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        검색결과 11

        2018.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There exists very little information on the ultrastructure of substance P immunopositive (+) fibers in the human dental pulp, which may help in understanding the mechanism for substance P associated pulpal inflammatory pain. To address this issue, we investigated the presence of substance P+ fibers in the human dental pulp by light- and electron-microscopic immunohistochemistry. Light microscopy revealed that substance P+ fibers ran within neurovascular bundles in the radicular pulp and in the core of coronal pulp. They were also frequently present in the peripheral pulp. Substance P+ fibers showed beads like swellings interconnected by thin axonal strand, in a manner similar to bouton en passants and interconnecting axonal strand in the spinal cord. Electron microscopy revealed that almost all the substance P+ axons were unmyelinated. The axonal swellings of the substance P+ contained numerous clear round vesicles (40-50 nm in diameter) and many large dense-cored vesicles (80-110 nm in diameter) as well as many mitochondria. The vesicles and mitochondria were rarely observed in the thin axonal strand interconnecting the swellings. Intimate interrelationship or synaptic structure between the swellings of substance P+ axon and nearby pulpal cells or axons was not found. These findings suggest co-release of substance P and glutamate from the substance P+ pulpal axons and its action on nearby structures in a paracrine manner.
        2010.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of treadmill walking in underwater and overground which affects gait and physical function of people who have had a stroke. Twenty people after a stroke who have become hemiplegic over 6 months were participated. Participants were divided into two groups: underwater treadmill group(UTG) and overground treadmill group(OTG). The intervention was done 4 times per weeks for 6 weeks and 1 session lasted for 30 minutes. Gait and physical function elements were measured at baseline, at the middle(3 weeks) and at the end of the intervention(6 weeks). For the elements of gait, walking velocity, affected stance phase, affected weight bearing were assessed. For the elements of physical function, Short Form 8(SF-8) health survey was used. The result of this study showed that both groups improved similarly in walking velocity. However participants in UTG improved more than those in OTG in affected stance phase(p<.05), affected weight bearing( p<.05) and emotional aspect(p<.001). Based on the results of this study, it can be suggested that treadmill walking both in underwater and on the ground can be effective in improving hemiplegic gait and physical function of people who have had a stroke. The result also suggest that the underwater treadmill exercise can be more effective than overground treadmill in restoration of gait in people after stroke.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) seeds have long been clinically used in Korea to promote bone formation and prevent osteoporosis. In addition, the safflower buds (SB) were found to have more useful functional ingredients than safflower seed. Thus, we investigated the preventive effects of SB diet in ovariectomized (OVX) rats. The rats were divided into five groups; sham operated group, OVX alone group, OVX plus 17β-estradiol (E2 10 ㎍/㎏, i.p.) and OVX plus SB diet feeding group (0.3% or 1%). Feeding of SB diet (0.3% or 3%) to OVX rats markedly increased trabecular formation in femur compared to OVX rats. Feeding of SB diet (0.3% or 3%) to OVX rats also decreased TRAP activity compared to OVX rats. These results suggest that SB diets have bone sparing effects by the decrease of osteoclast activity. We also observed that OVX rats fed with SB diet (0.3% or 3%) exhibited the decrease of calcium and phosphorus in serum compared to OVX-induced rats. Therefore, SB may be beneficial for the patients of osteoporosis, especially in postmenopausal women.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Major loci controlling flowering time and maturity of short-day plant soybean, E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6, E7 and E8, have been identified in soybean. The gene corresponding to E2 locus is a homolog of Arabidopsis GIGANTEA (AtGI). We identified three GI homologs in soybean and are verifying their roles in day-length dependent flowering. Expression anlysis indicated that GmGIs are ubiquitously expressed at all developmental stages of soybean plants. Diurnal expression of GmGIs fluctuates within light/dark cycles of long-day (LD) and short-day (SD). GmGI2 and GmGI3 have identical expression patterns under both day length conditions with the highest peak at zeitgeber time 8 h (ZT8) under LD and at ZT4 under SD. GmGI1 shows the peak at ZT12 under LD and at ZT8 under SD. All of GmGIs exhibit the earlier peak and the shorter phase under SD than LD. The results indicated that day length affects expressions of GmGIs. Subcellular localization analysis showed that GmGIs are mainly targeted to nucleus, similar to the localization of AtGI. Overexpression of GmGIs in Arabidopsis transgenic plants showed no significant effect on flowering time nor rescue of gi-2 mutant phenotype. The results suggested that GmGIs have different molecular functions in flowering time regulation of short-day plant soybean compared to long-day plant Arabidopsis. To investigate the molecular mechanisms of GmGIs’ functions in soybean flowering time control, we intend to identify target gene of GmGIs and interacting proteins by using yeast two-hybrid assay.
        2002.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Rye genome- and chromosome-specific DNA markers were selected to easily identify the existence of rye chromatin in the wheat genome by RAPD analysis. Among 260 decamer primers used, five primers, namely, OPC01, OPF07, OPF11, OPH09, and OPH16 amplified rye