A survey project of TRAO with the fifteen beam array receiver system is presented. A multibeam array receiver system has been purchased from FCRAO, and is being installed on TRAO 14m telescope. The target region of the survey is from ι=120° ~137°, b=-1°~+1°, and velocity resolution would be 1 km/sec after smoothing from the original resolution of 0.64km s-1in the transition of J = 1-0 of 13CO The survey region is a part of the 12CO Outer Galaxy Survey(OGS), and would be an extension of the Bell Laboratories 13CO Galactic Plane Survey. By combining with the existing 12CO database of the Outer Galaxy Survey, we will derive physical properties of identified molecular clouds and will conduct and statistical analysis of the Outer Galalxy molecular clouds. Reduction process and analysis methods will be introduced.
Mecke!'s car t ilage is one of the ea rliest structu re to appear in a mandible derived from the lï rst branchi a l a rch and serves as the primorclium I"or the formation 01‘ mandible‘ mall eus. incus. and sphenomandibular li gament However. its direct role a nd the mechanism in mandibular clevelopment a re not well elucidated. 1'0 address t his Issue‘ we observed morphol ogical and histological changes and gene expression patterns in the Mecke!'s cart ilage 01" a cleveloping mouse. I"rom E13.5 to E18.5 embryos. using skeletal preparation samples a ncl routinely prepa red s lide secti ons for light mi croscopic observation in various sectional planes. The following methods were per |‘ ormecl : H&E staining I"or general hi st이 og i cal observation ‘ Von Kossafor detection of minerali zation. TRAP activ ity staining for locali zaLion 01’ osteoclastic cell s. immunohistochemistry for !Iα@-1 a ncl -9 forevaluati on of enzy matic activity 01" osteoclasLic cell s. a ncl in situ hybricli zation for detection of collagen type 1. Il. ancl X mRNA ex presslon‘ respecLively. AL E1 3.5 Mec kel's cartilage appeared as a V-shaped rod fused a t the micl line and thin minera li zed ma ndibular buccal plaLe was I"ormed lateral to. and at some clistance from. Meckel’s carti lage in an intramembranous ossi lïcation mocle. WiLh the progression of tooth development. t he Meckel’s in carti lage adjacent incisors revealecl hyperLrophi c chonclrocyte di ff"er entiation with minerali zation of the chondroid matrix. The Meckel’s car Li lage was replacecl with bone by o~ L eoc l asLs . showing strong immunoreact ivity for MMP- l ancl -9 from E16 5 Wi Lh ti me‘ Lhis bony replacement of Meckel's cartilage in an endochondral ossification mode was ex Lenclecl up Lo the mid-porLion of Lhe molar sockets til l EI8.5. The bony replacement of minera li zed hypertrophic chondrocyte zone expressing X collagen mHNA conLri buted to the formation of thick mandibular lingual plate . 1'hese f"i ndings suggesL LhaL mandibular formalion and development is closely relatecl with not only Mecke!'s carLi lage. buL also wiLh Lhc developing LooLh. and thaL C'erLai n in f"l uence from the developing tooth may play a role in detcrmin in g Lhe faLc of Meckel’s ca rLi lage cluring ma ndi bular development.
벼멸구 생태형 1, 2, 3의 형태의 차이를 구별하고자 장시형과 단시형 암수를 대상으로 형태적 변화를 관찰하였다. 암컷은 생식 부위인 Abdominal lateral lobes의 좌우 부위를 비교 조사하였다. 수컷은 앞다리, 가운데 다리, 뒷다리 부절의 Unguitractor plate를 조사하였다. 생태형 2의 단시형 암컷은 Abdominal lateral lobes의 기부가 잘라진 것으로 생태형 1과 3보다 많았다. Unguitractor plate의 경우 생태형 2는 장단시형 암 수 모두 부절 안쪽으로 함입되어 있었다.
Among the developed bío-degradable polymer fílms as compared wíth transparent fílm(Whíte), black polymer fílm was sígnífícantly more effectíve for controllíng weeds ín red pepper. Also, we found that whíte and black polymer mulchíng had 81.8% and 97.9% of managing weed controllíng effects in rice, respectively. Compared to nonmulched rice paddy with water supply, the non-mulched rice paddy wíthout any water supply has stopped its growth at 41 days after transplantíng, whíle polymer -mulched rice paddy without water supply had about 60% of normally growing rice plants. This shows the polymer treatment has a remarkable effect on water and power saving, solution of herbicidal resistance, avoidance of herbícidal influence to eco-system etc. When the naturally decomposíng polymer was used, a temperature was elevated as high as 4.7 ℃ on maximum and 2.6 ℃ on average. Also the naturally decomposing polymer accelerated rooting by 7 days and lowered a stress level from transplanting. The weed control effect mulched by polymer was remarkable as 98. 7%. The p이ymer now, after 294 days treated on the rice paddy, has been completely decomposed.