In organic farming agriculture, integration of cover crop into cropping system is recommended to improve the soil quality, prevent soil erosion, and control weeds. The aim of this study was to control weeds in soybean fields by integration of cover crops such as hairy vetch and rye. Due 10 cover crop mulching, weeds occurrence and growth were radically decreased. One month later after transplanting, weed growth inhibition rate of hairy vetch and rye treatment were 98% and 89% respectively, while crimson clover treatment were 50%. These effects last long over two month. The soybean yield of hairy vetch treatment was best. Therefore using hairy vetch as cover crop was highly recommended in organic soybean field.
Vinegar has been considered as a potential organic herbicide, but more knowledge is needed about acetic acid concentration, application volume and use of adjutants on weed control. In this study, we determíned optímum acetic acid concentration and spraying time on several weed species. Vinegar is more effective in broadleaf weeds than grasses. Vinegar is also effective in controlling younger weeds such as 3rd weeks to 4th weeks after emergency. For example, 3rd weeks after emergency weeds were easily controlled at 2-3% of vinegar solution. But 4th weeks after emergency weeds were controlled at 4-5% of vinegar. Therefore vínegar concentration was recommended about 5%, and application time was when the weeds were young - within 31eaf stage.
Among the developed bío-degradable polymer fílms as compared wíth transparent fílm(Whíte), black polymer fílm was sígnífícantly more effectíve for controllíng weeds ín red pepper. Also, we found that whíte and black polymer mulchíng had 81.8% and 97.9% of managing weed controllíng effects in rice, respectively. Compared to nonmulched rice paddy with water supply, the non-mulched rice paddy wíthout any water supply has stopped its growth at 41 days after transplantíng, whíle polymer -mulched rice paddy without water supply had about 60% of normally growing rice plants. This shows the polymer treatment has a remarkable effect on water and power saving, solution of herbicidal resistance, avoidance of herbícidal influence to eco-system etc. When the naturally decomposíng polymer was used, a temperature was elevated as high as 4.7 ℃ on maximum and 2.6 ℃ on average. Also the naturally decomposing polymer accelerated rooting by 7 days and lowered a stress level from transplanting. The weed control effect mulched by polymer was remarkable as 98. 7%. The p이ymer now, after 294 days treated on the rice paddy, has been completely decomposed.