It is known that the growth and development of the mosquito are greatly affected by the change of the meteorological factors. In particular, temperature and precipitation are closely related to the life cycle of the mosquito, and their effects have different characteristics for each species of mosquito. Therefore, to develop a mosquito activity index based on mosquito density, it is essential to develop a prediction model based on weather data. In this study, we developed a functional formula that can estimate the change of mosquito density according to the change of meteorological factors using the mosquito classification data of Incheon region collected from 2011 to 2017. Also, using the data of the digital mosquito monitoring system (DMS) from April to October 2018, mosquito activity index according to characteristics of space in city was developed. In order to reflect the temporal characteristics of the mosquito life-cycle, we used data of temperature and precipitation prior to 1-2 weeks, and used land cover data to reflect the spatial characteristics of mosquito density. Density of Culex pipiens collected in the Incheon area were gradually increased when the average temperature increased two weeks ago after adjusting the precipitation. However, when the average temperature reached 22°C, the density of Culex pipiens marked a peak, and above the 22°C, the density was decreased. The predicted mosquito activity index calculated by applying the machine learning method to the DMS data of the Incheon area is designed to calculate from 1 to 10 grades. The accuracy of the mosquito activity index was 87% when the one grade error was allowed.
Purpose - Consumers have memories of their past time that they have not experienced. So consumers want to experience the past time and get pleasure through historical contents such as movies or dramas. This is because the re-created the past time sets the identity of the consumers who live today, and in the process, it give consumers emotional comfort. Consumers do not remember and sympathize with all of their historical time. In general, consumers remember the time that their communities are proud of. As s result, historical content is seen as a hero, and through that, consumers can check their identity. Also consumers experience positive emotions such as self-esteem, gratitude and pride through identification with heroes. That is, through historical contents, consumers can identify themselves and replace the current negative emotions with positive ones. Therefore, this study presents narrative identity and historical nostalgia that can affect positive evaluation of historical contents and suggest the factors the can induce such effects. This study was conducted to explain what the consumption effect of historical content is from a marketing perspective and what constitutes a component of historical content as a factor driving this effect.
Research design, data, and methodology - This study has developed a questionnaire with 8 Hypotheses. The Films (‘Masquerade(2012)’, ‘Roaring Current(2014)’, ‘Assassination(2015)’, ‘The Age of Shadow(2016)’) and dramas(‘Six Flying Dragon(2015-2016)’, ‘Mr. Sunshine(2018-2019)’) were used as experimental contents. 268 college students participated in this empirical study, and structural equation model was used to verify hypotheses.
Results - Frist, narrative identity affects positive evaluation of historical contents. Nostalgia affect positive evaluation of historical contents. and narrative identity affects positive response of historical nostalgia. Second, character act relevance, circumstance similarity, and character attractiveness have positive influence upon response of narrative identity. Lastly, empathy for story and vividness of representation have also positive influence upon response of historical nostalgia.
Conclusion - This study contributes to the theoretical and managemental development of historical contents. This study shows that narrative identity and historical nostalgia are important for success of historical contents. In order for historical content to be successful, it must manage elements of character act relevance, circumstance similarity, and character attractiveness, empathy for story and vividness of representation.
Purpose – Past research has not given much attention to the roles of consumers’ social relationship type in the effects of justice type of service failure recovery alternatives on their satisfaction to the alternative exposed to them. Current research aimed at exploring the moderation role of consumers’ social relationship central versus peripheral in the effects of justice types of service failure recovery alternatives on the recovery satisfaction, and this research also explored whether the level of satisfaction to interaction justice-focused alternative are significantly different between the two, their social relationship central and peripheral relationship.
Research design, data, and methodology – 2(social relationship central versus peripheral) between-subjects design was employed. 50 participants for each experimental group there were. Participants of each group took forceful steps in choosing one between the procedural justice-focused alternative and the distribution justice-focused alternative. χ2-analysis was used to verify that the number of choosing each alternative becomes different between the two experimental groups, and a one way ANOVA was used to verify that the extent to which participants are satisfied to the alternative chosen by them becomes different between the two groups.
Results – The number of participants choosing procedural justice-focused alternative at the group of social relationship central was larger than that at the group of social relationship peripheral, whereas the number of participants choosing distribution justice-focused alternative at the group of social relationship peripheral was larger than that at the group of social relationship central. And the level of satisfaction to procedural justice-focused alternative at the group of social relationship central was higher than that at the group of social relationship peripheral, whereas the level of satisfaction to distribution justice-focused alternative at the group of social relationship peripheral was higher than that at the group of social relationship central. In addition, the level of satisfaction to interaction justice-focused alternative was not significantly different between the two groups.
Conclusions – Marketers should give attention to the type of justice when developing alternatives by which consumers’ service failure can be recovered. They should suggest procedural justice-focused alternative to consumers under social relationship central, whereas they should develop distribution justice-focused alternative for consumers under social relationship peripheral. And in the process of recovering service failure they also should focus on interaction justice.
Purpose - Present study investigates character identification and emotional response to character that may affect consumers' intention to purchase the character-attached products. And this study explores whether symbolic relevance and object relevance affect the character identification, and whether character attractiveness and character salience affect the emotional response to characters. Research design, data, and methodology - SNS characters, animated characters, game characters, and traditional characters were used as experimental characters. And stationery as experimental product was used. 250 college students participated in the empirical study, and structural equation model was used to verify hypotheses. Results - First, the character identification and emotional response to characters affected the intention to purchase the products positively, and the emotional response to characters also positively affected character identification; second, symbolic relevance had no positive impact upon character identification, while object relevance had positive influence on character identification; and third, character attractiveness and salience had a positive effect on the emotional response. Conclusions - Present study contributes to the progress of character theories. Marketers should find ways to increase consumers’ object relevance to characters and the level of characters' attractiveness and salience in order to promote the intent to purchase the products.