The amount of salt to make seed sorting solution of the specific gravity of 1.13 was reconsidered and determined as 3.8 kg salt in 18 L water, which is lower amount than currently used. Five rice cultivars were examined. Percent germination and seedling emergence were not similar. Seedling emergence rate of Japonica varieties, Nampyungbyeo and Daerypbyeo-1 were 87% and 95% under specific gravity of 1.13, respectively. Seedling emergence rate of Tongil type variety, Dasanbyeo was as high as 67% in specific gravity of 1.06. Seedling emergence rate of waxy rice, Hwasunchalbyeo and Aranghangchalbyeo were examined. Seedling emergence rate was 94% in both cultivars in specific gravity of 1.04. Seedling emergence rate was same in specific gravity of 1.08 which is generally used for selecting seed currently. Early growth (plant height, leaf number, and dry weight) were not significantly different by specific gravity within species. In all cultivars except waxy rice, highest seedling emergence rate was observed in specific gravity of 1.13 which is currently used for selection and decreased as specific gravity is lowed. However, considering total amount of seeds in each group of specific gravity, amount of seed in lower specific gravity group is relatively small and total seedling emergence rate within variety dose not show big difference. However, if seeds with low speicific gravity are produced due to the bad grain filling condition and consequently total seed content of low specific gravity increases, results will be differnt. Reduction in total growth and yield could occur. It will be important to comply with the seed sorting criterion of 1.13 for Japonica, 1.06 for Tongil, and 1.04 for waxy rice variety to ensure the maximum rice growth and yield.