The recent release of contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant highlights the need for accurate tritium measurement, particularly near the minimum detectable activity (MDA) of 5 Bq·L−1 set by South Korea’s Nuclear Safety and Security Commission. This study aims to improve low-level tritium measurement accuracy by optimizing the region of interest (ROI) for quench curve determination. These adjustments are crucial for separating tritium signals from background noise. Quench standards were prepared and measured using a liquid scintillation counter (LSC). Three ROIs were analyzed to assess the impact of channel selection on measurement precision: A 20-148 channel range optimized via figure of merit (FOM) analysis, a 20-250 channel range covering tritium’s full beta spectrum, and a broad 1-1024 channel range. Quench curves were obtained by fitting the counting efficiency of each ROI to the quench standards. Tritium samples with six different activity levels were prepared, and their radioactivity was calculated using the quench curves. Selecting appropriate ROIs for quench curve determination is critical for measuring low-concentration tritium accurately. This approach reduces uncertainty and emphasizes reliable methods to improve the precision and consistency of tritium measurements.