Teacher professional development is critical because teachers play a pivotal role in students' positive learning experience in schools. In particular, teachers' systematic class goal-setting practice is important for their performance outcomes such as effective classroom management and student learning. This study investigates the effects of teachers' engagement in class goal-setting activities using strategies derived from Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation (ADDIE) framework as a systematic guideline by exploring the relationship among the four variables: teachers' class goal-setting, their partnership with stakeholders, teacher effectiveness, and student satisfaction. By using Process analysis techniques to estimate the dual mediation model on data from 55 elementary school teachers and their 1790 students, the findings indicate the positive relationship between teachers' systematic efforts for their class goal setting and student satisfaction was fully and sequentially mediated by teachers' partnership activities with the stakeholders and perceived teacher effectiveness. The findings propose the importance of teachers' systematic goal-setting strategies in their classes, which can be developed for professional development opportunities leading to successful performance outcomes. The study also highlights the various indirect effects produced by teachers' engagement in class goal setting. The practical implications of the research as well as theoretical contributions for teachers are discussed.
이 논문은 자동차 차체 조립과정에서, 품질관리의 일환으로써, 비접촉 자동측정시스템을 이용하여 검사해야 하는 수많은 비독립적인 검사점을 다변량분산분석과 주성분분석을 이용하여 효율적으로 검사점을 감소시키는 방법을 설명하고 있다. 이 연구의 목적은 다변량분산분석, 주성분 분석의 개념과 이러한 기법들을 산업체 제조분야에서 응용하는 방법을 설명하여 독자의 사례 응용 이해를 돕는데 있으며, 또한 특히 주성분분석을 이용하여 수 많은 비독립적인 검사점을 어떻게 유
The amount of carbon dioxide emission is continuously increasing and many researchers are concerned about climate change caused by its emission. Hence, some technologies which can reduce its emission have been developed and commercialized in many industries. These technologies are commonly called Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technology. In conventional CCS technology, carbon dioxide gas produced from industrial processes was usually captured by basic liquid absorbent such as monoethanolamine(MEA) and so on. After it is captured by those absorbents, they was flown to desorption step and was compressed at high pressure and transported to suitable places such as deep ocean or deep underground. However, there exist some problems when carbon dioxide is stored in such places. For instance, leak into the atmosphere can occur. Also, some nations including Korea may have difficulty finding suitable places for its storage since area of the nations is not that large and the ground is not stable. So, the method that can utilize captured carbon dioxide has been developed. When carbon dioxide is combined with metal cation such as calcium ion, it becomes calcium carbonate (CaCO3) which can be used for various purposes like construction materials, pharmaceutical manufacture, additives and so on. This is called Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) technology. In this research, seawater was used to supply calcium ions. There contained much amount of calcium component in seawater and amount of seawater is virtually limitless. MEA was used as absorbents and saturated by simulated flue gas. Pretreated seawater was then added to saturated absorbent. When carbon dioxide gas is dissolved to MEA, it exist in forms of ions and they can easily produce precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) salts by reacting with calcium ions contained in seawater.
작동 기억력은 학업성취도와 높은 상관을 보이는 요인으로 알려져 있다. 본 연구에서는 정상 대학생중 학업성취도 상위군과 하위군 학생들이 시각적 작동 기억의 부호화와 인출과제를 수행함에 있어 대뇌 활성화에 어떠한 차이가 있는지를 기능적 자기공명영상법을 이용하여 알아보고자 하였다. 실험에 동의한 20명의 대학생들을 학업성취도 상위군 10명과 하위군 10명으로 나눴다. 십자가를 응시하는 휴지기와 도형을 기억하고 인출하는 활성기가 2번 반복되는 210초 프로토콜을 적용하였고, 유의수준 95%에서 두 군의 대뇌활성화 차이를 알아보았다. 부호화의 경우 작동 기억을 담당하는 양측 배측 전전두엽(BA 46)과 주의력과 관련 있는하두정엽과 시각 연합영역에서 상위군이 하위군에 비해 높은 활성화를 보였고, 인출의 경우 우측 배측 전전두엽(BA44)과 모양의 판단과 관련 있는 우측 방추 상회와 설상회 등에서 우세를 보였다. 반면 하위군은 부호화의 경우 대상회에서 인출의 경우 시상과 기저핵 그리고 소뇌 등에서 상위군에 비해 높은 활성화를 보였다. 결론적으로 학업성취도 상위군이 부호화의 경우 작동 기억과 주의력에 관여하는 영역에서 인출의 경우 판단에 관련된 영역에서의 활성화가 높아하위군에 비해 효과적인 작동 기억이 이루어짐을 알 수 있었다.