The cereal grain crops have strong flexibility against adverse environment and they have various functional compounds. The objective of the present study was to screen phenolic compounds in sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench], foxtail millet (Setaria italica), common millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with photodiode array (PDA) detector. Sorghum contained the highest amount of phenolic compounds among three different crops (sorghum, foxtail millet, common millet). Especially Moktaksusu showed the highest amount of phenolic compounds concentrations and biggest regional differences. The comparison of average phenolic compounds in sorghums by regions showed order to Milyang (963.3~;~mug~cdotg-1 ), Yeongyang (923.1~;~mug~cdotg-1 ), Gijang (831.3~;~mug~cdotg-1 ) and Bonghwa (735.6~;~mug~cdotg-1 ). Among the sorghum cultivars, Moktaksusu (1407.9~;~mug~cdotg-1 ) had the highest concentration of phenolic compounds. The average phenolic compounds of foxtail millets showed similar amount among Milyang (319.0~;~mug~cdotg-1 ), Gijang (288.1~;~mug~cdotg-1 ) and Bonghwa (281.9~;~mug~cdotg-1 ) areas. The phenolic compounds of Yeongyang (246.6~;~mug~cdotg-1 ) slightly low and that showed similar concentrations among three different regions. The concentration of phenolic compounds in foxtail millets, Chungchajo (335.6~;~mug~cdotg-1 ) showed the highest concentrations. The average phenolic compounds of common millets showed the highest concentrations in Milyang (305.5~;~mug~cdotg-1 ), Bonghwa (262.0~;~mug~cdotg-1 ), Gijang (195.1~;~mug~cdotg-1 ), Yeongyang (237.2~;~mug~cdotg-1 ) in decreasing order. The concentration of phenolic compounds of common millets was the highest in the Norangchalgijang (337.0~;~mug~cdotg-1 ), Hwanggumgijang (250.0~;~mug~cdotg-1 ) was also relatively higher than others. The results of this study will provide basic information for breeding sorghums, foxtail millets and common millets with higher phenolic compound concentrations.
Soybean seeds contain many biologically active secondary metabolites, such as proteins, saponins, isoflavones, phytic acids, trypsin inhibitors and phytosterols. Among them, saponins in soybeans have attracted considerable interest because of their health benefits. Soyasaponin A and B are the most abundant types of saponins found in soybeans along with soyasapogenol (aglycone), which is a precursor of soyasaponin. The main purpose of this experiment was to determine the concentration of soyasapogenol in soybean seeds and sprouts as a function of seed size, usage, seed coat color and seed cotyledon color. The 79 Korean soybean varieties were cultivated at Yesan of Chungnam in 2006 for the analysis of soyasapogenol using HPLC with Evaporative Light Scattering Detection (ELSD). The total average concentration of soyasapogenol was 1313.52~mug~;g-1 in soybean seeds and 1377.22~mug~;g-1 in soybean sprouts. Soybean sprouts were about 5% higher than soybean seeds in average total soyasapogenol concentration. In the process of sprouting, the average soyasapogenol A content decreased by approximately 1.6%, but soyasapogenol B and total soyasapogenol increased by 8.31% and 4.88%, based on the content of soybean seeds. When classified according to the size of seeds, the total soyasapogenol concentration of soybean seeds were not significantly different (p<0.05) On average, small soybean seeds were increased by as much as 103.14~mug~;g-1 in sprouting process. As a function of the use of the seeds, The total soyasapogenol in soybean seeds were significantly different (p<0.05). While, the soybean sprouts were not significant different (p<0.05). Altogether, sprout soybean seeds show the greatest change in content during the germination process. When seeds with different coat colors were compared, the total soyasapogenol concentration of soybean with yellow seed coats (1357.30~mu g~;g1 ) was slightly higher than that of soybean with black (1260.30~mug~;g-1 ) or brown (1263.62~mug~;g-1 ) seed coats. For the color of the cotyledon, the total soyasapogenol concentration was significantly increased in green cotyledon during the germination and seedling process. The results of this study suggest the functional characteristics of soybeans through quantitative analysis of soyasapogenol. In addition, the concentration of soyasapogenol exhibited a change during the germination process, which was evaluated by the nutritional value of the soybean sprouts.
