본 연구는 붉은꽃인동덩굴의 적심높이(60, 120, 180 cm) 가 가지길이, 측지수 및 피복에 미치는 적심높이별 영 향을 알아 보기 위하여 수행하였다. 인동덩굴의 줄기길 이는 고절위(180 cm) 적심이 저절위(60 cm) 적심보다 길 었고, 측지수는 저절위 적심이 고절위 적심보다 많았다. 그러나 분지수는 적심처리간에 큰 차이가 없었다. 퍼골라 벽면의 피복도는 저절위 적심이 85%, 중절위 적심이 74%, 고절위 적심이 62%를 보였다. 개화는 5월 중순부터 10월 중순까지 계속되었고, 첫 개화는 60 cm 적심이 5월 중순으로 가장 빨랐다. 대체로 적심 높이가 낮고 적심시기가 빠를수록 개화가 빨랐고, 개화최성기는 8월 중순이었다. 붉은꽃인동덩굴을 이용한 퍼골라 벽면의 가로 3.0 m ×높이 2.2 m 녹화를 하기 위해서는 퍼골 라당 6주(1m당 2주)를 재식하고, 60 cm 벽면 높이에서 1회 적심하면 당년에 85%의 벽면스크린 및 녹화가 가 능하였다.
Background : This study aimed to identify the mechanisms of the antinociceptive effects of PG in the fibromyalgia (FM)-like animal model. Methods and Results : To assess the possible effect of PG on FM symptoms, we constructed a FM animal model induced by intermittent cold stress with slight modification. All mice underwent nociceptive assays using electronic von Frey anesthesiometer and Hargreaves equipment. To assess the relation between PG and the expression levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB), and phosphorylated CREB (p-CREB), western blotting and immunohistochemistry analyses were performed. In behavioral analysis, nociception tests showed that the pain threshold was significantly decreased in the FM group compared to control group. Western blot and immunohistochemical analyses of the medial prefrontal cortex and hippocampus showed downregulation of BDNF and p-CREB proteins in the FM group compared to control group. PG recovered these changes at behavioral tests and protein level. These results provide evidence that the effects of PG extract in the FM model may be related to its modulating effect on the BDNF signaling pathway in the hippocampus and medial prefrontal cortex. Conclusion : Our animal model may be involved in the mechanism by which PG extract is effective as a therapeutic agent for FM.
Disasters make huge debris in short period of time. In spite of increasing risk of disasters by recent climate change, consideration on disaster debris is still insignificant in Korea. In order to improve management of disaster debris, disaster debris management guidelines have been compared with those of United States and Japan. According to comparison, debris management of Korea showed lack of concreteness for field workers. The unit recovery costs of inland debris and offshore debris were 173 and 318 thousand won per ton, respectively. Inland debris was mainly affected by quantity and location. And offshore debris were affected by finances.
Understanding the host defense mechanisms in response to brown leaf spot disease caused by Cochliobolus miyabeanus is very important for production of resistant plant. In this study, two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DGE) in conjunction with mass spectrometry was utilized to unravel changes of stress inducible proteins in rice leaves infected with C. miyabeanus. For this purpose, we firstly observed disease developmental process of C. miyabeanus in rice using trypan blue, anilin blue, acid fuchsin staining, and DAB staining for ROS detection and expressional abundance of ROS related proteins in rice leaves inoculated was confirmed by Western blotting. Proteins were extracted by PEG fractionation and their expression patterns were analyzed by 2-DGE and subjected to image analysis using the ImageMaster 6.0 2D Platinum software, resulting in the identification of 86 differentially expressed protein spots with significantly changes (p<0.05) compared with control. MALDI-TOFTOF-MS analysis revealed that 69 proteins including 42 and 27 significantly up- and down-regulated proteins, respectively, were identified. Based on gene ontology analysis, identified proteins were classified according to their functional groups: metabolism (20%), oxygen-detoxifying (13%), protein stress/defense (24%). Thus, these results for the first time suggest that differentially induced proteins may play a key role for understanding host defense mechanisms during rice -C. miyabeanus interaction.
