
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 4

        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The thermal conductivity (TC) of graphene-based/metal composites is currently not satisfactory because of the existence of large interfacial thermal resistance between graphene and metal originating from the strong scattering of phonons. In this work, 6063Al-alloy-based reduced graphene oxide (rGO) composite with strong covalent bonds interface was prepared via self-assembly, reduction, and electrophoresis-deposition processes by using 3-aminopropyl triethoxysilane (APTS) as a link agent. Structural characterizations confirmed the successful construction of strong Al-O-Si-O-C covalent bonds in the as-prepared 6063Al-Ag-APTS-rGO composite, which can promote the transfer of phonons in the interface. Benefiting from the unique structure, 6063Al-Ag-APTS-rGO (214.1 W/mK) showed obviously higher cross-plane TC than 6063Al (195.6 W/mK). Comparative experiments showed that 6063Al-Ag-APTS-rGO has better cross-plane TC than 6063Al/Ag/ APTS/rGO (196.6 W/mK) prepared via physical mixing of stirring process, evidencing the significance of electrophoresisdeposition (EPD) process on constructing strong covalent bonds for improving the heat dissipation performance. Besides, the effects of different rGO contents and test temperature on the TC of the composites and their corrosion resistance were also discussed. This work demonstrated a feasible strategy for the construction of metal–carbon interface composite with improved thermal performance.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        청금석 부조 는 W. B. 예이츠가 중국을 주제로 다룬 시이다. 중국적인 것에 대한 제한된 지식으로 인해 시인은 그 테마를 정확하게 이해하지 못한 채 중국 청 금석 부조에서 받은 영감을 받아 이 시를 썼다. 이 논문은 중국적 요소가 지닌 본래의 의 미와 예이츠의 재현을 자세히 비교함으로써 예이츠의 상상력이 실제로는 오독에서 비롯 된 것이며 따라서 일부 예이츠 학자들의 해석이 오해에 근거하고 있음을 보여준다.