We have investigated the astronomical observational environments at the Choejung-san GEODSS site which is located at the south of Taegu, Korea. As a part of the investigation, seeing and night sky brightness were measured outside nearby the GEODSS site using the Celestron 8-inch portable reflector with $192{\times}165$ pixels Lynxx CCD camera during the period of December 1994 to April 1996. The average seeing values of 4.8 arcsecond in B filter and 5.1 arcsecond in V filter were determined using the IRAF software. These values might be overestimated and would be reduced by at least 1 arc second in both filters if they were measured by more stable telescope system with solid mount and under a dome. We also compare the average seeing value at the GEODSS site with those at three other observatories, the Bohyunsan Optical Astronomy Observatory, the Sobaeksan Optical Astronomy Observatory, and the Seoul National University Observatory, for justification of the above guess. Unfortunately the night sky brightness measurement was not successful mainly due to the short exposure time. The utilizing plan of the GEOSS site is discussed based on the average seeing value, naked-eye sky brightness measurement, analysis of the existing thirty-year weather data and twenty-year urban planning of the metropolitan Taegu city for the year of 2016.