Gangjeong is a Korea traditional sweet cookie. Since long ago, Koreans have made Gangjeong at home whenever they have a feast such as a wedding or an ancestral rite. Gangjeong is made of rice or brown rice, honey, and oil, and has many sizies and shapes. They soak the fried pieces of Gangjeong in malt syrup, and produce different colored cookies by covering them with flour made from sesame, beans, pine nuts, pine pollen or grains of boiled rice dyed various colors. Recently, types of Gangieong has varied as the well-being trends. This experiment was conducted to examine the concentration of phenolic compounds the 24 types of Gangjeong finished goods and raw material. The total average concentration of phenolic compounds was 2340.66㎍/g and the most and the least were detected in cinnamon powder(21143.10㎍/g) and rice(49.40㎍/g), respectively. Cinnamon, green-tea powder and others had the highest content of phenolic compounds in the raw materisls. And the finished gangjeong, rice plus curry products exhibited the highest content of total phenolic compounds(1221.60㎍/g). Among the individual phenolic compounds, benzoic acid showed the highest (379.24㎍/g) concentration and sallicylic acid was the lowest (0.34㎍/g) consitutent.
Cereal grains are sort of crops like barley, sorghum, millet, oats, rye and many others. Research of other scientists were shown that whole grain consumption helps lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, ischemic stroke and gastrointestinal cancers. They are rich source of carbohydrates, protein, fats and oils, and have many health-promoting components such as vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals, which include phenolic compounds. This research was conducted quantitative analysis about phenolic compounds in 15 lines of cereals by high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC). Samples are 5 of Sorghum bicolor Moench, 5 of Setaria italica, 5 of Panicum miliaceum L. they are harvested from Kyungbook-bongwha in 2009. The phenolic compounds contents of Moktak-sorghum (1187.298㎍/g), Hwanggeumchal-sorghum(897.7417㎍/g) and Hwanggeum-sorghum(762.8306㎍/g) are the highst, those have dark color between Sorghum bicolor Moench. Analysis Among the contents of Sorghum bicolor Moench (+)Catechin(avg. 139.95㎍/g) and Benzoic acid(avg.116.695㎍/g) were higher contents than others. Myricetin(avg.46.15㎍/g) and Quercetin(avg. 47.4368㎍/g) were many contents in Steria italica. Chlorogenic acid(avg. 46.258㎍/g) and Quercetin(avg. 43.0496㎍/g) were many contents in Panicum miliaceum L. The result of this experiment is considered to be the basic data of the functional food manufacturing by utilizing domestic cereal grains.
In this study, we examined the variation of 30 phenolic compounds in the mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek) germplasms. Recent studies showed that the potential health benefits from the antioxidnant activity of the phenolic compounds. The average concentration of phenolic compounds among the 70 mungbean germplasms was 2424.9 μg g-1. Among the mungbean germplasms, 25 kinds of mungbean germplasms were higher than others. Specially, 69 (IT 182280) (3836.63 ㎍ g-1) and 63 (IT 180525) (3491.51 ㎍ g-1) revealed highest levels of the total phenolic compounds. On the other hand, 27 (IT 154078) (1624 ㎍ g-1) was revealed lowest concentration of the total phenolic compounds. Among the individual phenolic compounds, rutin (avg. 1776.09 ㎍ g-1) showed highest concentrations, pyrogallol (144.31 ㎍ g-1), gentisic acid (119.19 ㎍ g-1) and chlorogenic acid (78.24 ㎍ g-1) were relatively higher than other phenolic compounds. The germplasm of 69 (IT 182280) had the highest rutin (3156.87 ㎍ g-1) concentraion. While, the biochanin A (avg. 2.02 ㎍ g-1) and formonetin (avg. 2.61 ㎍ g-1) had the lowest levels among the mungbean germplasms. This study indicateded that determination of the functional substances in mungbean germplasms and it is more valuable for the future crop cultivation and food industries.
The leaves of Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don. is the source of pharmaceutically valuable terpenoid indole alkaloids (TIAs) such as anticancer drugs vinblastine and vincristine. In particular, vindoline and catharanthine are harvested from leaves and used for the semisynthetic production of vinblastine and vincristine. Because of this, catharanthine and vindoline can be used to screen for high-yielding TIA cultivars. In this study we determined the TIAs concentrations of the leaves of 77 different cultivars of C. roseus. Serpentine contents among the 77 germplasms showed highest concentration in Vinca Pacifica Apricot (519.0 μg/g DW) while vindoline (2082.3 μg/g DW) and catharnathine (2903.4 μg/g DW) were the highest in Vinca Pacifica Peach. Additionally, Vinca Pacifica Peach (5041.0 μg/g DW) had the highest total TIAs concentrations. The 77 germplasms were classified into seven types according to their characteristic: Vinca Sunshower, Vinca Sunstorm, Vinca Cooler, Vinca Pacifica, Vinca Mediterranean, Vinca Titan, Vinca Stardust. Among the seven types, Vinca Sunstorm (3120.4 μg/g DW) had the highest average total TIAs concentrations in C. roseus leaves. This study indicates that cultivars of Vinca Sunstorm type have the potential to be industrial important cultivars for the production of vinblastine and vincristine.