The purpose of this study was to investigate meteorological factors’ effects on clothing sales based on empirical data from a leading apparel company. The daily sales data were aggregated from “A” company’s store records for the Fall/Winter season from 2012 to 2015. Daily weather data corresponding to sales volume data were collected from the Korea Meteorological Administration. The weekend effect and meteorological factors including temperature, wind, humidity, rainfall, fine dust, sea level pressure, and sunshine hours were selected as independent variables to calculate their effects on A company’s apparel sales volume. The analysis used a SAS program including correlation analysis, t-test, and multiple-regression analysis. The study results were: First, the weekend effect was the most influential factor affecting sales volume, followed by fine dust and temperature. Second, there were significant differences in the independent variables’effects on sales volume according to the garments’ classification. Third, temperature significantly affected outer garments’sales volume, while top garments’ sales volume was not influenced significantly. Fourth, humidity, sea level pressure and sunshine affected sales volume partly according to the garments’ item. This study can provide proof of significant relationships between meteorological factors and the sales volume of garments, which will serve well to establish better inventory strategies.
The purposes of this study were to: 1) identify sub-factors of fashion shopping orientation (FSO) in adults aged 20 through 39, and analyze the differences among those FSO factors according to classified groups, which were based on gender and purchase frequency in a mobile shopping mall, and 2) to investigate the effects of FSO factors on mobile purchase intention according to the same classified groups. The questionnaire was conducted from November 10, 2015 to November 20, 2015 and its 432 respondents were classified into four groups, which were male/heavy purchaser, male/light purchaser, female/heavy purchaser, and female/light purchaser. The results of this study were as follows: First, fashion shopping orientation consisted of five sub-factors, which included “conspicuous brand pursuit”, “economic pursuit”, “pleasure/trend pursuit”, “impulse shopping”, and “convenience pursuit”. Second, There were significant differences in three factors of FSO between male purchasers and female purchasers. Male purchasers showed higher tendency than female purchasers in “conspicuous brand pursuit”, while female purchasers showed higher tendency than male purchasers in “economic pursuit” and “convenience pursuit”. All the factors of FSO showed significant differences among the classified groups. Third, “economic pursuit”, “pleasure/trend pursuit” and “convenience pursuit” affected mobile purchase intention in the case of male purchasers while “economic pursuit” and “conspicuous brand pursuit” had a influence on mobile purchase intention in the case of female purchasers. Fourth, the factors of FSO affected mobile purchase intention partly in each group. In conclusion. “economic pursuit” was proven to be the main influential factor to induce consumers to have a mobile purchase intention.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences in fashion shopping orientation and perceived value according to the level of use of mobile fashion shopping. Furthermore, the effect of fashion shopping orientation on perceived value was analyzed. To estimate the level of use of mobile fashion shopping, respondents were classified into four different groups in terms of their frequency of buying fashion products and the period for which they had bought fashion products. The survey was limited to adults aged 20-40 years who had purchased fashion products in a mobile shopping mall. The questionnaire was carried out from April 15, 2015 to April 22, 2015 and 430 sets of useful response data were analyzed using SPSS 17.0. The results of this study were as follows: First, fashion shopping orientation for mobile shopping consumers was divided into four factors as follows: convenience/ economic shopping, ostentation/trend shopping, enjoyment shopping, and impulse shopping. Second, there was a significant difference in all the fashion shopping orientation factors except for convenience/economic shopping according to each classified group: short/few, long/few, short/many, and long/many. In addition, there was a significant difference in perceived value according to each group. Third, all the fashion shopping orientation factors except for impulse shopping had a significant influence on perceived value. Fourth, fashion shopping orientation factors had a slightly significant influence on the perceived value according to each group.
The purpose of this study is to identify mobile commerce characteristics and their influence on consumer’s purchase intention in mobile fashion shopping mall. To figure out the path of influence, TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) was applied. This model explained attitudes and behaviors of users toward acceptance of innovation technology like information technology. Davis (1989) proposed perceived ease of use (PEOU) and perceived usefulness (PU) as belief variables affected attitudes of users and the attitudes in turn affected the intention of acceptance in acceptance of information technology. However it is necessary to incorporate additional constructs to the original model in the quest for increased predictive power to explain consumer’s purchase intention (PI) in mobile shopping mall. Clarke (2001) suggested constructs of mobile commerce characteristics as ubiquity, convenience, localization, personalization and so on differentiated from internet commerce. Therefore, ubiquity, personalization and enjoyment were included as external variables to explain mobile commerce characteristics besides PEOU and PU in this study.
436 adults in their twenties and thirties which were included in panels of specialized Internet research institutions nationwide were answered on questionnaires about mobile commerce characteristics, PEOU, PU, PI (Purchase Intention) and demographics. Structural equation model was made to examine the entire pattern of inter-correlations among the constructs and the hypothesis of each path was verified using AMOS 16.0 package. As a result, the fitness of the extended TAM to explain the influence of mobile commerce characteristics on consumer’s purchase intention in mobile fashion shopping mall was proven.