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        검색결과 3

        2005.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The slow evolution of global magnetic fields and other dynamical processes in atmospheres of CP magnetic stars lead to the development of induced electric currents in all conductive atmospheric layers. The Lorentz force, which results from the interaction between a magnetic field and the induced currents, may modify the atmospheric structure and provide insight into the formation and evolution of stellar magnetic fields. This modification of the pressure-temperature structure influences the formation of absorption spectral features producing characteristic rotational variability of some spectral lines, especially the Balmer lines (Valyavin et al., 2004 and references therein). In order to study these theoretical predictions we began systematic spectroscopic survey of Balmer line variability in spectra of brightest CP magnetic stars. Here we present the first results of the program. A0p star ⊝ Aur revealed significant variability of the Balmer profiles during the star's rotation. Character of this variablity corresponds to that classified by Kroll (1989) as a result of an impact of significant Lorentz force. From the obtained data we estimate that amplitudes of the variation at Hα, Hβ, Hɤ and Hδ profiles reach up to 2.4%during full rotation cycle of the star. Using computation of our model atmospheres (Valyavin et al., 2004) we interpret these data within the framework of the simplest model of the evolution of global magnetic fields in chemically peculiar stars. Assuming that the field is represented by a dipole, we estimate the characteristic e.m.f. induced by the field decay electric current (and the Lorentz force as the result) on the order of E ~ 10 -11 cgs units, which may indicate very fast (< < 1010 years) evolution rate of the field. This result strongly contradicts the theoretical point of view that global stellar magnetic fields of CP stars are fossil and their the characteristic decay time of about 1010 yr. Alternatively, we briefly discuss concurring effects (like the ambipolar diffusion) which may also lead to significant atmospheric currents producing the observable Lorentz force.
        2003.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The characteristics of the BOES (Bohyunsan Observatory Echelle Spectrograph) CCD camera is presented. In order to get optimum gain and readout noise of the CCD, we examine the variation of the gain and readout noise by changing the value of output drain voltage of the CCD and measuring the gain using transfer curve, which is defined as the plot of variance versus mean exposure level of a homogeneous light onto the CCD surface. The gain and readout noises are optimised to be 0.5e −/ADU and 3e−, which is good for highest signal-to-noise ratio and contrast for the low light level characteristics of the BOES. We also measure the dark count of the CCD by getting five dark images with 3600 seconds exposure time. The mean dark count from median stacked dark images is essentially zero. A table of positions of defected pixels is also presented.
        2003.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A CCD camera for the BOES (Bohyunsan Observatory Echelle Spectrograph) has been developed. The camera consists of a 2048 × 4096 format CCD, a SDSU Gen-I CCD controller, and a continuous flow cryostat (CFC) designed by the ESO. In order to control the CCD under SDSU Gen-I controller, the voltage level of all the biases and clocks were lowered by -6V. The CFC showed cooling time of about 10 hour, after which the chip temperature settled down with variation less than ±1°C. The final chip temperature is around -105 °C with the setting value for the CFC as -170 °C