
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2007.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        1'0 develop an effi cient scaffold fo1' t issue-engineered bone 1'egene1'ation, we evaluated fully in terconnected globular porous bisphasic calcium-phosphate ceramics. Materials and Methods: Biphasic HA/TCP cera mic scaffolds having f띠 l y interconnected globular structure with small fenestrations adopting foaming method were p1'epared. They were evaluated by cytotoxici ty‘ cellular attachment. and theil‘ differentiation in vitro and the hi s tocompatibili ty, osteoconductivity. and ectopic os teoinductive capacity in 띠 vo , respectively. They have average 400um s ized spherical pores and ave1'age 100um s ized inter connecting interpores with average 85% porosity. They r evealed comparable compression strength with cancellous bone. They were nontoxic and revealed no noxious effect on cellular proliferation and osteoblastic diffe re ntiation. The cul tured cells on scaffolds were well attacbed and proliferated in multi-layers. The increased surface in fully interconnected globular porous scaffold facilitated osteogenic repair by favored cell ular attachment and osteogenic differentia tion with good osteoconductivity. 1n addition. the scaffold-cell constructs induced favorable ectopic bone formati on These findings suggest that the fully interconnected globular porous biphas ic HA/ß -TCP ceramic scaffold formed by foaming method can be a promising bone substitute and a scaffold fo 1' tissue-engineered bone 1'egeneration