Accidents and incidents caused by poor performance in the maritime industry suggest the need to find ways to improve performance in order to operate effectively and improve safety. The data for this study was collected from maritime students and involves the performance and levels of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Various motivational factors were identified and the ways in which these factors relate to performance was analyzed. The importance of considering motivation when recruiting new trainees and workers, and continually looking for ways to increase intrinsic motivation, is stressed throughout this paper. The results suggest that high levels of good quality motivation correlate positively with better performance.
Working onboard large ocean-going vessels is one of many industries that is by its very nature extremely error-provoking. In industries such as aviation, nuclear power, healthcare and transport, the need for mental preparedness and professionalism are amongst the qualities essential for the management of complex hazardous systems. Recruiting, training, and more importantly retaining the right people to work in these industries is of paramount importance if safety is to be continuously improved and economic benefits realized. Through consideration of extant empirical literature this paper will explore the need for enhancing collaboration between shipping companies and maritime training insitutes in order to provide the industry with those most capable for the job. It will be concluded that by providing a strong maritime foundation from the outset of training, maritime academies in South Korea can provide shipping companies with a wealth of highly qualified, motivated officers who will contribute to safety and remain valuable assets within the industry for years to come.
This paper compares the English language programs of two maritime institutes in very different parts of the world, South Korea and Belgium. It will show that although both institutes comply with the minimum standard set by the STCW Code issued by the IMO, course contents and requirements can vary greatly. Method of class delivery, choice of learning tools and testing will be examined to illustrate some of these differences. This paper will show that in order to train new seafarers in the best possible way that will fulfill the IMO mandate of Safer Shipping and Cleaner Oceans, continual review and development of course curriculum should be an ongoing process that focusing on encouraging cadets to communicate in a targeted, efficient and professional way within a nautical context. This paper will show by comparison the huge potential that the Korean Maritime English program has for positive change and growth.
English is the accepted common working language of the maritime world and being competent in its use is essential to the safety of ships, their crews and the marine environment. This paper is a response to the urgent need to find a suitable solution to the problem of providing maritime students with quality instruction in Maritime English. This paper will show what type of English instructor is best suited to help cadets have at least a basic grasp of Maritime English communication, with a view to possessing the level required by STCW 95 within the shortest time. It presents ways that maritime institutes can develop their own qualified or 'marinated' English Instructors and what qualifications should be required. It is concluded that by further essential research, interviews and questionnaires etc., the language needs of the university and shipping industry in Korea as a whole can be clearly verified. By examining such data, the present language education systems can be evaluated as to efficacy and relevance, allowing the establishment and implementation of 'best practice' within the training institute. This will result in making excellent informed decisions and choices about how best to improve the language competencies of graduating cadets, thereby creating the catalyst for the success of future seafarers whilst raising the image of the institute and Korean shipping worldwide.