The purpose of this study was to find the difference in muscle firing rate between each muscle according to the knee angle with the quadriceps femoris which is a representative action muscle of the lower extremity. Seven normal healthy subjects were recruited. The median frequency (MDF) of muscle contraction was recorded from vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, and rectus femoris muscles using the surface EMG, in 5 seconds, during maximal isometric knee extension. The data were analyzed by the two-way repeated ANOVA. The results of the study were as follows: 1) median frequency of muscle contraction was significantly higher at the vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, and rectus femoris in descending order. 2) median frequency of muscle contraction was significantly higher at the , , and in descending order. Consequently, muscle recruitment at the knee decreases the EMG activity of the lengthened muscle. This study suggests that the change in EMG activity at different muscle lengths resulted in affecting the muscle firing rate during the knee extension.
본 연구는 초기 편마비 환자의 손목에서 표면근전도 분석을 통해 근수축 개시 및 종료의 특성들을 알아보고, 임상적인 치료방법의 기초를 제안하고자 실시하였다. 연구대상자는 원주기독병원에 뇌졸중으로 입원한 환자 중 발병 후 3개월 미만인 13명과 원주시에 거주하는 대조군 7명이었다. 근수축 개시 및 종료의 지연은 표면근전도를 이용하여 손목굽힘근과 손목펴짐근에서 손목관절의 굽힘과 폄동작 시 3초의 근전도 신호음에 따라 가장 빠르고 강하게 최대 등척성 수축과 이
We processed meta-analysis to test if the effects of laser therapy and mobilization techniques are evidence-based practice for treating tennis elbow. By researching and collecting the results of previous studies on tennis elbow, we inquired into the difference in the effects of each treatment methods on pain, grip strength, and ROM. A total of 10 international and domestic articles on the treatments of tennis elbow were selected for this study, including 7 articles on the effect of laser therapy and 3 on mobilization techniques. According to the qualitative meta-analysis, all 7 of the articles on laser therapy and 1 of the mobilization technique were double-blinded and randomized the subjects, and all of the 10 studies were designed in a high quality research, using statistics. The results of the studies on laser therapy showed in terms of statistical significance: 4 out of 7 did not decrease pain after therapy, and 3 out of 5 did not increase grip strength after therapy. In the studies on the effects of mobilization technique, both the 2 studies significantly increased grip strength after therapy. For other studies which measured ROM and tension, the mobilization therapy increased ROM significantly, and decreased tension significantly. The results of our study are shown in a diverse form in terms of the effects of different therapy techniques. This is related to the accuracy of the measurement tools for assessments and diagnoses. Further qualitative studies on the evidence-based practice and researches on tennis elbow are needed.
The purpose of this study was to compare the relative accuracy of a range of computer-based analysis with respect to EMG onset determined visually by an experienced examiner. Ten healthy students (6 male, 4 female) were recruited and three times randomly selected trials of isometric contraction of wrist flexion and extension were evaluated using four technique. These methods were compared which varied in terms of EMG processing, threshold value and the number of samples for which the mean must exceed the defined threshold, and beyond 7% of maximum amplitude. To identify determination of onset time, ICCs(Intraclass Correlation Coefficients) was used and inter-rater arid intra-rater reliability ranged good in visually derived onset values. The results of this study present that in wrist flexion and extension, the reliability of the inter and intra-examiner muscle contraction onset times through visual analysis showed beyond .971 with ICCs. The reliability of the muscle contraction onset time decision through visual reading, tested with computer analysis, showed a relationship of all the selected analysis methods with ICCs .859 and .871. The objective computer-based analysis comparing with visual reading at the same time is the effective and qualitative data analysis method, considering the specificity of each study method.