Lower Ordovician (Upper Tremadoc) graptolites were found for the first time at the two sections of the Mungok Formation in Danyang area: the Seokgyori and Daejeonri sections. The graptolites from these sections comprise two species of two genera: Adelograptus brevibrachiatus and Psigraptus jacksoni. The graptolite faunas of the sections in the area show simple composition relative to Yeongwol area; they appear to be correlated to: (1) the Adelograptus cf tenellus Zone of Yeongwol area, (2) the Adelograptus cf. tenellus Zone of Yukon, Canada, (3) the Psigraptus Zone of Tasmania, Australia, and (4) the Psigraptus jacksoni Zone of Jilin, China. The age of graptolite beds of the Mungok Formation at Danyang appears to be early Upper Tremadoc of the Lower Ordovician.
Adelograptus brevibrachiatus sp. novo is erected for materials previously referred to as Adelograptus cf. tenellus from the circum-Pacific area. The species shares many morphological characteristics with Adelograptus tenellus from Europe but differs from it by possessing typically short stipe lengths throughout rhabdosome due to less thecal density along the stipes. Taxonomic characteristics of A. cf. tenellus reported from circum-Pacific area are compared with each other. The paleogeographic distribution of A. tenellus seems to be restricted within Europe, while that of A. brevibrachiatus within circum-Pacific area.
Early Ordovician graptolites from the Mungok Formation of Yeongwol area, Korea comprise seven species belonging to six genera: Callograptus curvithecalis, Callograptus sinicus, Aspidograptus lotolatzensis, Dendrograptus suni, Dictyonema uniforme, Adelograptus cf. tenellus, and Psigraptus jacksoni. Two graptolite zones with three subzones are recognized in the eight sections of the Mungok Formation. The Adelograptus Zone is correlated with (1) La 1b of the Lancefield Formation of Victoria, Australia, (2) the Adelograptus-Clonograptus Zone of the Yehli Formation of Jilin, China, and (3) the Adelograptus Zone of the Road River Formation of Yukon, Canada. It suggests that the upper part of the Mungok Formation corresponds to early Late Tremadocian of Early Ordovician.