
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2004.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In terms of the way we perceive the world, the history of human beings might be said to be a history of two incompatible forces -'science' and 'myth.' Until today, both indispensable aspects have made human existence possible and characterized human culture. Nonetheless, an essential definition of myth has never been clearly explained. What is the general philosophical thought about myth? Current well known interpretations are so called Enlightenment and Romanticism of myth, which both has same criticism that they has not generally considered myth in terms of its technical function or specified contents. One who overcomes the limit of two current extreme beliefs on myth and also who concerned more with the ultimate origin of myth and its relation to the structure of poetry than the source of its vital accomplishments is philosopher Hans Blumenberg. For him myth is an artificial means and an answers to overcome the 'absolutism of reality.' On this point, the research concerns basically two issues. One is to investigate the functional and structural characters of myth through philosopher Hans Blumenberg's anthropological reflections. The other is to analyze architect Tadao Ando's works and thinking. The intention of the paper is not only to explore the relationship between philosophical theory of Blumenberg and Ando's architectural works, but also to suggest a new critical understanding on architecture from mythological point of view. I also expect that this research will suggests a concrete theoretical idea for constructing and construing artistic form and cultural space.
        2002.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The oocytes from most of animal species accumulate genetic information and other necessary materials during oogenesis for the later use in the early development. Over the years oocyte maturation has been studied extensively both in vitro and in vivo. Particularly, maturation of follicular oocyte in vitro becomes one of the important tools for the studies of basic cell biology, the in vitro technology of animal production, and in particular, the somatic cell cloning by nuclear transfer. We examined meiotic maturation and cumulus expansion in the presence of translation or transcription inhibitors for varying periods of in viかo maturation (IVM) of pig oocyte. In Experiment 1, the results revealed that translation and transcription inhibitors inhibited cumulus expansion and meiotic maturation during 35h of IVM. However, 50 to 60% of the oocytes underwent nuclear maturation without cumulus expansion during 75h of IVM. The rest of the oocytes were arrested at metaphase I (40-50%) in the presence of the inhibitors. In Experiment II, the OCCs were exposed to the drugs only for 15h to examine translation and transcription inhibitors on cumulus expansion and meiotic maturation. Transcription inhibitors for 15h did not arrest meiotic maturation when the oocytes were cultured for subsequent, necessary period of IVM, whereas cumulus expansion was completely inhibited, suggesting that initial 15h is critical transcription activity far cumulus expansion. Translation inhibitors for 15h exposure did not alter cumulus expansion and meiotic maturation during subsequent culture in the absence of the drugs. In Experiment III, the OCCs were exposed to the drugs only for later 30h to examine the influence of transcription and translation inhibitors on oocyte maturation. Interestingly, all meiotic maturation underwent normally with full expansion of cumulus. Similar results were obtained from Experiment IV where 5h of exposure from 15 to 20h of IVM culture to the drugs was performed and subsequently cultured for same period in fresh medium. Taken there results together, both transcription and translation are necessary for nuclear maturation and cumulus expansion, and first 15h IVM for cumulus expansion is critical. The arrested oocytes by the drugs were still capable of undergoing nuclear maturation, although cumulus expansion was affected.