Canine pyometra generally occurs in intact female dogs of more than four years of age. However, in rarely cases, pyometra can occur in young bitches. In the present report, two cases of pyometra in thirteen and eighteen months of age were presented. In both cases, absent of vaginal discharge represented that both patients had closed-cervix pyometra and diagnosis was somewhat complicated. In complete blood count, elevated level of leukocyte with left shift was found in both cases. Serum chemistry analysis showed elevation of alkaline phosphatase in both cases. Additionally, mild elevation of aspartate transferase and total protein were also found in case. Radiographic and ultrasonographic findings show the enlargement of uterus and accumulation of fluid contents inside the uterine lumen. Ovariohysterectomy followed by antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs for post-surgery medication was performed for treatment. After a week, both patients fully recovered. To reduce mortality of pyometra in young intact female dogs, radiography or ultrasonography should be indicated immediately in the bitches showing severe infectious inflammation.
Infertility of the pig is directly affects on economic loss and failure of the embryo transfer. In the present case report, we show one rare case of porcine infertility resulted from oviductal obstruction. A gilt showing normal heat behaviors was selected as a recipient of embryo transfer. During the laparotomy surgery, abnormality of the reproductive tract was founded. Several large sized cyst-like structures were founded on infundibulum and body of uterus. Severe enlargement of oviduct represents that obstruction of the oviduct. Sign of fibrosis on the surface of uterus and other internal organs revealed that the obstruction was come arise from prior peritonitis. Mild neutropenia and elevated number of monocytes, eosinophils and platelets in blood smear represent that the peritonitis might be due to chronic parasitic infection. Ovarian function was seems to be normal due to blood progesterone concentration was higher than basal level. The pig was culled because she cannot be recovered by surgical or hormonal treatment.
Early cleavage is a reliable prognostic tool for successful embryo transfer in assisted reproduction because early cleaved embryo show better pregnancy rate after transfer. There for, preparation of good embryo recipient is important factor to optimize efficiency of pig cloning. The present study was performed to evaluate the effect of early cleavage on the in vivo development of cloned embryos and to analyze breed, parity and estrous synchrony to optimize recipient for pig cloning. In vitro matured porcine oocytes derived from local slaughterhouse and fibroblasts derived from miniature pig fetuses were used for somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). Reconstructed embryos were transferred to recipient pigs on the same day of SCNT or after 1~2 days of in vitro culture for selecting early cleaved embryos. Breed, parity and date of standing estrous of recipients were recorded for analysis. After 25~35 days after embryo transfer pregnancy was diagnosed using ultrasonography, and pregnant recipients were monitored till delivery. Between purebred and crossbred, no significant difference was founded in both pregnancy and delivery rates. However, early cleaved embryos showed significantly higher pregnancy (46.2%) and delivery (12.8%) rates compared to non-selectively transferred group (24.8% and 4.5%, respectively). The results also showed that the recipients showing standing estrous on the same day of SCNT and less than 4 parities were most suitable for pig cloning.