Among the twenty six nuclear power plants in Korea, twenty four plants are currently in operation excluding the two permanently shut-down Kori #1 and Wolsung #1 plants. The decommissioning process includes many tasks such as cutting, decontamination, disposal and treatment. Among the tasks, because cutting is one of the tasks performed close to the target structure, there is a possibility for the workers to be exposed excessively to the radiation. There are representative large structures such as steam generators, nuclear reactors, reactor coolant pump, and pressurizer, made of metals, and radioactive concrete, made of concrete. Especially, compared to the trend of research to manage the radiation exposure of steam generators that are directly connected to pressurizers, the trend of research to manage the radiation exposure of pressurizers to workers is not satisfactory. Moreover, although there have been many studies on radioactive concrete, the studies to manage the radiation exposure to workers with a systematic cutting scenario are insufficient. In this study, radioactive concrete, a representative large structure made of concrete, was selected as the target for evaluation. The conditions for evaluation were cutting speed (1~10 m2/hr) and the time for cutting (permanent shutdown~30 years after the shutdown). A cutting scenario was developed by applying the situation for abrasive decontamination beforehand and Hot-to-Cold and Cold-to-Hot, and effort was made to derive a reasonable plan. The evaluation result derived were hourly radiation dose distribution of 1.19~0.103 mSv/hour and 1.29~0.0113 mSv/hour for a scenario without abrasive decontamination (in the order of Hot to Cold, Cold to Hot), and hourly radiation dose distribution of 0.547~0.0479 mSv/hour and 0.608~0.0522 mSv/hour for a scenario with abrasive decontamination. The maximum value of collective dose derived was 1.54E+04 mSv at the cutting time of permanent shutdown with cutting speed of 1 m2/hour in the Cold to Hot scenario before abrasive decontamination, and the minimum value derived was 5.15E+01 mSv at the cutting time of 30-year after the permanent shutdown with cutting speed of 10 m2/hour in the Hot to Cold scenario after abrasive decontamination.
원전 해체 공정 중 절단 및 용융작업에서 발생되는 방사성 에어로졸은 작업종사자의 호흡을 통해 내부 피폭을 유발하게 된다. 이에 따라 해체 중 방사성 에어로졸로 인한 작업종사자의 내부피폭 평가가 필요한 실정이다. 정확한 내부피폭평가를 위해서는 작업종사자의 작업환경 실측값이 필요하지만 실측에 어려움이 있을 시에는 국제방사선방호위원회(ICRP)에서 제시하는 섭취량 분율 및 입자 크기 등의 권고 값을 통해 내부피폭선량을 추정할 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 입자 크기의 선정은 ICRP에서 권고하는 작업종사자의 고려 입자 크기인 5 μm을 적용하였다. 발생량의 경우, 불가리아의 Kozloduy 부지 내의 용융시설에서 발생 된 에어로졸의 포집량 데이터를 이용하여 섭취량을 산정하였다. 또한 이를 이용해 작업종사자의 체내 및 배설물에서의 방사능 수치를 계산하고 BiDAS 전산코드를 통해 내부피폭 평가를 수행하였다. Type M이 0.0341 mSv, Type S가 0.0909 mSv로 두 흡수 형태 각각 국내 연간 선량 한도의 0.17%, 0.45% 수준을 나타내었다.