A new graft cactus (Gymnocalycium marsoneri x mihanovichii x G. mihanovichii) cultivar, 'Hwangjo' was developed from a interspecific cross between an orange colored G. marsoneri x mihanovichii breeding line '9834036', a line with characteristics of vigorous growth and stable color under the strong sun light, and an orange colored graft cactus (G. mihanovichii) breeding line 'IG177' and through line selection at the National Horticultural Research Institute, Rural Development Administration in 2005. It was developed with the aim to breed a bright and vivid orange colored cultivar. Its characteristic evaluation was conducted three times during 2003 to 2005. The color of both body and tubercle was yellow. The shape of globe was flattened round and it had 8 to 10 deep ribs. The spine was semi erect, medium sized and grayish brown color. Growth was faster than the comparison cultivar, 'Hugwang'. Propagation capability was excellent, setting 15 tubercles per globe. Characteristics of the cultivar could be maintained by vegetative propagation. Strong sun light and virus infection should be avoided.
A new graft cactus (Gymnocalycium mihanovichii) cultivar, 'Simhong' was developed from a cross between graft cactus breeding line 'Keumhong', a cultivar revealing a red colored globe with yellow colored tubercles, and a dark red line '9502052' and consecutive line selection at the National Horticultural Research Institute, Rural Development Administration in 2005. It was developed with the aim to breed a dark red cultivar. Its characteristic evaluation was conducted three times during 2003 to 2005. The color of both body and tubercle was dark red. The shape of the globe was flattened round and it had 8 to 10 deep ribs. The spine was medium sized, straight and dark brown. Its growth was faster than the comparison cultivar, 'Jinhong'. Propagation capability was excellent, setting 12 tubercles per globe. Characteristics of the cultivar could be maintained by vegetative propagation. Strong sun light and virus infection should be avoided.
A new graft cactus (Gymnocalycium mihanovichii x G. marsoneri x mihanovichii) cultivar, 'Yeonsim' was developed from a interspecific cross between two black with pink graft cactus (Gymnocalycium mihanovichii) breeding line '9603026' and G. marsoneri x mihanovichii breeding line 'BP', a line with the characteristics of wide spacing between ribs, and vigorous growth and through line selection at the National Horticultural Research Institute, Rural Development Administration in 2005. It was developed with the aim of breeding cultivars with new colors and globe shapes. Its characteristic evaluation was conducted during 2003 to 2005. The color of both body and tubercle was pink. The shape of the globe was flattened round and it had 7 to 9 deep ribs. The spine was short, straight and brown color. Growth was faster than the comparison cultivar, 'Yeonhwa'. Propagation capability was excellent, setting 12 tubercles per globe. Characteristics of the cultivar could be maintained by vegetative propagation. Strong sun light and virus infection should be avoided.
A new cultivar of Phalaenopsis, "Snow Dream" was initially selected from the progenies of the cross of Phal.3016xPhal.3021 (no name, collection at the nursery) in 1996 at the National Horticultural Research Institute, Rural Development Administration. Final selection was made in 2003 after the investigation of the characteristics for five years (1999-2003). "Snow Dream" has long blooming (about 4months), white flower, pink stripe lip, semi-upright leaf. PLB(Protocorm Like Body) induction rate was 70%. The width of flower is 9.0 cm. The direct sun light should be avoided for its appropriate growth. Growing temperatures should not be exceed 35℃/15℃ (day/night). A variety protection for "Snow Dream" has been applied in 2005.
A new cultivar of Phalaenopsis, "Orange Dream" was initially selected from the progenies derived from self-pollination of 3091(no name) in 1996 at the National Horticultural Research Institute, Rural Development Administration. It was finally selected in 2003 after the investigation of the characteristics for five years (1999-2003). "Orange Dream" has orange color and purple line with thick petal, sepal, and long blooming, semi-upright leaf and high-mass propagation of 70%. The width of flower is 6.5 cm with medium sized and the number of flowers is 6. Strong sunlight should be avoided for its growth. Growing temperatures of 35℃/15℃(day/night) are advisable. A variety protection has been applied for this cultivar in 2005.
