In the process of spent fuel dry storage, which is an intermediate management method, it was found that hydrides in the circumferential direction rearranged into radial hydrides. Various factors, such as hoop stress, peak temperature, cooling rate during the storage period, and hydrogen concentration accumulated during the burnup process, significantly affect the susceptibility of spent fuel cladding. In recent studies based on the hydrogen solubility value of about 210 ppm corresponding to the peak temperature of 400°C, if the threshold stress decreases as the hydrogen concentration increases in the low hydrogen range under 210 ppm, the threshold stress increases as the hydrogen concentration increases in the low hydrogen range under 210 ppm. The fundamental cause of this trend is the diffusion of hydrogen into the high-stress region due to the stress gradient formed in the specimen, and hydrogen compounds which remain undissolved in the circumferential direction, even at the peak temperature, play a crucial role to determine the magnitude of the threshold stress. This study evaluated the behavior of hydride reorientation under various hoop stress conditions (70, 80, 90, and 110 MPa) using unirradiated Zircaloy-4(CWSRA) cladding tubes under long-term cooling conditions (3, 6, and 12 months). The results of analyzing the offset strain by hydrogen concentration for long-term cooling showed that specimens with low hydrogen concentration exhibited higher integrity than specimens with high hydrogen concentration at hoop stresses of 90 and 110 MPa. The HR test using irradiated fuel cladding showed that specimens with low hydrogen concentrations exhibited relatively higher susceptibility. To quantify these results, it is necessary to research further in detail by repeated tests.
The hydride reorientation (HR) of the post-irradiated nuclear fuel cladding after use affects the integrity of the spent nuclear fuel. During the dry storage process, which is an intermediate storage method, it was found that the hydride in the circumferential direction is rearranged into radial hydride, and this is believed to be due to factors such as hoop stress, peak temperature, accumulated hydrogen concentration, and cooling rate during the storage period. f(HR) = f(Tmax) + f(σH) + f(CH) + f(△T) + f(10Cy) + f(cooling rate) + ...... To simulate long-term dry storage of spent nuclear fuel, the hydride reorientation behavior was evaluated using unirradiated Zircaloy-4 (CWSRA) cladding with hydrogen charged under various hoop stresses (70, 80, 90, and 110 MPa) at long-term cooling periods (3, 6, and 12 months). Test results showed that as the cooling time increased, the sample with 90 MPa hoop stress at a maximum temperature of 400°C approached the ductility recommendation limit of 2%. In a 90 MPa hoop stress specimen with 3 months cooling period at peak temperature of 400°C, the offset strain was 4.24% at room temperature RCT, while it showed the result of 2.86% for the cooling period of 12 months. On the other hand, the specimen with hoop stress of 110 MPa and cooling period of 12 months showed result of 1.4%. The test results need to take into account errors in hydrogen charging and hydrogen analysis, and it is necessary to consider reproducibility through repeated tests. These results indicate the need for continued attention to the evaluation of the effects of hydride reorientation due to long-term cooling in the context of the integrity of spent fuel.