 바란다.