According to Article 4 and 5 of the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission (NSSC) Notice No. 2020-6, radioactive waste packages should be classified by radioactive levels, and finally permanently shipped to underground or surface disposal facilities. The level of the radioactive waste package is determined based on the concentrations of the radionuclides suggested in Article 8 of NSSC Notice No. 2021-26. Since most of the radionuclides in radioactive wastes are beta nuclides, chemical separation and quantification of the target nuclides are essential. Conventional methods to classify chemically non-volatile radionuclides such as Tc-99, Sr-90, Nb- 94, Fe-55 take a lot of time (about 5 days) and have low efficiency. An automated non-volatile nuclide analysis system based on the continuous chemical separation method of radionuclides has been developed to compensate for this disadvantages of the conventional method in this study. The features of the automated non-volatile nuclide separation system are as follows. First, the amount of secondary waste generated during the chemical separation process is very small. That is, by adopting an open-bed resin column method instead of a closed-bed resin column method, additional fittings and connector are unnecessary during the chemical separation. In addition, because the peristaltic pump is supplied for the sample and solution respectively, it is great effective to prevent cross-contamination between radioactive samples and the acid stock solution for analysis. Second, the factors that may affect results, such as solution amount, operating time and flow rate, are almost constant. By mechanically controlling the flow rate precisely, the operating time and additional factors required during the separation process can be adjusted and predicted in advance, and the uncertainty of the chemical separation process can be significantly reduced. Finally, it is highly usable not only in the continuous separation process but also in the individual separation process. It can be applied to the individual separation process because the user can set the individual sequence using the program. As a result of the performance evaluation of the automation system, recovery rates of about 80–90% and reproducibility within 5% were secured for all of the radionuclides. Furthermore, it was confirmed that the actual work time was reduced by more than 50% compared to the previous manual method. (It was confirmed that the operation time required during the separation process was reduced from 6 days to 3 days.) Based on these results, the automation system is expected to improve the safety of workers in radiation exposure, reduce human error, and improve data reliability.
직선기선은 연안국 일반적 방향에 따라서 정상기선을 설정할 수 없는 특별 한 사정이 있을 때, 직선기선으로 정할 수 있는 예외적인 사정에 한해서 인정 되고 있는 제도로 유엔해양법협약에 따라 설정되어야 한다. 그러나 일본은 이 러한 원칙을 무시하고 국제법규와 인접국과의 관계를 고려하지도 아니하고 협 의절차나 형평한 결과를 도출한 것도 아니면서 오직 자국의 해양관할권를 확대 하기 위한 수단으로 직선기선이라는 제도를 악용하여 일방적으로 설정한 것이 다. 따라서 일본의 직선기선설정은 인접국과의 관계를 고려한 바도 없이 일방 적으로 선포하여 유엔해양법협약을 비롯한 국제관습법 등 국제규범을 일탈하 고 있다. 또한 이러한 일탈은 관련국가간 법적·외교적 분쟁울 야기할 수도 있으 며 특히 동아시아 국가간에서는 그 해결이 또한 쉽지 않다. 이러한 점에서 일본의 직선기선 및 기점에 관한 법적 문제점들을 유엔해양법협약의 관점뿐만 아 니라 관습국제법, 국가관행 및 특별사정 등에 기초하여 비교적인 분석 및 평가 를 할 필요가 있다. 이는 특히 직선기선에 관한 일본의 여러 국가관행 및 국내 법률이 국제법과 일치하지도 않고 국제해양법상 일반적으로 승인되지도 않기 때문이다.
본고는 이러한 배경하에 유엔해양법협약 및 국가관행 측면에서 불법하게 설 정된 일본의 직선기선과 기점에 대한 법적 고찰과 함께 국제법 및 국제해양법 에 기초한 문제해결의 바람직한 방안을 제시하고자 한다.
Korean government, port and logistics companies have made a lot of effects t exchange electronic documents between themselves and their partners. As a result of it, Korean Electronic Data Interchange(EDI) standards were make by the Korean Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport(EDIFACT) committee and the standards have been used by companies and governmental organizations in Korea. However, Korea port and logistics EDI system is based on Value Added Network (VAN) and a VAN company has monopolist right to relay EDI documents to Ministry of Maritime Affairs & Fisheries(MOMAF) and Customs Service. Therefore it leads to a lot of problems such as inconvenient software, expensive transmission fee, insufficient improvement of business process and the difficulty of connection with the in-house systems of user companies, To solve these problems, United National Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business(UN/CEFACT) and Organization for Structured Information Standards(OASIS) are aimed to progress for eXtensible Markup Language(XML) and Internet-based Electronic Business Extensible Markup Language(ebXML) electronic commerce framework. This research is trying to derive an conceptual ebXML model based e-Business for port and logistics industry. Especially, for improving extant problems in the port and logistics industry, this research proposes the Information Strategic Planning(ISP) and Proof of Concept(POC) for ebXML system.