
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2012.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Time runs at a constant speed twenty four hours per day and seven days a week. However ancient poets of Korea, China, and Japan had sung songs that time had run at different speeds according to the situations of the poets. The poets of the three countries had visualized agony, 'Han(恨),' and hope according to the slow and fast flows of time. They had sung human limitations not to control the flows of time and importance of present time with rises and falls of human lives. 'BaiJuyi' sang songs combining into time and human lives in 'Chang-Han-Ka' and 'Bi-Pa-Hang.' 'Chang-Han-Ka' describes the love of King, 'Xuanzong,' and 'Yang Guifei,' a royal concubine; the tragic death of her; his yearning, sorrow, 'Han,' and hope for the lost in the flows of time. ‘漢皇重色思傾國’, ‘天旋地轉迴龍馭’,‘春風桃李花開日’ ‘秋雨 梧桐落葉時’, ‘悠悠生死別經年’, ‘昭陽殿裏恩愛絶’ ‘蓬萊宮中日月長’, ‘天長地久 有時盡,’ and ‘此恨緜緜無絶期’ are typical poetic expressions about them. 'Bi-Pa-Hang' describes the miserable stories of a relegated poet 'BaiJuyi' and the sad stories of a woman who was an excellent harp player but finally became a wife of an old merch ant in the flows of time. ‘千呼萬喚始出來’, ‘今年歡笑復明年’,‘秋月春風 等閑度,’ ‘暮去朝來顔色故,’ ‘門前冷落鞍馬稀’, ‘老大嫁作商人婦,’ ‘終歲不聞絲 竹聲,’ and ‘春江花朝秋月夜’are typical poetic expressions about those. There is no literature having no connection with time. Literature is expressions of happiness and sadness which happen in the flows of time. Therefore, it is important to understand the meaning of time in Chinese poetry. In order to teach Chinese poems, one must understand the slow and fast flows of time which were embedded in them.