A new graft cactus (Gymnocalycium mihanovichii) cultivar ‘Suyeon’ was developed from a cross between two pink with black breeding lines ‘9603010’ and ‘9603026’, by line selection at the National Horticultural Research Institute, Rural Development Administration in 2005. It was developed with the aim of breeding a cultivar showing vigorous growth and multiple colors. A line ‘9603010’ was derived from a cross between a black line and a pink line. Investigation into characteristics was conducted three times from 2003 to 2005. The color of both body and tubercle was pink with black. The shape of the globe was round and it had 7 to 9 deep ribs. The spine was short and straight, and its color was brown. Growth was retarded compared to a comparative cultivar ‘Ojack’, on the other hand, showed good propagation capability, setting 11 tubercles per globe. Characteristics of the cultivar could be maintained by vegetative propagation. Growers should take care to protect them from strong sun light and virus infection.
A new Cymbidium hybrid “Bright Evening” was released by National Horticultural Research Institute (NHRI) in 2003. A cross was made in 1995 between Cymbidium “Tropical Yellow”, a brownish yellow colored petal and medium plant sized variety, and “Lucky Rainbow Rapin Hot”, a light purple-pink petal with red lip and medium sized variety. A cross was made in 1995 between Cymbidium “Tropical Yellow”, a brownish yellow colored petal and medium plant sized variety, and “Lucky Rainbow Lapin Hot”, a light purple-pink petal with red lip and medium sized variety. The eighty seven progenies were obtained after planting and acclimatization in green house. In 1999, a line (9529125) was selected and multiplicated for its flower color, leaf shape, flower stalk, and vigorous growing habit. After evaluation trial for two growing seasons, the selected line was named as “Bright Evening”. The “Bright Evening” has yellow petals and is a medium sized (average leaf length is about 62 cm and width of flower is about 6 cm) Cymbidium variety with vigorous growth and erect flower stalks. Blooming is started from November to February in optimal culture condition. High temperature (more than 30℃) and low light intensity should be avoided for the appropriate growth. In addition, flower stalks develop easily even from underdeveloped pseudobulbs.
Cymbidium hybrid “Bright Lemon” was released by National Horticultural Research Institute (NHRI) in 203.A cross was made in 1995 between Cymbidium “Miake Pieta”, a purple-pink colored petal and medium plant sized variety, and“Unknown”, a yellow petal with
A new cultivar of Phalaenopsis “Pink Dream” was initially selected from the progenies derived from the self-polli-nation the selfing of 3039 (germ-plasm 3039, collection in the country) in 1995 at the National Horticultural Research Institute,Rural Develo
A new cultivar of Phalaenopsis, “Yellow Star” was initially selected from the progenies derived from self-pollination ofthe cultivar “Taipei Gold” in 195 at the National Horticultural Research Institute, Rural Development Administration. It wasfinally sel
A new graft cactus Chamaecereus silvestrii cultivar “Doldol” was developed from a cross between C. silvestrii cv. “Bosong” and C. silvestrii breeding line “ICS07” by in vitro grafting and line selection at National Horticultural Research Institute, Rural
A new graft cactus (Gymnocalycium schickendantzii × G. mihanovichii) cultivar “Geoseong” was developed from a interspecific crossing between a green G. schickendantzii and G. mihanovichii line “950222” by in vitro grafting and line selection at National H
A new graft cactus (Gymnocalycium mihanovichii) cultivar “Suhong” was developed from a cross between G. mihanovichii cv. “Seolhong” and a line “940623” by in vitro grafting and line selection at National Horticultural Research Institute, Rural Development
A new graft cactus (Gymnocalycium mihanovichii) cultivar “Hwiseong” was developed from a cross between G. mihanovichii “Orenge” and a line “943011” by in vitro grafting and line selection at National Horticultural Research Institute, Rural Development Adm